NFL 2015

Why even bother with conferences?

Fair enough. I'm ok with that.

Sadly, even if there were no conferences, the Texans would have made the playoffs. The NFL is just really regressing in quality.

Bengals fans cheering and chucking bottles at an injured Rothelisberger. And yet Eagles fans are the bad guys for throwing snowballs at Santa 2,000 years ago.

That's because no one cares about Philly. Cincy has Jungle Jims. What does Philly have? A statue of Rocky, a ficticous movie character? Get the fuck outta here.

(I like rocky tbh)

More like bad for cheering a potentially life threatening injury. Giants fans also chucked ice discs at Chargers players in 95.

I remember watching that game. Was ridiculous. At one point a Chargers guy was either making a big return or making a big run and the ice/snow balls were smashing him in the back/head all the way down the field.

Yeah, the NFL quality has been sliding for several years now, and it's reaching a level of obviousness this year.

The declining quality of the NFL is totally exaggerated. I keep seeing this more and more. I think it's more in a transitional period. There's a lot of really good up and coming players and teams that will get better in the next few years.

What a disorganized shit show. Classic Bengals.

What happened? I fell asleep.
What happened? I fell asleep.

A lot of shit. But basically in the end Bengals had a one point lead and several seconds left to the end of the game but got a 30 yard penalty for stupid shit and Steelers won with a field goal.
Sadly, even if there were no conferences, the Texans would have made the playoffs. The NFL is just really regressing in quality.

Bengals fans cheering and chucking bottles at an injured Rothelisberger. And yet Eagles fans are the bad guys for throwing snowballs at Santa 2,000 years ago.

umm no, if there were no divisions the 10-6 jets would have been in over the 9-7 texans
The declining quality of the NFL is totally exaggerated. I keep seeing this more and more. I think it's more in a transitional period. There's a lot of really good up and coming players and teams that will get better in the next few years.

Are the players good or are they just going against poor competition? Or is it really all the defensive handcuffing? It's ok though. We have shitty reffing to sort out the good teams from the bad teams.
That's because no one cares about Philly. Cincy has Jungle Jims. What does Philly have? A statue of Rocky, a ficticous movie character? Get the fuck outta here.

(I like rocky tbh)

Philly is dope. My favorite East Coast City.

What happened? I fell asleep.

Niether the coaches nor the refs had control on the game. Tons of cheap shots, dirty hits, pushing and shoving, scuffles and taunting. It all culminatied in Burfict, who had been at the center of the action all night, getting a pick and running up the field with five other players as if they had just won the Super Bowl. Very next pmqy the Bengals fumble and the Stewlers get the ball back. Bug Ben comes back in the game, leads them down the field with the aid of personal fouls by Burfict and Pacman Jones. Marvin Lewis had no control over his team and ultimately, they unraveled.

umm no, if there were no divisions the 10-6 jets would have been in over the 9-7 texans

True. But either the Texans or Racists wiuld have got the final spot.
I think the Packers malaise and lack of postseason success over the last several years is generally attributable to McCarthy. The Packers win in spite of the man, not because of him. The problem, of course, is who to replace him with. There's a lack of quality coaches right now in the NFL, to go along with the lack of everything else.
It would be insane to fire him right now. He'd get scooped up in a heartbeat in this market. I do see him as similar to Andy Reid: a strong overall coach whose players respect him, but a mediocre game day coach.

Anyway, peace out Washingon. I look forward to seeing you strap yourself with an absurdly inflated Kurt Cousins contract.
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Yeah he'd be hired in a second but that says more about the state of the NFL coaching landscape than anything. Reid is a much better coach than McCarthy, and the best coach the Eagles ever had. I was quite happy to see him leave the NFC.
I'm generally for a keeping a guy that's had success and will put his team in position to succeed each year. If the players get hurt or fuck it up oh well shit happens. Like a good example is Marvin Lewis. Yeah he's 0-7in the playoffs and really needs to reign in the assholes on his team. But at the same time their franchise qb was out and he's made them into what could only be considered successful and a contender. So I could see see the arguments either way but if I were the owner or GM I would stick with what I have and keep improving.
I think it's organizationally dependent. I'm a Garrett supporter but he's a middling gameday coach at best. It takes a special kind of person to work with Jerruh, and Garrett's the best the Cowboys are going to get until Jerruh croaks. Between Garrett and Stephen J at least the drafts/FA/salary cap sitch has been improving compared to the 95-2011 years.

I think Lewis is probably doing the best he can given the organizational situation, and then in the playoffs he was starting the backup + fighting the refs. The Packers have the refs and have Rodgers.
Yeah he'd be hired in a second but that says more about the state of the NFL coaching landscape than anything. Reid is a much better coach than McCarthy, and the best coach the Eagles ever had. I was quite happy to see him leave the NFC.

It was time for Andy to go. He needed a change of scenary and so did the team. Say what you want about Chip Kelly, but that team flipped from 4-12 under Reid to 10-6 under Kelly. That wasn't happening with Reid. The team needed a new direction.
It was time for Andy to go. He needed a change of scenary and so did the team. Say what you want about Chip Kelly, but that team flipped from 4-12 under Reid to 10-6 under Kelly. That wasn't happening with Reid. The team needed a new direction.

Reid had a rough year, and maybe he did need a change of scenery. Kelly just proceeded to take advantage of a weak division, decent roster, and lack of tape. Of course once tape was compiled and he slashed the roster even a weak division couldn't save him.