NFL 2015

Complete bullshit. Green Bay's line was gettting away with holding all game. Just go look at the hold on Calais Campbell on the hail mary for one example. Not to mention we had to waste a challenge on one of the most obvious incomplete passes ever.

That was a bad call, but you have to be out of your mind if you think that the 3 missed pass interference calls and the phantom defensive holding calls against GB were legit. Also, both lines were getting away with murder. Clete Blakeman never calls offensive holding (unless its in a critical spot and it was very questionable).

Furthermore, I'm surprised to hear you be so quick to dismiss Rodgers over Brady. Just last week you were claiming McCarthy is holding the Packers back, while Brady has one of the best (probably THE best) coach of all time.

The fact that Rodgers is more physically gifted than Brady is indisputable. How different might things be if Brady and Rodgers switched teams, or even just coaches?

He doesn't watch the games, why would you expect him to actually know what he's talking about?
We had an argument like 6 months ago where he suggested Brady was only a system QB so I'm not sure where Dak is going with his Brady critiques/praises.
We had an argument like 6 months ago where he suggested Brady was only a system QB so I'm not sure where Dak is going with his Brady critiques/praises.

I don't think Brady would do as well under some other coaches, but that's a lot more conjecture than comparing Rodgers to Brady. Rodgers can at least lay an indisputable claim to being better at chucking prayers.

Edit: And concerning eras of of play: QBs like Montana, Elway, and Marino went against significantly less handicapped defenses. That's at least one reason I would cool it with the "GOAT" talk concerning QBs in the last decade or so.

He doesn't watch the games, why would you expect him to actually know what he's talking about?

Says the guy who thinks the Packers don't get any help from the refs.
They're the favorites to make it there, not surprisingly. All the Pats fans are going crazy because they're basically chalking the AFCCG up as a guaranteed win. Tsk tsk.

This is one Patriots fan who is not taking the AFC Championship Game for granted. No football/Patriots fan should be given the team's history of playing in Denver.
That was a bad call, but you have to be out of your mind if you think that the 3 missed pass interference calls and the phantom defensive holding calls against GB were legit. Also, both lines were getting away with murder. Clete Blakeman never calls offensive holding (unless its in a critical spot and it was very questionable).

I'm not saying Green Bay didn't get screwed here and there, but to say it was "GB vs the refs" is bullshit. It was a poorly reffed game all around.... And Arizona's line wasn't holding nearly as much as GB's. I remember people were even saying the Cardinals line should take more liberties since the refs clearly weren't calling anything.
This is one Patriots fan who is not taking the AFC Championship Game for granted. No football/Patriots fan should be given the team's history of playing in Denver.

yeah, i don't know how anybody can take a game on the road for granted. This isn't a week 4 game against the Browns at Gillette, Denver is going to give you everything they have.
Says the guy who thinks the Packers don't get any help from the refs.

Only when they play the Lions during the regular season do they get breaks, but again you wouldn't know since you only watch one team. It's absurd how you can even have an opinion on anything non-Cowboys related and simultaneously admit to not watching any other games.
Only when they play the Lions during the regular season do they get breaks, but again you wouldn't know since you only watch one team. It's absurd how you can even have an opinion on anything non-Cowboys related and simultaneously admit to not watching any other games.

I didn't say I don't watch *any*, I don't watch a lot, and I doubt you sit there with a multiscreen Sunday Ticket setup. I do read a lot about the games, watch highlighs etc though. Green Bay has been an NFL reffing favorite probably since shortly after the Brett Favre era started.

What would you consider an empirical way to judge such favoritism?
From what are you basing your opinion on? They are not a favorite in any way. They consistently get screwed, especially in the playoffs, which is partially why their four most recent losses have come on the last play of the game.
From what are you basing your opinion on? They are not a favorite in any way. They consistently get screwed, especially in the playoffs, which is partially why their four most recent losses have come on the last play of the game.

See? That's how I know you're full of shit. GB was helped out with the Bryant "no catch", and lost to the Seahawks because you couldn't recover the kick - had nothing to do with refs.

