NFL 2012

And yes we all know Brady benefited from having good defenses, great coaches etc. So didn't these other QB's. And more importantly, lets not forget Brady started his career and continued for a bit with guys like Troy Brown as a no.1 receiver. I loved Troy Brown's game, but c'mon, these other great QBs consistently had all-pro receivers to work with. The likes of Swan, Rice, Harrison, Irvin, Clayton. etc. Brady did not have this elite star reciever...makes what he accomplished early on look even more impressive.

His early work? You mean his consistently low 80s QB rating pre-Moss? His lucking into the "Tuck rule"(one of many instances of referree favoritism towards the Patriots)?

You must question your own and many others then? Because we agree on his greatness.

For different reasons though. Your's is purely because he is good and a Patriot, most importantly with Super Bowl wins, thus skewing your perception of good non-Patriot/Super Bowl winning QBs.
Overwatch;10031985]His early work? You mean his consistently low 80s QB rating pre-Moss? His lucking into the "Tuck rule"(one of many instances of referree favoritism towards the Patriots)?

Thats right! Moss and the refs and the NFL rules are what made Brady.:lol:

For different reasons though. Your's is purely because he is good and a Patriot, most importantly with Super Bowl wins, thus skewing your perception of good non-Patriot/Super Bowl winning QBs.
And you are so off base with the "skewing perception" comment. Long before Brady had even touched a football...I have intently followed NFL QB's. Have a passion for the position, I think it is the most important and demanding of all professional sports.

Early on, I could not have hated a player more than Dan Marino. However, in no way did I ever have a skewed perception of him, his greatness, even without the rings etc. My hatred is the same towards rival Manning. Yet I've come on here at times and stated how good he if my own son wanted to learn the position someday...he'd watch mechanics / style of Manning. And with Brady...sure he is my golden boy and i'll spew his success here like anyone would. Also be the first one to admit mishaps recently did with the Buff loss. There is no way he can have 4 picks (flukes or not) and more importantly blow a 21pt lead with his Patriot offense.

And as far as perception to your boy Romo..this somehow must have bothered you and I don't get it? I've said he is good, not great. Has the tools, the chance to be very good, but needs to straighten out the mental part of the game. How is this "skewed"?
Guess my overall standard is set higher across the board for players more so QB's. Meaning, I take serious offense to the "great tag" being put on players before they truly deserve it. If that's what is skewed and offends people...then too bad and so be it.

i'll stop...sorry for ranting!
True. If Moss only had half the heart and determination of a Welker.

For different reasons though. Your's is purely because he is good and a Patriot, most importantly with Super Bowl wins, thus skewing your perception of good non-Patriot/Super Bowl winning QBs.
re-posted below. If you ignored it?...I understand. But I put too much time into this comment. lol

And you are so off base with the "skewing perception" comment. Long before Brady had even touched a football...I have intently followed NFL QB's. Have a passion for the position, I think it is the most important and demanding of all professional sports.

Early on, I could not have hated a player more than Dan Marino. However, in no way did I ever have a skewed perception of him, his greatness, even without the rings etc. My hatred is the same towards rival Manning. Yet I've come on here at times and stated how good he if my own son wanted to learn the position someday...he'd watch mechanics / style of Manning. And with Brady...sure he is my golden boy and i'll spew his success here like anyone would. Also be the first one to admit mishaps recently did with the Buff loss. There is no way he can have 4 picks (flukes or not) and more importantly blow a 21pt lead with his Patriot offense.

And as far as perception to your boy Romo..this somehow must have bothered you and I don't get it? I've said he is good, not great. Has the tools, the chance to be very good, but needs to straighten out the mental part of the game. How is this "skewed"?
Guess my overall standard is set higher across the board for players more so QB's. Meaning, I take serious offense to the "great tag" being put on players before they truly deserve it. If that's what is skewed and offends people...then too bad and so be it.

i'll stop...sorry for ranting!
I didn't ignore it, it wasn't posted when I posted. :p

All I am saying is, while Romo has made untimely mistakes at times, his playmaking far outweighs his mistakes, and his play as a quarterback has not been what has held Dallas back from postseason success, just as Brady's play has not held New England back from post season success. Brady's play has been much better post Patriot Super Bowl Wins era, yet New England has failed to win a Super Bowl during this time period.
hahahaha. This is what happens when you don't understand Football. I will bet you ( Avatars ) the Lions finish 10-6/9-7.

