Next Testament CD

I think I saw Overkill post nearly every day leading up to the new album.
"Who has pre ordered the album?"
"Who is buying the new album?"
"Who wants to see us on tour?"
"Where should we tour?"
I don't have a problem with bands asking the questions but to ask and then ignore all the responses, not even just a follow up post like "It's great to see 100,000 of you want our album" or "we can see city X is the most popular" seems to be counter effective to what advertising means in the first place.

I don't know for sure who runs any band's FB page but a lot of what I see makes me think it's come from some office person who is a paid employee not necessarily someone who knows anything about the bands in question. Maybe not a label representative but possibly in some cases.

I'm trying to get the kids school into a social media campaign (because they aren't allowed to advertise and poach kids from other schools but FB is not seen as direct advertising) and they way the use social media is the same. It's like an announcement board not a tool for two way communication.
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I believe I remember Gene saying his Missus runs his and Dark Angel's social media, and for a while I thought Bittner ran Overkill's but I think I was mistaken on that.

To me many of the posts read like a public announcement. Listening to Blitz and DD talk on this videos recently it's hard to think they had anything to do with any FB post because none of their mannerisms come out in the posts. Obviously that's not definitive proof but it's that sort of thing that makes me think office girl rather than band member.
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Yeah I think a lot of people see it that way. I'm not a fan of FB, which is ironic given I'm supposed to be taking over the social media marketing for the school, and while I can see bands not using it like it could be I really don't care because I don't really want to use it.

I used to visit band webpages every few weeks for news and updates, but these days I couldn't even tell you when I last visited one of the leading band's websites, because I know what they are doing and roughly when albums are coming out. I don't generally visit label websites and I'm more likely to visit a store (amazon etc) to check a price than I am to look for a news update on a band site.

For whatever reasons there are I just don't use the internet the way I used to and I'm sure other people are the same.
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I remember I used to almost have a ritual of checking band websites. Every few weeks I'd get on each website and see if they updated their 'news' section, maybe check the pics etc. But not now. I might look at a new band's website or check a discography or something but I'm not loading up the site to catch up with what the band are doing.
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I remember I used to almost have a ritual of checking band websites. Every few weeks I'd get on each website and see if they updated their 'news' section, maybe check the pics etc. But not now. I might look at a new band's website or check a discography or something but I'm not loading up the site to catch up with what the band are doing.
It doesn't seem like many bands even update their sites anymore. I used to check Testament's every day but ever since FB the websites don't have the content they used to. Seems like it's mostly tour dates and a tiny bit of merch.
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It doesn't seem like many bands even update their sites anymore. I used to check Testament's every day but ever since FB the websites don't have the content they used to. Seems like it's mostly tour dates and a tiny bit of merch.

Yeah that's true these days. There is still a few bands that update the news but it's nowhere near as updated as it used to be. There is no doubt websites are still useful for finding out about new bands but once you've read a bio, a disco, and looked at some pictures even if you decide to follow up with the band's music there is little to go back for.

I don't expect bands to release a new tracks on line (although it would be cool) but I'm about to start a new project for an author/poet and his entire website is about keeping it updated. He's got books to sell but he's prepared to write poems and post them regularly because he knows the people who buy his books buy because they like to read his stuff. It's a different business but he understands that keeping them coming back to his site regularly means when he does have a new book they know about. Bands should go back to doing something similar for the fans instead of just hoping they turn up on the day a new record is released.
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Exactly, no matter what business you're in you gotta keep things fresh and interesting in some way. Especially when you are in some sort of entertainment. It's been years and years and the Exodus site still says coming soon on their discography. The Dublin death Patrol site's merch says down for vacation and never came back and that's been years as well.
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Sadly having been in the business of doing webpages for years it is a trend I've seen for ages. I've had companies/businesses claim that they don't want sites updated because business is slow and because people aren't using it. They don't take into account that people stopped visiting because they have done nothing. Of course there is the element of not being able to afford to revamp websites or their digital presence but I've always worked on the theory that any money is better than none and I will work to a budget. But too often the digital presence is the first to go because people assume TV or radio is more value for money. Although to be fair that could be true in some cases. I know a lot of businesses that were screwed by shitty developers who gave them shit and charged like a wounded bull
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That's exactly why I stopped going to these sites. You go there few times and that's all you need. I used to keep checking but I've given up. It's more frustrating when it says coming soon or back soon and never is. I had wanted a DDP shirt for a long time lol.
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Same for me.
I know web design is not cheap and with the fancy shit these days it's getting dearer and dearer but it's an expense that is minimal in the big scheme of things. They pay graphic designers for a job, web designers should be just another thing for them, although I accept that the fancy shit has probably been largely responsible for some of the downfall simply because it's a qualification that increases the asking price of any qualified designer. Labels might well have designers on staff but their websites are usually pretty speccy and up to date, yet few bands do it and this is suppose to be an 'internet' age.
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Look like if we don't have an album before June it's going to be a christmas present.
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It gets worse, for all the bands and the recording of new stuff.
Zetro is doing some AC/DC cover band stuff, it is local but obviously not Exodus
Jnr is in Strasbourg with Doro - no Megadeth
and Alex is headed to Berlin next week with his instrumental band - no Testament.
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Ugh. Oh man. And Exodus is taking longer than everyone for an album that I hope to be really good. But at least they don't keep hyping nothing like Megadeth. And I hope the AC/DC thing is well out of Zetro's system before recording. I don't need his Bon on overdrive running amuck lol.
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