I checked Here's GBs benecificiary rank (Beneficiary means the opposing team was called for a penalty. Site only goes back to 09):

2009: 4th
2010: 2nd
2011: 3rd
2012: 2nd
2013: 19th (Weird, and better than almost half of Dallas' years)
2014: 8th
2015: 4th

Au Contraire:


2009: 9th
2010: 31st
2011: 29th
2012: 27th
2013: 9th
2014: 5th (Weird, but still worse than most GB years)
2015: 17th

Your "watched it" metric is bullshit.
See? That's how I know you're full of shit. GB was helped out with the Bryant "no catch", and lost to the Seahawks because you couldn't recover the kick - had nothing to do with refs.

I checked Here's GBs benecificiary rank (Beneficiary means the opposing team was called for a penalty. Site only goes back to 09):

2009: 4th
2010: 2nd
2011: 3rd
2012: 2nd
2013: 19th (Weird, and better than almost half of Dallas' years)
2014: 8th
2015: 4th

Au Contraire:


2009: 9th
2010: 31st
2011: 29th
2012: 27th
2013: 9th
2014: 5th (Weird, but still worse than most GB years)
2015: 17th

Your "watched it" metric is bullshit.

Typical Dakyrn horseshit again. The amount of penalties accrued doesn't really negate my claims in any way as it just takes two or three huge game changing plays to alter the course of a game, in lieu of false starts and offensive holding calls which mainly just stall drives. I also never said that the Packers lost on penalties called at the end of the game; my statement obviously meant that penalties put them in a position to lose in that fashion. You're fucking delusional on a lot of levels. I bet you think Romo is better than Rodgers? Because he might have a better stat or two? And that Dallas gets screwed because their coaching staff doesn't know how to keep their line from having the second most false starts? That beneficiary count metric is a hilarious thing to base your entire opinon on. It does not tell the whole story in any way, as is the problem with almost all single statistics.

Are you seriously trying to tell me that Dallas, whose owner is definitely within the inner circle of Goodell and is one of the most influential owners in the league, would be unfairly victimized by the referees? Dallas just sucks and they aren't coached well. But the refs are just sooo bad tho huh.
If you're going to write a rant, it might help have actually read what those rankings indicated. "Well that's just because Dallas false starts a lot". lulz

I'll help you out:

Beneficiary means the opposing team was called for a penalty.
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Guize...the refs suck, we get it. Every fan deals with bullshit calls each and every game. Do certain teams benefit from phantom calls and whatnot? Maybe. I have no way of proving it. But what can we do? Nothing, so relax and stop clawing at each others throats.

I often wish they'd bring back the replacement refs because at least they had a good excuse to suck.
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I think the refs are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Otherwise you'd see major changes to that entire aspect of the game. How they are hired, performance based pay, etc.
I think the refs are doing exactly what they are supposed to do. Otherwise you'd see major changes to that entire aspect of the game. How they are hired, performance based pay, etc.

I think the refs are human, very human. Might they be pushing and agenda by the NFL? Maybe. Who knows. I think there are waaaaaay to many variables in a given NFL game that one penalty or lack of penalty might determine the outcome, unless it just so happens to be on the most crucial play of the game. In my opinion, that those mistakes made in those critical times are just magnified by infinity and easiest to remember, when in reality those same types of mistakes are made throughout a game or weekend of football.

The best, and only solution imo, is to expand replays and challenges to cover everything. Reduce the human element as much as possible and focus on getting it right.
I'm not even that angry at the referees for this past game, it was pure luck that Arizona won and that's fine. GB did get completely screwed at least 4 times in huge spots, though. And my point was that this is a trend I have noticed, especially in the playoffs. Anyone that actually watches the NFL and isn't a biased homer like Dak would be able to corroborate this.
It's such a hard argument to stand upon. Every fan feels like Refs are against them. I did think there were some terrible non-calls at the end of the game, but that's how it goes.