Next Testament CD

Oh no! Not that one! The one for the album. I can't remember the second band. But the first is The Black Dahlia Murder.
Oh and Municipal Waste. That might be good. But Dahlia, bleh
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Oh yeah I remember seeing that now. It's becoming hard to understand the motives of promoters and agents who agree to these gigs. Although I guess it could explain why bands always seem to play 'greatest hits' type shows. If half the audience aren't there for you and you want a chance to win them over playing your most known songs could do it.
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Oh yeah I remember seeing that now. It's becoming hard to understand the motives of promoters and agents who agree to these gigs. Although I guess it could explain why bands always seem to play 'greatest hits' type shows. If half the audience aren't there for you and you want a chance to win them over playing your most known songs could do it.
Except the most known songs with some bands are some of the weakest ( Practice what You Preach) Otherwise you're totally right.
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Yeah that's true, but I suppose a weak song can still attract a fence sitting audience. Anthrax's set is full of so much of their mid range stuff that it's like an 'almost' greatest hits tour. At least when bands like Maiden do it they still mix up some of the older songs, not as much as some fans would like but still some.
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Yeah they do a bit, maybe that's why Maiden was reportedly in the studio last year but now they are all hush hush about what they were doing.
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Nope! I didn't cave! :) still haven't listened/watched. But I'd be lying if I said I don't think about giving in ALL the time!

I'm going to slap you with a trout! (old irc insult :) )
Then I'm going to email Chuck and have him delay your CD when it comes out.
Do not send redfly's Titans CD to him until September, he is not a true fan and only wants to wave it around in the sun and use the silvery flashes to scare birds.
Concerned fan."
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Well. I don't know what to say about that. Not too cool man. Not. Too. Cool. How you gonna rat me out to Chuck like that?!
Oh and good ole Neptune likes this huh?! :cry:
But yeah I think I have to break down and watch/listen.
Some people on Blabber are saying they like the liver version better, it's faster or something. What do you guys think?
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Oh so you're ok being slapped with a trout? :p

Yeah I think it might be a little faster, but not like a 33 played at 45 type faster. For me the vocals sucked because of the recording, I would hope live it sounded better. Personally I'd like to hear a pro recording before I said it was better live, but having said that it's the first time they have played it, it was never going to be perfect.
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Oh so you're ok being slapped with a trout? :p

Yeah I think it might be a little faster, but not like a 33 played at 45 type faster. For me the vocals sucked because of the recording, I would hope live it sounded better. Personally I'd like to hear a pro recording before I said it was better live, but having said that it's the first time they have played it, it was never going to be perfect.
I've got the fastest reflexes in the universe when it comes to seafood! The second that thing showed I'd be half a world away :tickled:

Yeah let's hope we get a pro shot soon.
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I don't know why irc decided trout slapping was a thing, but it's died with the death of irc. :(

There was a short video of Zetro joining Testament on stage for Over The Wall in Oslo. It was also fan filmed, doesn't look like there was pro cameras there but it's hard to see.
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Well. I don't know what to say about that. Not too cool man. Not. Too. Cool. How you gonna rat me out to Chuck like that?!
Oh and good ole Neptune likes this huh?! :cry:
But yeah I think I have to break down and watch/listen.
Some people on Blabber are saying they like the liver version better, it's faster or something. What do you guys think?
I just didn’t think you could honestly hold on for another two months man!
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