NFL 2015

Should be interesting to see him build a team rather than tear one apart and mold it a different way. I think Kelly is aight and he apparently likes Kaep, so that's good for 49er land.
Hoping Coughlin goes to Philly so they need to hire a coach again in a couple of years.

Looks like it will be Doug Peterson, the OC for the Chiefs. I'm not gonna act like I know much about him as a coach, but it certainly isn't an exciting hire. Then again, neither was Reid, and that turned out to be a great hire. That said, I also wouldn't be surprised to see another three-and-out.
Fouts: (The Chiefs) are gonna go back and examine how they mismanaged the clock at the end of this game.

Trust me, they won't. Classic Reid today.

On the positive side, the Pats deserve mad props. 5 straight AFC Championship games is an amazing feat.
Unbelievable game, but I'm gonna stay on my usual rant about how shitty NFL referees are. It was GB vs the refs pretty much the whole game.

Also, Rodgers is the best QB ever to play.

Finally, fire Dom Capers please
Lol yeah if you look at stats and only stats. Rodgers is far superior to Brady in almost every aspect. He just doesn't have anywhere close to the same team Brady has had, or the coaching staff. Brady cannot physically make the same plays that Rodgers can.
Lol yeah if you look at stats and only stats. Rodgers is far superior to Brady in almost every aspect. He just doesn't have anywhere close to the same team Brady has had, or the coaching staff. Brady cannot physically make the same plays that Rodgers can.

I was looking at leading his team to wins. We will see what Rodgers can do physically in 6 years.

Game Winning Drives isn't a perfect measure by any means, but Brady has 48 in 15 years, good for 3rd all time and only 7 back from Peyton at #1. Rodgers has only managed 14, tied with Andrew Luck, who has been in the league less than half the time on a poorly stocked and run team, and only two ahead of journeymen like Fitzpatrick, Cassel, and Sanchez.
Yeah, he hasn't as many game winning drives. But have you actually watched him play? Or do you just shut the TV off whenever Dallas loses?
Luck makes too many boneheaded moves to be in the same discussion. Same as Matt Ryan. Great QB a lot of the time and has some clutch moves, but far too subject to get brain lag and do something completely moronic. That's where Brady in particular stands out IMO. The plays he doesn't try to make, throwing the ball away when appropriate, etc.
Well that game made up for so much crappy football I watched this year. Just an insane game.

Regarding Aaron Rodgers being the greatest, he is certainly the most physically gifted and complete quarterback of all time. Whether or not he's the best is another story.
I was looking at leading his team to wins. We will see what Rodgers can do physicall

Game Winning Drives isn't a perfect measure by any means, but Brady has 48 in 15 years, good for 3rd all time and only 7 back from Peyton at #1. Rodgers has only managed 14, tied with Andrew Luck, who has been in the league less than half the time on a poorly stocked and run team, and only two ahead of journeymen like Fitzpatrick, Cassel, and Sanchez.

That's your stat? That depends on so many factors, including being behind in the first place, kickers making field goals, the defense not blowing the lead or tie when you get it (i.e. tonight), etc.

It's certainly worth looking at, but it's by no means the end of the conversation.

Furthermore, I'm surprised to hear you be so quick to dismiss Rodgers over Brady. Just last week you were claiming McCarthy is holding the Packers back, while Brady has one of the best (probably THE best) coach of all time.

The fact that Rodgers is more physically gifted than Brady is indisputable. How different might things be if Brady and Rodgers switched teams, or even just coaches?