Next Testament CD

It will get to the point where redfly will finally listen and want to talk about the song and we wont remember it because we'll have the full album :)
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It's okay redfly I'll email Chuck tonight and tell him they can't release another single until you've listened to the last one. :)
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If I lived in his neighbourhood I'd sit under his window and blast the new single from a 48kbps mp3 file on a $10 Kmart speaker at full volume. I'd ring his phone and blast it down the speaker every ten minutes when he wasn't home and I'd follow him to work with a big PA speaker on the roof of the car (Blues Brothers style)...all while wearing earmuffs of course, because I'm sure I'd end up hating the song pretty quickly under those conditions.
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I don't know why irc decided trout slapping was a thing, but it's died with the death of irc. :(

There was a short video of Zetro joining Testament on stage for Over The Wall in Oslo. It was also fan filmed, doesn't look like there was pro cameras there but it's hard to see.
Trouts must be happy lol

Oh yeah? Cool. Except for the no pro shot part
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If I lived in his neighbourhood I'd sit under his window and blast the new single from a 48kbps mp3 file on a $10 Kmart speaker at full volume. I'd ring his phone and blast it down the speaker every ten minutes when he wasn't home and I'd follow him to work with a big PA speaker on the roof of the car (Blues Brothers style)...all while wearing earmuffs of course, because I'm sure I'd end up hating the song pretty quickly under those conditions.
Fuckin a man! Lol, what the hell! Like Say Anything style with the boombox? :lol:
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Trouts must be happy lol

Oh yeah? Cool. Except for the no pro shot part

Given the way they have advertised the tour I would hope they've organised a pro shoot of the entire show somewhere, would seem like a wasted opportunity if they didn't.
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Haha well if you're going to go to that much effort you may as well go all the way with it! :p

I hope your neighbours aren't the type to call the cops at the slightest sound of a disturbance...or after 10 hours of karaoke
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