NFL 2012

I would be talking mad shit right now to all of you who don't think the Buc's can beat elite teams, but that 49'ers debacle is still way too fresh in my mind. The best thing about it is the zebras couldn't give the game to NO even though they tried their best & also we did it without Blount & McCoy.
The Saints are not an elite team, not even close. Packers and maybe the Patriots are the only leet teams right now.

and btw, the 9ers are a fluke and their coach is a grade A classless jerk-off! I hate his face, yes, when I first saw that dick I knew he was a cretin. What a shit face.
Pats v what a battle!!
The Pats D- still has many including myself scratching heads at times...yet they only give up 16 in the end. Not a pretty game, both teams showed good and bad on both sides of the ball. It sure was a major "black n blue" game though. Brady showed some "real stones" again in the end! Immense game winning drive.
That was the best game the Pats D has put together or maybe the cowboys are just so fucking painful to watch I credit the D instead of blaming the Cowboys for being so damn talented but not exceeding expectations = same fucking shit/year Cowboys are getting really tired.

The NFC East is a mess and up for grabs. The Giants are not a team you want to play, I can tell you that. They are nothing special but that's where they belong. Eli is having/going to have his best year. As a Giants fan I have never been too confident in Eli, that has ALL gone away, I love the fucking guy. He lost a bit and is making guys like Ballard ( who is stepping up ) and Cruz look good.

Eli is the definition of a coaches player. Guy is on board with the good and the bad.
That was the best game the Pats D has put together or maybe the cowboys are just so fucking painful to watch I credit the D instead of blaming the Cowboys for being so damn talented but not exceeding expectations = same fucking shit/year Cowboys are getting really tired.

Right now I would not call the Dallas backfield talented. Felix Jones is starting to cement his *bust* label. This was his year to earn the money and he is turning in a dud. The only way he is dangerous is in the open field, and the coaches/line can't figure out how to get him there, and he is obviously incapable of doing it himself.

Dallas has never been a screen team, and with the current personnel they should be channeling the Westbrook version Eagles, but they are not.

It's easy to shut down the pass when you aren't concerned about the run. The D played outstanding, up until the end, but it wouldn't have mattered if the offense hadn't settled for field goals twice, after being inside the 10/20. The Cowboys are scaring no one with their running attack. I can't tell if it's the scheme, or the line simply getting no push.
Way to go Bears! For one week I can forget how horrible da team has played against the NFC's best. Let us use this game as a springboard to turn around the season.
Way to go Bears! For one week I can forget how horrible da team has played against the NFC's best. Let us use this game as a springboard to turn around the season.

"At least we're better then the Vikings."

No, but seriously, despite being a rival fan; I would love to see the Bears actually play to their potential the rest of the year.
Glad the Eagles finally won today, but they still don't look that impressive. They made many of the same mistakes as last week, they were just able to force bad Rex into enough mistakes to win the game. The sad part is with the division being so weak, if the Eagles win against the Cowboys in two weeks, they'll be right back in it.

Giants probably got the division though. They're playing solid in spite of all those preseason injuries.
Sure, the play calling in thier last game was conservative and questionable, more so at the end. But how much of that was the fact that they basically took the ball out of Romo's hands at the end of that game? In that spot, against the Pats questionable secondary, if he is "the guy" and you need one more first down and its game is he not throwing the ball? I think its just a lack of trust at the end of games with Romo.
Well, it wouldn't matter if the running game could even get one yard when it counted. Which it can't. What if they had thrown and had incompletes and then left Brady his timeouts also? This was proper traditional situational football. The run game just failed as it has, and the defense allowed Brady to march down out of the blue. Mainly because instead of using the same plays and sets that stymied him all game, they went into basically a prevent defense. This is a very common problem in the NFL, and I wonder why coaches don't notice it.
The Pats were shutting the running game down. You have to do whatever it takes to get one more first down. If that means throwing the ball then do it. Don't chickenshit out and worry about incomplete passes, trying to get the other team to use up timeouts etc...its playing too conservative. And again I blame the coach, but I think his QB's past untimely mistakes were obviously part of his decision making. Being conservative put the defense in that "on thier heels" situation against Brady and Co. in the end. It never should have got to that point for Dallas. It was simply one team playing not to lose and the other team putting the ball and full trust in Brady's hands...wich led to the win. If the situation was reversed...I know for sure Brady would have been throwing for a first down...then its game over! No way in hell the Pats sitback and run the Dallas did. Dallas played thier nuts off all game. They owed it to themselves to go for it and not be conservative on what could have been a game-ending drive. If your going to go down?...atleast go for it...go down swinging!
@Muz: The postgame coverage on the call to run and trust the defense was covered extensively. You go with the "hot hand". The defense had been hot up to that point.

I know it's against the worst rushing defense in the NFL, but Demarco Murray is making me happy today.