Next Testament CD

I wonder if the hold up is Sneap or Testament. No idea why it should be either, Sneap knew his schedule and so did Testament.
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Truth was Alex wanted Kurdt to do the mastering and mixing but he hadn't talked Chuck into it so he hid the masters.
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My question now is, if they announced tomorrow that Kurdt was the producer/mixer would you give up on Testament?
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I was just reading that article and I'm not sure what to think about the new album now.
Apart from annoyance that it's now possibly being pushed out until March!
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Man I really don't understand why they let the label dictate when the album comes out so much. It seems to go beyond what any other band does. Other bands write, record, put they album out. Testament writes, records, lets the label sit on it for months.
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If they are only mastering and doing artwork now (probably because of their last tour) it stands to reason there is a few months until release, but maybe what we are hearing is just beyond what other bands talk about and they too wait this long. F&J waited for ages for their last album to come out because of delays.

I would assume like most contracts NB would have put up the cash to put the band in the studio and therefore they own the rights to everything written and recorded for that album and therefore can dictate everything about it. I would also assume that when it comes to distribution NB have their own ideas about when is exactly the right time to release stuff taking much of the decision making away from the band.
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Getting mixed messages again. They tell us the label wanted us to write an evil record. Now he's saying he went more melodic. Lots of talk about death metal vocals and melodic vocals. Nothing about thrash. I'm not gonna say anything negative about the album until I hear it but I'm sick of the lets be fresh and new mentality. How about a fucking thrash album?!
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If they are only mastering and doing artwork now (probably because of their last tour) it stands to reason there is a few months until release, but maybe what we are hearing is just beyond what other bands talk about and they too wait this long. F&J waited for ages for their last album to come out because of delays.

I would assume like most contracts NB would have put up the cash to put the band in the studio and therefore they own the rights to everything written and recorded for that album and therefore can dictate everything about it. I would also assume that when it comes to distribution NB have their own ideas about when is exactly the right time to release stuff taking much of the decision making away from the band.
I'm just going by what I read. I read a band (insert name) is talking about a new album. A little bit later they are working on it another month or so it's done then a couple weeks and artwork and then release date. all in a matter of a few months. But the last three Testament albums have been we're working on it. It's done. And then then label has said what they think the right time to release is. Waaaaaaaaay down the line. Any metal label would b lucky to get Testament. I don't think they should be dictated to.
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Getting mixed messages again. They tell us the label wanted us to write an evil record. Now he's saying he went more melodic. Lots of talk about death metal vocals and melodic vocals. Nothing about thrash. I'm not gonna say anything negative about the album until I hear it but I'm sick of the lets be fresh and new mentality. How about a fucking thrash album?!

Yeah I was feeling the same. Without deliberately being negative the album sounds like a bit of a mix and match record, maybe what some would call experimental. I think a band like Testament is way to far into it's career to release something experimental. Chuck keeps talking about keeping it fresh and having so many songs in the back catalogue that it's sometimes difficult to come up with something new, but new shouldn't be experimental. I'm also not sure why Chuck keeps mentioning the big back catalogue and how it effects new songs it's not like Testament is the only band with a huge back catalogue and I don't hear too many other song writers saying the same thing.
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Yeah exactly. I'm sure it's gonna be a good record. But the most exciting thing I could hear from them is. We made a killer balls out thrash album.
The end.
Then I'd be jumping up and down clapping for joy.
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I'm just going by what I read. I read a band (insert name) is talking about a new album. A little bit later they are working on it another month or so it's done then a couple weeks and artwork and then release date. all in a matter of a few months. But the last three Testament albums have been we're working on it. It's done. And then then label has said what they think the right time to release is. Waaaaaaaaay down the line. Any metal label would b lucky to get Testament. I don't think they should be dictated to.

I don't think any band should be dictated too by a label but reading what some bands say it happens quite a lot and to varying degrees dependant on bands and labels. I do know most labels put up a massive wad of cash to put a band in the studio and that money does not come back to them for months after release even on a high selling record. That probably shouldn't give labels the right to dictate but lets face it we never hear stories about how record companies are selfless entities who off their own back support bands and the music, most of the stories revolve around them being blood sucking leeches.
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Yeah exactly. I'm sure it's gonna be a good record. But the most exciting thing I could hear from them is. We made a killer balls out thrash album.
The end.
Then I'd be jumping up and down clapping for joy.

Realistically we need to hear this from a lot of bands, but the problem is if they said it we'd have been let down an awful lot. :)
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