Next Testament CD

Well it would have been if NB didn't sit on it for almost a year!

Uh...Hmm. I don't think that's how birthdays work. :)

He might mean the actually recording and mixing part was quicker, but even so I'm calling him out and if he doesn't like it then he can come here and deal with it!

Whenever I worked in an office it was always the person whose birthday it was brought in the cake. I figure this is the same sort of deal...unless it's my birthday of course!
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He might mean the actually recording and mixing part was quicker, but even so I'm calling him out and if he doesn't like it then he can come here and deal with it!

Whenever I worked in an office it was always the person whose birthday it was brought in the cake. I figure this is the same sort of deal...unless it's my birthday of course!
Their own cake? Man that's just sad. In a hilarious way.
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Most of the offices I worked in had fairly large groups or sections so rather than each person put in money for a cake on one persons birthday and the pool of money ends up being enough to buy ten cakes the birthday person bought the cake. I never really ate cake back then so I was usually conveniently absent at cake time on my birthday.
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Don't have kids then. Every bloody birthday since the kids have been around its been a case of "we have to have cake for the kids" which is fine but that comment is always followed by "go on just have one piece, it's for the kids".
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Yeah I didn't until the kids came along. Although these days my sis in law makes most of the cakes for our birthdays and it's a different kind of pressure. She gets all shitty if people refuse her cake, after all she put the effort in and she deserves the bloody credit of people not refusing it. Although I have to admit I gave up caring if she got upset about me not eating her cake a long time ago.
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Stupid Chuck (ok redlfy you blame the label I'm blaming Chuck because he spent his holiday with the toilet blocked and now he's blocked) he's only released this so far.

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Okay apparently the 30 sec version was released to the world while the full song was released to Apple Music subscribers only. Thankfully some apple subs are nicer than Apple themselves.
all 6:32 of it....

Don't listen to it redfly, it's terrible, you'll hate it, you'll hate the band, you'll want to throw out your entire Testament collection and bludgeon Chuck with a soup ladle.

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Omg fuck yes, fuck yes!!!! Good title. Good song names! Not so sure about that artwork though. Kinda wish they'd use someone else for a change.

I'm honestly on the fence about listening to this or not. April is still far!
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Yeah the artwork is a bit strange, not quite sure what's going on there yet.

I've only listened to the track once so far, I didn't hate it and I didn't love it, so I'm going to give it a day or so and then have another listen. I'm definitely not against the album yet but I'm still wondering if we have a good one on our hands.
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The cover is just not powerful or dark or epic to me. I'm not sure what the artist was going for.

I hope it's one of those times for you where you hear a track and are kinda like meh and then it grows and you end up loving it!
I still haven't listened. I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down yet.
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To me it also looks a bit like a rough draft :)

You haven't listened? I was only joking when I said don't listen to it. You do need to give it a listen.
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Well, production is great but this song is slow and tired. Like listening some bad Mercyful Fate song, riffs are also dated and simple. Hope that rest of the album is far better.
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After reading ^ that I was wondering if I was asleep this morning when I listened to it, but nah I wasn't.
I'm not hearing slow and tired.
As for dated, I figure they are damned if they do damned if they don't.
Give the fans something that's old school and it's too old. Give them something new and different people bitch the formula changed. Give them something futuristic and...well is that even possible?
I've always preferred Chuck's clean vocals, but this time I think he has changed, he's no death metal growler but I think his vocals really suit this song. Is it the fastest they've ever written? No. Is it the best they've every written? No, but it's damn side better than so many other bands have produced, or promised lately.

REDFLY you have to listen to it, or Chuck will come around with his tour bus!!
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Song has been well received and it's great that fans like it. My expectations we're high and I thought that Testament would continue release thrash songs, this heavy metal style just don't work for me. I just wish that this won't be Dark Roots 2.0.
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I'm just not seeing anything bad for this song. Even our every reliable "Home Of Hate" and the "Neanderthals of negativity" (formerly known as Blabbermouth) don't have any haters of this track. There is a lyric video out now as well.
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