Next Testament CD

Haha if it was greener you might think so at times. One neighbor is pretty far. and the other has a farm and their sheep and goats are closer to me than they are.

So you don't have to go far for dinner each night....bonus!!
I hated the sheep on the farm. Come shearing time rounding up the goats was annoying, they are stupid and nimble, but they kind of all followed each other. Sheep on the other hand are beyond stupid, they are often docile with a full coat on and they don't seem to understand what bloody fences are.
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So you don't have to go far for dinner each night....bonus!!
I hated the sheep on the farm. Come shearing time rounding up the goats was annoying, they are stupid and nimble, but they kind of all followed each other. Sheep on the other hand are beyond stupid, they are often docile with a full coat on and they don't seem to understand what bloody fences are.
Eww, just eww. :p

I have no real experience with them except if the goats are by the fence I'll go feed them stuff. :) The sheep are pretty new.
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We used to have a poddy calf on the farm we named Freezer Meat, you could do the same with a sheep or a goat :P

I think sheep are the ravers of the animal world. They act all cool and sedate wandering the paddock but show them walls and they act like a rave party at 1am. In the trucks you generally have to make as little free space as possible to stop the animals moving around too much while travelling. You do that by having gates in the truck which close off compartments. When hauling sheep they have to be squashed in like sardines, which doesn't look that great but it's the only safe way to move the pricks of things because if you give them an inch of space the bastards jump around and you can quickly find sheep on top of each other and then falling as the truck moves.After they have had their coats taken off they are even bigger bastards to catch, they move fast, they are agile and there is nothing to grab.
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We did that, well I designed it. The Only Thing Missing Is U. The front cover had the band side by side and on the right hand side it had a mirror so U were no longer missing. Then on the inside cover under the liner notes and thank yous etc we had a big sheep head. Then to bring the sheep right into it someone (if you ask them now each one of them came up with the idea) suggested replacing "you" everywhere in the cover with "ewe". So I had to create the liner notes, the thank you list and the lyrics and substitute one you for another everywhere it appeared in the 14 page cover.
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It was bloody hard work too, this was back in about 97 when even Photoshop was in it's infancy. I'm not sure what pisses me off more, the fact that some members of the band now take all the credit for the cover or the fact that it never actually got released to more than just the band.
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Yeah, there has been a few attempts to actually release the album but I doubt it will happen, at least not in it's original form since I have all the proofs for the artwork. The lead singer also has a bit of a colourful way of remembering things which makes it sound like there is more demand than there actually is.
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I want to hear Chuck tell an interviewer that the new album with be heavier and trashier than anything else :)
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I have trouble with things not posting sometimes.

When I read that about the line up changes this morning I was wondering how many bands have had no line up changes for two records. I don't think there would be too many post 2000.
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Goddamn it. There is a message on FB from Testament, of Eric telling me (not the rest of the world, just me :P ), that...

You can now listen to our entire discography, including songs from our upcoming album "Titans Of Creation" on Spotify today:
It's a lie, the bastard tricked me. I thought having this spotify thing was finally going to pay off and there was going to be something new for me to listen too, but no Eric is a liar liar pants on fire. There is still only the Night Of The Witch song available, Damn it this is why I can't trust people any more. :cry::mad:
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Goddamn it. There is a message on FB from Testament, of Eric telling me (not the rest of the world, just me :p ), that...

You can now listen to our entire discography, including songs from our upcoming album "Titans Of Creation" on Spotify today:
It's a lie, the bastard tricked me. I thought having this spotify thing was finally going to pay off and there was going to be something new for me to listen too, but no Eric is a liar liar pants on fire. There is still only the Night Of The Witch song available, Damn it this is why I can't trust people any more. :cry::mad:
I checked out that on Spotify today too,false advertising as usual!
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The annoying thing is that I also saw the same headline quoted on three news sites. So obviously none of these sites check the validity of FB press releases, they simply cut and paste them.
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Well just over a month so I guess we can deal.On another note,being that I have all the versions of Chris Poland’s Return To Metaloplis all I wanted this time around was the digital version which they said would be available hasn’t surfaced. The CD is available on Amazon so I guess I’ll pull the trigger!
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There was a promise of another song before the album was released. There was also the promise of a video from each member. I guess the videos will come one a week and that will get us up to just before the release date. The song I guess they wont bother with for another week or so.

I didn't even realise the Chris Poland album was out yet. I thought it was a March release.
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