NFL 2012

Not really. Chalk that one up to even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. The Pats had beaten the Bills in like 15 games in a row...the loss was bound to happen. The man throws 0-picks in over 400 PA's...then has two (flukes) in a row verse the Bills. And I was the first one to say the Pats blew that game and credit Buff for that win. Sure, call it a choke if you'd like.
Not really. Chalk that one up to even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while. The Pats had beaten the Bills in like 15 games in a row...the loss was bound to happen. The man throws 0-picks in over 400 PA's...then has two (flukes) in a row verse the Bills. And I was the first one to say the Pats blew that game and credit Buff for that win. Sure, call it a choke if you'd like.

The Bills are 4-1. I wouldn't call that a "blind squirrel". Apparently either the Bills' defense is very adept at confusing quarterbacks/playing the ball, or Brady is not better than Vick this year. Your fanboi-ism was just revealed. Last season, or previous seasons, do not = this season.

If anything, Brady should be held to a higher standard per your "Super Bowl winner" standard. Why is a 3x (barely) Super Bowl winning QB playing like Michael Vick?
The Bills are 4-1. I wouldn't call that a "blind squirrel". Apparently either the Bills' defense is very adept at confusing quarterbacks/playing the ball, or Brady is not better than Vick this year. Your fanboi-ism was just revealed. Last season, or previous seasons, do not = this season.

If anything, Brady should be held to a higher standard per your "Super Bowl winner" standard. Why is a 3x (barely) Super Bowl winning QB playing like Michael Vick?

The Bills look "for real" this year?...sure I guess. But yes they were a "blind squirel" when it comes to the Pats. The facts are as I simply pointed out...the Bills had not beaten the Pats for was bound to happen. And Brady btw is off to maybe his best start ever this year. Please don't even mention Romo or Vick in the same sentence as Brady. Talk to me when they do something for real...otherwise move on!
The Bills look "for real" this year?...sure I guess. But yes they were a "blind squirel" when it comes to the Pats. The facts are as I simply pointed out...the Bills had not beaten the Pats for was bound to happen. And Brady btw is off to maybe his best start ever this year. Please don't even mention Romo or Vick in the same sentence as Brady. Talk to me when they do something for real...otherwise move on!

4 picks for Vick and Brady vs the Bills this year. Pick6 leading to losses for Romo and Brady this year. Yes, I can speak about them in the same sentence about real things.

Edit: Also: The Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl since 2005. "What have you done for me lately"? Romo began starting in 2006. Since then, he and Brady have the same amount of SB wins: 0. Otherwise, they are seperated by .4 in career QB rating. How's all that for "real"?
Atlanta is doing a great job thus far, and if they keep it up they will give the Packers a (needed?) humble pill. The Packers defense needs to make the right adjustments, and the offense needs to figure out a way to get Rogers the proper protection after that injury on Clifton. Aaron has been handling the hits with grace thus far, but it needs to stop.
4 picks for Vick and Brady vs the Bills this year. Pick6 leading to losses for Romo and Brady this year. Yes, I can speak about them in the same sentence about real things.

Edit: Also: The Patriots haven't won a Super Bowl since 2005. "What have you done for me lately"? Romo began starting in 2006. Since then, he and Brady have the same amount of SB wins: 0. Otherwise, they are seperated by .4 in career QB rating. How's all that for "real"?

Sure, lets pick one rare bad game Brady had...and also ignore the 3-SB titles. And then compare the players after that fact (or from 05'on)?...thats easier for your arguement. Have to look at the big picture Overwatch...the whole body of work.

And please, don't lay the Brady "fanboy" stuff on me. Brady was wearing diapers when I began watching football and the Pats. I understand QB's who have benefited from systems...QB's who were "the sytem" etc. Been around the block enough to see both great and suck-ass QB's. The likes of Grogan, Eason, Hugh Millen to Bledsoe. Or in the likes of your 'Boys- Staubach, White, Aikman to Quincy f-'n Carter.
Sure, lets pick one rare bad game Brady had...and also ignore the 3-SB titles. And then compare the players after that fact (or from 05'on)?...thats easier for your arguement. Have to look at the big picture Overwatch...the whole body of work.

And please, don't lay the Brady "fanboy" stuff on me. Brady was wearing diapers when I began watching football and the Pats. I understand QB's who have benefited from systems...QB's who were "the sytem" etc. Been around the block enough to see both great and suck-ass QB's. The likes of Grogan, Eason, Hugh Millen to Bledsoe. Or in the likes of your 'Boys- Staubach, White, Aikman to Quincy f-'n Carter.

