Next Testament CD

I prefer cleaner vocals these days, I must be getting too old :)

Asking questions seems to be a really dead art. I know some of these interviews are repeated and some people get questioned about something they previously spoke about therefore it seems the topics get drawn out but it's woeful how these artists get interviewed these days. The interview with Rob Halford has zero new questions, it's so like every other interview I can barely pick new content, and people wonder why they get the same old answers in every article. It's time these interviewers took their job serious and when they get to sit down with someone make up their own questions, don't just for more information about a question someone else has asked and hope the answer is click worthy.
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Haha, only if it's too loud lol.

Yeah these interviews are awful, like there's nothing to them. Most of them seem to be made up of past interviews. It's just fucking lazy. I would seriously consider using my youtube channel for my own interviews if I had any idea how it worked lol.
There's so many things to ask these people. But they don't at all.
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All my music players only go up to 3 these days, I wouldn't want to make things too loud :P

Blabber is getting very bad for it. Check out the Larzy Poo article, who reading Blabber today needs a brief, and partially wrong, history of Metallica in an article about Kirk offering birthday wishes. It's pathetic padding done for no reason. Sure the article would have been short had they not put it there but it didn't need to be any longer.

Using Youtube to make videos wouldn't be that hard, I'd imagine the hard part would be getting the interview.
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Yeah that was unbelievably pointless. You're right they should have just left it at the tweet. It would have been funnier.

I used to think it might be hard to get an interview. But since the industry crash and the rise of social media it seems like almost anyone can get an interview.
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Especially when they didn't get the history completely right. Lars didn't give up a possible career in tennis, he arrived in America and realised he didn't have a career in tennis and needed to find something else.

But how would you go about getting someone like Chuck to talk to you? I wouldn't have thought it would be as easy as sending them an email and requesting it, but I could be wrong.
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Yeah I had a good chuckle at that part. It's like they put that in just to try and stir shit up. By his own admission he got his butt kicked here.

Honestly I don't know. It just seems like most of these people are nobody's with a podcast or youtube channel. Except when it says it's from a radio show such as Full Metal Jackie.
I think an email would be a good start though.
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Well if a numpty like Zetro can have his own show :)

It would be an interesting task, I know when we were at the radio station in the 90's we had to put in requests to interview people. Some were a random draw, especially when the interviewee had limited time and some were first in first served. The radio station we were on was community radio so it was rare they let us ring international so most of the interviews were only with bands touring locally. Things have changed a bit since then. Not that I did many myself but the bigger city stations with big listener numbers usually beat us out, whether they paid for that or not I don't know.
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Chuck says it's a quicker process this time around? Now I'm convinced the guy doesn't own a calendar!

Two days after your birthday? So you're buying us all Testament CD's for your birthday are you? :)
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