Next Testament CD

I think part of the issue are these silly one-off festivals they keep signing up to like Heavy MTL and now Denver. Instead of playing at these summer festivals they should be focused on writing the new album. Especially when they have to perform with half the band I don't see what's the point (Steve and Gene are touring in Europe with DTA).

I wish all of these summer festivals in North America would just die and go away because they are a joke. The Mayhem fest will never happen again because it flat out sucks. We all want to see real shows with great sound like the recent Testament/Exodus tour and the upcoming Testament/Cannibal Corpse tour in Latin America.

I was at Heavy MTL and was not impressed. The sound sucked for almost every band and quite frankly it's killing the scene in Montreal. Bands keep settling to play that stupid festival and just skip Montreal on every tour.
I think Pascal's right about the cause for the delay. At least one of the causes. Other being Dragonlord, family obligations, band members living far from each other etc.

Sorry to hear about the damaging effect Heavy MTL has at your local scene. We do get both festivals and tours here. I usually skip the festivals.
Yes stop doing one off shows! They should be touring on this album by now. I don't know who told Eric what the best time to release an album was,but I think it's stupid.You need knew product! lol

My friend went to Mayhem and sent me a picture.It was really sad and empty.
Gone is the heyday of any kind of turnout for our beloved bands,really sucks.As for the flots board,it seems right before they release a new album the board crashes.
I emailed Mike Spencer. But they are still doing shows so I don't have much hope.I also messaged the contact us button but I don't know if it worked and I haven't heard back.
I wish Tanja was still webmaster!
These days I believe the best chance of getting a solid turnout at gigs is to put a good package together and the proof is there.

Testament/Exodus/Shattered Sun was a great tour with good turnouts
Testament/Overkill/Flotsam/4arm was outstanding
Anthrax/Testament/Death Angel is arguably the best thrash tour in the last 15 years
Testament/Cannibal Corpse will likely sellout every venue they play in Latin America

I can go on and on. I'm sure bands these days realize this. What I don't think they realize though is playing festivals could have an impact on their draw the next time they play that city where the festival was held. Especially if it's within the same year.

Here's a couple of other ideas that would offer a very diverse line-up:
Testament/Fear Factory/Cynic/Sylosis
Testament/Dimmu Borgir

Sometimes I think I should have been a tour promoter...LOL
Yeah you should've pascal.Put redfly,oneman and I on the mission and I think we'd be a great promotional team;)
I think I could handle that.I would explain how it really is😉😂😂
Hahaha! Holy shit That would insane.
Did he say they are working on the new album with Alex from BattleCross?!! Umm, why not Gene?????

And didn't the whole metal allegiance thing really start with the Dimebash shows?
How crazy is it to meet your bass player the day of the show?! And they had never played with them? I've never heard
of anything like that.
Hahaha! Holy shit That would insane.
Did he say they are working on the new album with Alex from BattleCross?!! Umm, why not Gene?????

Definitely said that. Maybe he means writing drums parts or getting a feel for them or something. Hopefully.