NFL 2015

Sorry to see the Bears lose at home to Lions to end the season and finish 1-7 at home. They seemed improved over last year and while they won a few games they shouldn't have, they also gave a few games away that they should have won. Forte is a great running back and one of favorite Bears and I will be shocked if he is on the team next year. Martellus Bennet is likely done as a bear as well. At least Chicago beat Green Bay on Thanksgiving and on Brett Favre night.
I don't get how you justify keeping Pagano. Looks like the Bills might can Thurman (Def. Coordinator), so there's some hope.
It's kind of unclear, and Thurman didn't really do much to help;

Q: How much responsibility do you have on calling the plays on game day?
Thurman: "A lot."

Q: So you’re the one that makes the calls?
Thurman: "Some."

Q: Some of them?
Thurman: "A lot."

Q: Who is the coach in the booth that Preston Brown said was getting the calls in late?
Thurman: "I have no idea what he’s talking about. See again, you guys assume I know what’s going on. I have no idea."

Q: Why wouldn’t you know what’s going on with your defense?
Thurman: "I don’t know what you’re talking about is what I’m saying to you."

Q: When Preston Brown said that calls are coming in late…
Thurman: "You’ll have to ask Preston."

Q: He said he didn’t know who was in the booth.
Thurman: You’ll have to ask Preston.
Raiders, Chargers and Rams all officially applying to move to LA. My money is on the Raiders and Chargers, since they're willing to share a stadium. It would be weird for divisional rivals to share a stadium and probably about 50 fans will be murdered every time they play each other.
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The Raiders organization is retarded. Can't make up their damn mind between Oakland and LA. I would rather the NFL just move the Rams back to LA.