---> new to the forum? introduce yourself here <---

DisplayofCharacter said:
Not that I would sell out to a "I'm a noob thread," but I am. IDK, I've been a DT fan for only a little over a year (yeah, I'm still green in that aspect) but never thought to join the board until now.

Yes, they are my favorite band. I will have ample opportunity to push my opinions out there as far as favorites are concerned (regarding songs, albums, etc.) in the future.

No, I haven't seen them live. I do live in the USA, but I missed thier last go-around because the closest show was five hours away and I had no means of getting there (yes, that is whiney), so no dice. I still want to see them very badly, though.

I also own almost their entire catalog (all records bought legally through a cd store, the good ole' fashioned way) minus rarities, demos, and all that hard-to-find priceless stuff I don't feel like ebaying. (stated to prove I do have some credibility despite the brevity of my interest). Anything else pertinent I will remark upon later...

Welcome to the board bro. That's a nice straight up introduction, and I must say, you seem to have a self awareness absent among many users around here. So I welcome your presence doc.
Thank you all very much for the warm and hearty welcome. I eagerly await my time to participate in things (albeit my time here may be sporadic - I have a love/hate relationship with message boards, and I can go a couple weeks without posting, then post five times in one day*). I love talking about music, especially metal, and my tastes are diverse yet picky (sounds oxymoronic, I know).

Kovenant84 said:
Welcome, newcomer. Where in the US are you from? We've got a few around, if you want to check the thread.


I am from the Eastern Metropolitian USA, residing currently in the land bridge that connects Philadelphia and New York, AKA New Jersey.


Yes, that New Jersey. As it's been said before, any fans of the Sopranos - living here is not like that.
But, I digress. I look forward to getting to know you all and shedding the "noob" status.

* just an example.
Welcome, Display. (I won't call you doc because it sounds just weird.) You can post here as often as you like and as many posts a time as you like, as long as you have something interesting to say. Have fun and don't hurt the others, that's the only general rule around here. I hope to get to know you more through this forum and I hope you'll have a good time here.

As with the "noob" status, post count doesn't mean a thing, but quality in your posts is perfered. Don't just keep yourself to the chitchats here, post something that makes people think from time to time. ;)

Anyways, enjoy your stay.
6SF said:
Have fun and don't hurt the others, that's the only general rule around here.
No, there's a whole rules thread. ;) No, seriously, that is Teh Rule, but everyone seems to break it these days..

6SF said:
Don't just keep yourself to the chitchats here, post something that makes people think from time to time. ;)
Those interesting, make-you-think discussions always die quickly. :(
DisplayofCharacter said:
Thank you all very much for the warm and hearty welcome. I eagerly await my time to participate in things (albeit my time here may be sporadic - I have a love/hate relationship with message boards, and I can go a couple weeks without posting, then post five times in one day*). I love talking about music, especially metal, and my tastes are diverse yet picky (sounds oxymoronic, I know).

I am from the Eastern Metropolitian USA, residing currently in the land bridge that connects Philadelphia and New York, AKA New Jersey.


Yes, that New Jersey. As it's been said before, any fans of the Sopranos - living here is not like that.
But, I digress. I look forward to getting to know you all and shedding the "noob" status.

* just an example.

Oh... oh dear. I'm sorry...

Kovenant84 said:
Oh... oh dear. I'm sorry...


Ha-ha, Indeed. I plan on moving out of here when I finish school and either going to Pennsylvania or New York. New Jersey sucks, no good shows are ever in state, and I don't like any bands or sports teams from here. But, I can't complain about the rep I get.
Welcome to teh phorum hehe. But waht's so bad about New Jersey really?

@Undo: Yeah there have certainly been a lot more flames here lately, please be nice to each oother lads :waah: . I'll buy ye beer if ye do that :p :rolleyes: :kickass: .
UndoControl said:
That's not much incentive for me not to flame others... ;)

Hehe forgot about that sorry :p . I'll buy light beer then :lol: :lol: :lol: . Haha I'm such a bastard. Just kidding, I'll buy you Diet Coke :) , so ye can share a little bit with me :) :rock: :kickass: .
Again, thank you all for the welcomes.

New Jersey gets picked on by the rest of the United States. Through the myths of the incredible polution (north jersey, an extension of New York, can be pretty bad, but South Jersey, where I am, isn't bad at all - it can be quite beautiful), ignorance (well, some people are, but that's everywhere), and an unmistakeable accent (almost as infamous as an english and/or australian accent), Jersey just has a reputation. Something I am usually proud of until it comes back around to bite meself on the behind.
UndoControl said:
HEY, i'm not fat, and diet coke tastes awful... :\

I know ye ain't fat Alex, I didn't mean to offend ye in anyway, sorry if I did :waah: :blush: :p .

And with the Diet Coke IMO it tastes a lot better than the regular one, and I can't drink the latter anyway :rolleyes: :p .

@DisplayofCharacter: Hahah yeah I imagine, 'tis funny because every time my dad hears the word NJ he makes a face like: "Augh I hate that place" or "poor bastards that live there, it's really ugly" :lol: :zombie: .
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
And with the Diet Coke IMO it tastes a lot better than the regular one .

I also think so... but I also like to drink the regular one from times to times... And Pepsi is even better :p