NFL 2015

Those stats were all relevant to Brady and Belichick. Just sayin. And I agree for the most part but it's hard to ignore trends like that.

I'm not trying to argue or change opinions.

Games that happened in the 80s and 90s have to do with Belichick and Brady?

1-2 in three games are a trend?

How about this for a trend: granda Manning always has a stinker in the playoffs.

cf has pretty much been wrong about everything this season. I notice he didn't even comp to Chip's Offensive strat leading to a tired D.

It continues.

Coming from everyone's favorite "I only watch the Cowboys, who the NFL systematically cheats against :(, but act like an expert on all the teams" that's hilarious. I'm 7-2 for my playoff picks so far, so I don't know how I'm wrong about "everything."

And of course the Eagles defense wore out. The Eagles offense couldn't get first downs. That didn't have to do with pace. That had to do with not executing.

Also. So everyone has been making fun of Blair Walsh's missed field goal attempt for the Vikings for the past 2 weeks. I CAN'T WAIT to see the funny shit That people are gonna post on that missed extra point that the Patriots missed at the start of the game. AHAHAHAHAHA
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Reactions: King Richard
I don't get how Carolina is so effective with limited weapons on offense

Are they that limited, though? They've got a great drop-back passer who is also a mobile threat, good backs, a solid (although no superstars) receiving core, and one of the best tight ends in the league.