The whole body of work......which must include a Super Bowl. Stats are irrelevant, unless they accompany a Super Bowl. :rolleyes:

If Romo had the benefit of a Bill Belichik run team vs Wade Phillips, I believe there would be a huge difference specific to Super Bowl wins, which require a complete team effort (New England being a perfect example of that).

Stats just show how good a particular player is at what he specifically contributes. In that respect, Romo and Brady are within half a rating point of each other.

Your argumentum ad antiquitatem is amusing.

Edit: After the Giants choke against the woeful Seahawks, I had hoped to see Eli get the Romo treatment, since up until this week, he had supposedly finally elevated his game above pedestrian level. Alas, the best that has been given is:
Eli Manning? You know what he is. He's tough and good enough to lead the fourth-quarter comebacks in Weeks 3 and 4, but he's not immune to mistakes, and the team he has around him simply isn't good enough to absorb them when they happen. They will win when they play error-free. They will struggle to win when they don't.

Hi2u double standard. As Troy and Danny alluded, playing quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys puts you under an "electron microscope".
The whole body of work......which must include a Super Bowl. Stats are irrelevant, unless they accompany a Super Bowl. :rolleyes:

If Romo had the benefit of a Bill Belichik run team vs Wade Phillips, I believe there would be a huge difference specific to Super Bowl wins, which require a complete team effort (New England being a perfect example of that).

Stats just show how good a particular player is at what he specifically contributes. In that respect, Romo and Brady are within half a rating point of each other.

Your argumentum ad antiquitatem is amusing.

Believe me, I'm well aware of all the stats, Brady's situation, his coach, his surrounding (past) team(s)...been down this road a bunch before. Still, Brady's own body of work and success is undeniably great! If you want to say "if Romo" was in Brady's situation...then fine go ahead. But you can't argue with hypathetic scenerios. You have to look at it for what it is...simply reality.

Bottom line, I don't get your original attack on Brady or what your main point is or was? If its you enjoy trying to slam other QB's because of your own QB's mishaps or inconsistencies?...then go right ahead. I do know that regardless of your rating comparision between Brady and Romo...there isn't a GM or Coach in the NFL that would take Romo over Brady right now at this moment! Even Romo's own mother would choose Brady. Sure the ratings may be similar...but they don't include stats for brainfarts and untimely mistakes. Brady's are far more fewer and in between than Romo's.
Bottom line, I don't get your original attack on Brady or what your main point is or was? If its you enjoy trying to slam other QB's because of your own QB's mishaps or inconsistencies?...then go right ahead. I do know that regardless of your rating comparision between Brady and Romo...there isn't a GM or Coach in the NFL that would take Romo over Brady right now at this moment! Even Romo's own mother would choose Brady. Sure the ratings may be similar...but they don't include stats for brainfarts and untimely mistakes. Brady's are far more fewer and in between than Romo's.

It's the willingness to overlook your own player's mishaps entirely, and then jump in quickly on a Cowboys player.
It's the willingness to overlook your own player's mishaps entirely, and then jump in quickly on a Cowboys player.

Really??? Did you take a KD pill or is this him in disguise? Atleast he has a comparible QB in Manning to argue with.

I've called it like it is with Romo and the 'Boys. And he is not the only one to blame in Dallas with the misfit owner and other talented but wack-job players. And I have been kind to Romo in reality to some others here. And I'm the first one to admit Brady's mishaps and my Pats failures...this when the hate towards Patriot Nation is at full-throttle. Case in point, There can't be a bigger letdown, a more painful loss, a bigger chance for all to kill Brady and the Pats for thier SB loss to the Giants. Though it pained me, I was the first one here to give props to the Giants and appreciate what a gutsy NFL defense can accomplish against all odds.

Just move on already. There are certainly other worries than the two QB's...this is atleast with Brady. He is not a worry or a problem...the Pats D- needs to straighten itself out if they want to be championship caliber this year.
Really??? Did you take a KD pill or is this him in disguise? Atleast he has a comparible QB in Manning to argue with.

I've called it like it is with Romo and the 'Boys. And he is not the only one to blame in Dallas with the misfit owner and other talented but wack-job players. And I have been kind to Romo in reality to some others here. And I'm the first one to admit Brady's mishaps and my Pats failures...this when the hate towards Patriot Nation is at full-throttle. Case in point, There can't be a bigger letdown, a more painful loss, a bigger chance for all to kill Brady and the Pats for thier SB loss to the Giants. Though it pained me, I was the first one here to give props to the Giants and appreciate what a gutsy NFL defense can accomplish against all odds.

Just move on already. There are certainly other worries than the two QB's...this is atleast with Brady. He is not a worry or a problem...the Pats D- needs to straighten itself out if they want to be championship caliber this year.

I'll just leave this here...

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