NFL 2012

That is bad news for Manning and the NFL. I've always liked Manning. I would rather see more QBs like him than Vick or Roethlisberger.

I wonder if the Colts will take a look at picking up David Garrard.
...would rather see more QBs like him than Vick or Roethlisberger.

...rather than dickheads?!

That would be wise to bring in someone else. What are the odds of Collins even making it thru a season...or thru a game or two for that matter.
Woah! Dungy kickin his boy Manning when he is down. Just said he would- "take Aaron Rogers over Manning, Breese or Brady"!

Wait, isn't his (new) boy Vick right now? KD, whats up with Dungy's love for Vick?...reaching out to him and all that? Don't see these two different personalities having a connection.
The Colts have never had a legitimate back-up QB in the Manning era, they've never needed to. There's just so much to this situation it's hard for me to wrap my head around all of it right now so I'm going to abstain from commenting too much right now and let it all sink it.

No, just no. Sorgi was/is just as bad as Painter, seriously. Personally, I think Painter needs more time and a better chance at success instead of being thrown to the lions ala week 16 in 2009 and worthless, meaningless preseason games.

Don't forget people, as great as Peyton is now, his rookie season was shit. Granted, you could see a hellava lot more potential during that season than anything Painter has showed us, but still. Peyton still has the record for interceptions thrown in a season as a rookie, unfortunately. :lol: But he seemed to work out ok.

Am I saying Painter is the next Manning, fuck no. But he hasn't even had a chance to play in the right situation to be completely judged.

What I'd do if I was the Colts is do what Steve Spurrier did in the 90's as the Florida Gators head coach, and has done so at times in South Carolina, and that's have a QB rotation. We already know what Collins is. He's an average QB.
Average QB play on this team won't result in anything magical, which pretty much rules out the chances of making the playoffs let alone winning the Super Bowl. So what's it going to hurt to play Painter? I mean, at least if something were to happen next season to Peyton, he'll have at least some meaningful playing time and won't look so goddamn shocked every play as if he's going to die or something. Either that or cut him, re-sign Orlovsky for the season, and just keep KC around for the next couple years as a backup.

That simply doesn't work in the NFL. You're asking everyone to adjust every few drives to a new throwing motion, a new cadence, a new center-QB snap etc. Basically you go with Colins as long as the team has a chance at the playoffs. When they're done, you put in one of the young guys and see what he can do.
What? That's not true. The Colts mostly operate out of the shotgun and on silent counts. And how do you know it doesn't work in the NFL? I've never seen a team try it.

That's because its such a stupid idea that no coach would to do it. It tells the players and owners "I have no idea how to make a choice". Its basically begging for a pink slip. And lets be honest- if you have one good quarterback, then you're not gonna play silly games like that. The only time it would be even considered is if there are two mediocre or crappy QBs on the team.

The only exception I can think of is the 2009 Eagles, who brought Vick in from time to time- though that's unique since Vick is an elite talent that was on the bench because of unusual circumstances. But even there, McNabb complained about the changes hurting his rhythm. And in that case they never did it for more than 5-6 plays in a game!

In 2010 Reid tried this again in the opener vs. the Packers (now switching between Kolb and Vick). Anyone who watched that game knows the offense was a mess until Kolb got injured, putting an end to the experiment. But with the two QBs the offense had absolutely no rhythm and Kolb especially looked out of sorts.
By the way, that was a heck of a game to open the season with last night. Both those QBs are amazing. However, if I'm the Saints I'm seriously worried about my defense. Those DBs couldn't cover anyone.
You're completely missing the point. There is no QB controversy or competition going on here. Peyton is the guy, everyone knows this, but he's more than likely not going to play at all this season. So switching back and forth between Collins and Painter isn't going to create some sublimal message that the Colts are indecisive or that they're just reckless. The season is already lost, that's a fact. They've invested a lot of time and effort and a draft pick in Painter, so why wouldn't they want to see what he's capable of in real game time situations? The signing of Kerry Collins was moreso to slow the bleeding until Peyton returned, because up until a few days ago the Colts FO thought he had a very good chance of returning soon. They didn't want to put all of that pressure on Painter and basically throw him to the wolves like they did back in 2009 during their *undefeated season.

Now, before you claim what I just said is contradictory, it's not. They're two totally different situations.

I think the Colts need to do whatever is best for this team. And if that means allowing Collins to start off the season and easing Painter in to see what he's got, then they should do that. Otherwise, like I mentioned earlier, he's just wasting a roster spot of they seriously don't think he's a capable backup to Peyton. Painter needs game experience. How they manage to incorporate both players is obviously up to them, whether it be one guy starts the game and the other finishes, or they switch off every series, or whatever. I don't care.
I don't really think it was a coverage issue for the Saints defense as much as it was a fucking tackling one.
The Saints' defense wasn't the only one that got torched last night. This was a prime example of how the NFL has transitioned from "defense wins championships" to "passing the ball wins championships." Which is true.

