NFL 2012

Edit: After the Giants choke against the woeful Seahawks, I had hoped to see Eli get the Romo treatment, since up until this week, he had supposedly finally elevated his game above pedestrian level. Alas, the best that has been given is:

Dude, did you watch the Giant game? probably not. Eli is the only reason they were in that game. Please stop with the stats and look at the play.

He threw 1 INT that was his fault and 2 ( one that a player fell and bobbled and another at garbage time when he was just heaving shit up) that wasn't.

Eli is the reason the Giants are 3-2 right now.

As for Romo, I like him, I really do, but fuck is he a bone-head!

That's the difference between the two. Eli is good but really sloppy sometimes. Romo is excellent but tries too hard and doesn't play clean enough.
Dude, did you watch the Giant game? probably not. Eli is the only reason they were in that game. Please stop with the stats and look at the play.

I didn't watch the game, and I don't doubt you are right. Kind of like the Cowboy's loss to the Jets and the Lions.

But while people are willing to point out the lack of team support, creating the situations for Eli's statistical shortfalls in games, no similar slack is cut for Romo. This a purely Dallas Cowboy phenomenon.
Bears and Lions on Monday Night Football...Go Bears..hopefully you have the same success on Monday night that you had last year.
Surprises of week five:

Sea Hawks over the Giants - Did anyone predict this? Wish I would've bet some money on the Seahawks.

49ers over the Buccaneers. What the hell happened? I didn't watch the game but I thought Tampa bay was a team on the rise?

Enough about the Cowboys and Romo. Two words for the team and the player; over rated.
49ers over the Buccaneers. What the hell happened? I didn't watch the game but I thought Tampa bay was a team on the rise?

The Bucs on the rise?...I guess not. And as KD mentioned...even if they get to a certain competative the hell will they get thru the likes of the Saints, Packers, Falcons or whomever when it comes to crunch time. These teams aren't going to fade anytime soon. The Bucs may well surface sometime and make some noise...but it wouldn't surprise me if they just end up at best being a solid team that in the end can't crack it. Who knows...things change.

But while people are willing to point out the lack of team support, creating the situations for Eli's statistical shortfalls in games, no similar slack is cut for Romo. This a purely Dallas Cowboy phenomenon.

The real "Dallas phenomenon" your never ending stastistical campaign or excuse making for Romo. It never seems to be his fault...its the coaching, its the receivers etc. Eli has rightfully taken his share of criticism at times as well. Thats the life of an NFL QB. And when your average and still need to earn some stripes...yes even Romo will get his share of criticism. Why for the life of me do you find this so unfair...hard to believe or accept?
I don't remember Detroit being such a punk-ass team. They have a lot of attitude for a bunch of guys that haven't really done anything yet.

Still, this is some bad football so far.

Haven't done anything yet? They're one of the two undefeated teams in the league. I'd say that's something after five weeks of football.
The only thing that could cause the Lions to tank is either Stafford or Megatron getting injured. That is always a possibility. That connection is what is holding their entire offense together.
The Bills are 4-1. I wouldn't call that a "blind squirrel". Apparently either the Bills' defense is very adept at confusing quarterbacks/playing the ball, or Brady is not better than Vick this year. Your fanboi-ism was just revealed. Last season, or previous seasons, do not = this season.

If anything, Brady should be held to a higher standard per your "Super Bowl winner" standard. Why is a 3x (barely) Super Bowl winning QB playing like Michael Vick?

The Bills are a good team and they did a good job vs. Brady. But Brady gets a pass because that was his first time throwing 3+ ints since the 2009 playoffs (last time in the regular season was 2006).

Saying he "barely" won 3 Super Bowls is laughable. By the same logic you can say he "almost" won 4 Super Bowls. Bottom line is he's one of the greatest QBs ever and if you can't see that then you obviously don't understand the game of football.

As for Vick, he's overrated. The Eagles gave him a huge contract based on a short stretch of football and its backfiring. He's basically a slightly improved version of the guy from Atlanta. Great athlete with low football IQ and inconsistent QB fundamentals.
The only thing that could cause the Lions to tank is either Stafford or Megatron getting injured. That is always a possibility. That connection is what is holding their entire offense together.

The Lions' defense outside of the d-line is pretty bad. I could see this being their achilles heel until they get some more talent back there, particularly in the secondary.

The other issue with the Lions is their slow starts. They've been very lucky this season not to be 2-2 or even 1-3 going into that game last night.

Are you kidding? The Lions are extremely talented. Their drafts under Schwartz have been absolute gold. This team has potential to be elite.

I never said the Lions didn't have talent. Where did you even get that from?
That's true, but it was also true for Montana, Bradshaw and Aikman.

I'll be the first to say that Aikman was closer to a game manager than an "elite quaterback". He lacked physical ability (not to mention good receivers for the second half of the decade), but he had a high football IQ/good team in the early 90s, and thus made up for it.

Saying he "barely" won 3 Super Bowls is laughable. By the same logic you can say he "almost" won 4 Super Bowls. Bottom line is he's one of the greatest QBs ever and if you can't see that then you obviously don't understand the game of football.

I am not questioning Brady's greatness. I am questioning muzmaze's standards.
That's true, but it was also true for Montana, Bradshaw and Aikman.

And yes we all know Brady benefited from having good defenses, great coaches etc. So didn't these other QB's. And more importantly, lets not forget Brady started his career and continued for a bit with guys like Troy Brown as a no.1 receiver. I loved Troy Brown's game, but c'mon, these other great QBs consistently had all-pro receivers to work with. The likes of Swan, Rice, Harrison, Irvin, Clayton. etc. Brady did not have this elite star reciever...makes what he accomplished early on look even more impressive.

I am not questioning Brady's greatness. I am questioning muzmaze's standards.

How so w/ my standards?

You must question your own and many others then? Because we agree on his greatness.