I don't understand football? I think you're the one whose caught up on the jerseys. Mathew Stafford has one of the strongest arms in the NFL. He's top 10 in every significant statistical category. He has major upside.

They have one of the three best WRs in the NFL. They have the best 4-3 DT in the NFL, a player who has the upside be one of the best ever. Their other offensive weapons are either proven vets or up and coming players with big play ability. On defense they have Suh surrounded by a solid core of pass rushers and some pretty good linebackers too.

The main two areas that concerned me about this team were the o line and the DBs. However, Stafford has only been sacked four times, so the O line deserves credit. The pass protection has been average, but they are managing a lot of turnovers which is a big plus.

I'll take that bet. We can bet money if you have Paypal. You really think they're gonna go 5-6 or 4-7 down the stretch?
Neat little sidestep of facts.

Edit correction: Mid 80s.

Also, Brady has benefitted more in his career from the presence of Welker than he ever did from Moss.

Yeah Brady has seriously improved over the past five years. A lot of that has to do with him having better weapons, a lot of it has to do with the Pats creating a better scheme that capitalizes on Brady's strengths, but a lot of it has to do with Brady improving as a player, both physically and mentally. His control of the game is just amazing to watch.

As for Welker, you're correct to note that he's helped improve Brady's game, but at the same time, Welker never put up the numbers he put up in Miami that he has put up in New England. So I think its fair to say they're a great match for each other and have helped each other improve.
The irony is that Belichik, originally a "defensive minded coach", has now done a complete switch on style, switching instead to offensive minded.

The Pats can score points with the best of them......and can't play defense. It is not insignificant to point out that as they have made this reversal in focus, they have not done as well in the post season, when their clear firepower advantage over inferior offenses in their division suddenly evaporates versus quality opponents.

Welker has matured under Brady, and came into his own as the "safety valve". With the incompetence that has pervaded Miami since Shula retired, it is not surprising he did not thrive there.
I understand for the most part your Romo p.o.v.

(@ both OVERw and CRIMs)..."spot on" with those last few Pats comments. Pats have pretty much turned into those high powered regular season teams of the Colts. Yikes!

I would add (as far as receiver talk)...both Hernandez and Gronkowski are quite the TE tandom for Brady. Gronk being the more complete dominant type TE imo. Another "safety valve" and one who looks unstoppable at times in the redzone.
Fuck you Jerry Angelo!
Fuck you McCaskey family!
God damn I hate being a Bears fan! Give Cutler and Forte some fucking help!!!

You forgot the fuck yous to Lovie Smith, Mike Martz and the all the sad sack backups and practice team players currently masquerading as pro football players on the Bears roster. That game against the Lions was pathetic. Cutler and Forte were outstanding..everyone else was horrible. Anyone who questions Cutler's toughness can go pound sand. I can't think of any QB in the league who would do as well has he has done if they had to play in the same conditions. The Bears have played a tough schedule so far but that is no excuse for breakdowns and failures at nearly every position in every game other than the opener. I'll be surprised if the Bears end up 8-8 to end this year, and I am even more pessimistic about the future. Green Bay is dominant, Detroit is on the rise and the Bears look like they are destined for another two to three years of futility.

You forgot the fuck yous to Lovie Smith, Mike Martz and the all the sad sack backups and practice team players currently masquerading as pro football players on the Bears roster. That game against the Lions was pathetic. Cutler and Forte were outstanding..everyone else was horrible. Anyone who questions Cutler's toughness can go pound sand. I can't think of any QB in the league who would do as well has he has done if they had to play in the same conditions. The Bears have played a tough schedule so far but that is no excuse for breakdowns and failures at nearly every position in every game other than the opener. I'll be surprised if the Bears end up 8-8 to end this year, and I am even more pessimistic about the future. Green Bay is dominant, Detroit is on the rise and the Bears look like they are destined for another two to three years of futility.
Oh, that's all part of it.
I hope they lose out the rest of the season. Fuck that organization.
I am seriously questioning Garrett's playcalling in the fourth quarter.

Edit: To be more specific, in the light of the complete lack of a running game, and given the nature of the situation in regards to time, time outs, and Brady/Belichik on the other end, why would you hand the ball off three straight times?