All I know is, if both of these two teams somehow improve throughout the season, they're going to be some scary sobs come playoff time. I don't think anyone in the AFC could hang with those guys. Great game for sure.

Oh, and can we please stop claiming how Gregg Williams is "one of the best defensive coordinators in the league?" That's such a load of bullshit. He's good, not great. People seem to forget how horrible his defenses in Jacksonville were. And how shitty the Bills were when he was the head coach. So he blitzes a lot, big deal.

P.S. Fuck you Marques Colston, ya prick.
You're completely missing the point. There is no QB controversy or competition going on here. Peyton is the guy, everyone knows this, but he's more than likely not going to play at all this season. So switching back and forth between Collins and Painter isn't going to create some sublimal message that the Colts are indecisive or that they're just reckless. The season is already lost, that's a fact. They've invested a lot of time and effort and a draft pick in Painter, so why wouldn't they want to see what he's capable of in real game time situations? The signing of Kerry Collins was moreso to slow the bleeding until Peyton returned, because up until a few days ago the Colts FO thought he had a very good chance of returning soon. They didn't want to put all of that pressure on Painter and basically throw him to the wolves like they did back in 2009 during their *undefeated season.

Now, before you claim what I just said is contradictory, it's not. They're two totally different situations.

I think the Colts need to do whatever is best for this team. And if that means allowing Collins to start off the season and easing Painter in to see what he's got, then they should do that. Otherwise, like I mentioned earlier, he's just wasting a roster spot of they seriously don't think he's a capable backup to Peyton. Painter needs game experience. How they manage to incorporate both players is obviously up to them, whether it be one guy starts the game and the other finishes, or they switch off every series, or whatever. I don't care.

Well if what you're saying is start with Collins and then switch mid-season to Painter I basically agree. What I am opposed to is swtiching back and forth between QBs mid game or from game to game (which is what was suggested with the Spurrier at Florida reference).

You as a fan can say the season is done. But the 53 men on the Colts roster, plus the coaches need to do everything they can to have a good season and make the playoffs. Collins has led a lot of teams to the playoffs. Obviously they're gonna give it their all and Collins gives them the best chance to make the playoffs. Also, the division isn't exactly elite, so 9-7 or 10-6 could win the division. It's not unfathomable for Collins to lead the Colts to that kind of season. When and if they fall out of contention, you bring in Painter and see what he has to offer.
The Saints' defense wasn't the only one that got torched last night. This was a prime example of how the NFL has transitioned from "defense wins championships" to "passing the ball wins championships." Which is true.

The NFL as it is now

Thursday night, we saw what happens to a pass defense when a good quarterback is on the field.

Only we got to see it the entire game, as both Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers and New Orleans' Drew Brees threw for more than 300 yards and three touchdowns.

The way the NFL's rules are now, the game heavily – and that doesn't begin to describe it – favors the offense.

People in Pittsburgh tend to look at the Steelers pass defense and say, "They get exposed every time they play an elite quarterback."

That's a silly statement. Everybody's defense gets exposed when playing an elite quarterback. That's what makes those quarterbacks elite!

The trick is to outscore the opposing offense.

New Orleans put 30-plus points on the board Thursday night. It wasn't enough because the Packers were in the 40s and the Saints made a couple of mistakes inside Green Bay's red zone.

But with the offense the Steelers now have, they have the weapons to get into a shootout such as Thursday night's game and come out on the winning side.

The days of three yards and a cloud of dust and defenses dominating games are over. The NFL in its current state is all about putting points on the board and doing so quickly.
Well if what you're saying is start with Collins and then switch mid-season to Painter I basically agree. What I am opposed to is swtiching back and forth between QBs mid game or from game to game (which is what was suggested with the Spurrier at Florida reference).

I personally don't care what they do. It's my belief that this team doesn't deserve to win without Peyton.

You as a fan can say the season is done. But the 53 men on the Colts roster, plus the coaches need to do everything they can to have a good season and make the playoffs. Collins has led a lot of teams to the playoffs. Obviously they're gonna give it their all and Collins gives them the best chance to make the playoffs. Also, the division isn't exactly elite, so 9-7 or 10-6 could win the division. It's not unfathomable for Collins to lead the Colts to that kind of season. When and if they fall out of contention, you bring in Painter and see what he has to offer.

What's the point? Sure, the team will go out there and try their best, but they don't need to. All they need to do is stay in self-preservation mode until next season when the king of football returns.

Or tank for luck

:lol: yes...
That's what I just said. What the fuck, they're plagiarizing me! Whose site is that?

Actually, truth be told, I've been saying this for years.

A lot of people have been saying that for years. :p

It's Dale Lolley's site, one of the better/more well-known sports writers in the Pittsburgh area.