NFL 2015

This move definitely makes me question Lurie's judgment. Why give Kelly so much power if you're not gonna give him more time? Or to look at if from a different angle, why wasn't Lurie more aware of underlying problems before giving Kelly control of personnel? For a team that is normally logical and organized, they really seem to be winging it.

I think Lurie drank the koolaid on Kelly originally and Kelly's panic move in getting Murray only to not use the 40mil man right - plus gut the interior of the line - was the nail in the coffin on a bad offseason + another late season collapse. Many people, myself included, said his offensive system wouldn't work in the NFL, and he's shown too much ego to adjust it. I think Lurie has made the smart move here.
You don't want The Revolution in NY? Whyever not? Maybe Chip will trade for Murray and Bradford and bring the Lombardi back to the big apple. :lol:

I honestly dont give a shit who they hire. I just want to see something new. I thank the old bastard a million times but it's time, it's just fucking time
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I'm kind of in a similar position with the colts. I don't care who they hire as long as it's not someone like the past three coaches they've had. The cluelessness of Caldwell and pagano drives me nuts. Especially when they couldn't game plan or make adjustments to save their lives. And I absolutely hate overly conservative coaches. But we'll see.

Shitty part is there's going to be a lot of vacancies and not that many great candidates. At least that's how it seems.
Thanks Eagles for the shittiest season ever. You can't even lose right.

I have little hope for the team knowing Howie Roseman is still in the front office. If you're gonna fire Kelly, just gut the front office and start over from scratch.