NFL 2015

Raiders, Chargers and Rams all officially applying to move to LA. My money is on the Raiders and Chargers, since they're willing to share a stadium. It would be weird for divisional rivals to share a stadium and probably about 50 fans will be murdered every time they play each other.

The Raiders would move to the NFC if that happened.

My guess is the Rams and Chargers agree to share a stadium (which location? idk), and the NFL tells the Raiders to move to Santa Clara.
Go Texans!

If my Texans fail, go Redskins. For the simple fact that it will upset all the butthurt people even more
Yeah I'm not saying Lovie is superb but continuity is underrated, and the team showed improvement from the previous season. The fact that notable players on the team were expressing shock and/or anger and/or disappointment says a lot.
That first playoff game was just terrible. The Texans had no business being in the playoffs.

Evidently the Eagles have interest in Coughlin. Not sure how to feel about that. He hasn't done much with the Giants in years, but then again, that roster is almost devoid of talent. And looking at the other options, I could understand the move.
Why even bother with conferences?

Sadly, even if there were no conferences, the Texans would have made the playoffs. The NFL is just really regressing in quality.

Bengals fans cheering and chucking bottles at an injured Rothelisberger. And yet Eagles fans are the bad guys for throwing snowballs at Santa 2,000 years ago.
More like bad for cheering a potentially life threatening injury. Giants fans also chucked ice discs at Chargers players in 95.

I remember watching that game. Was ridiculous. At one point a Chargers guy was either making a big return or making a big run and the ice/snow balls were smashing him in the back/head all the way down the field.

Yeah, the NFL quality has been sliding for several years now, and it's reaching a level of obviousness this year.