NFL 2015

I was looking at leading his team to wins. We will see what Rodgers can do physically in 6 years.

Game Winning Drives isn't a perfect measure by any means, but Brady has 48 in 15 years, good for 3rd all time and only 7 back from Peyton at #1. Rodgers has only managed 14, tied with Andrew Luck, who has been in the league less than half the time on a poorly stocked and run team, and only two ahead of journeymen like Fitzpatrick, Cassel, and Sanchez.

you have to be losing or tied to have a game winning drive...
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Unbelievable game, but I'm gonna stay on my usual rant about how shitty NFL referees are. It was GB vs the refs pretty much the whole game.

Also, Rodgers is the best QB ever to play.

Finally, fire Dom Capers please

Complete bullshit. Green Bay's line was gettting away with holding all game. Just go look at the hold on Calais Campbell on the hail mary for one example. Not to mention we had to waste a challenge on one of the most obvious incomplete passes ever.
There's a lot of stellar attributes I really like about Rodgers. Lucks problems stem from his brain and learning situations. He's his own worst enemy. He has great physical ability but he has to stop losing games. Quite the opposite of a lot of Peyton's problems. Luck will lose big games, Peyton just wouldn't win them. Although Peyton and his teams have been to 3 Super Bowls so meh.

Anyway this is what I like about Rodgers.
1. Mental strength and perseverance. He doesn't get scared in any situation and plays up to his abilities in crunch time. I remember his first playoff game and thinking this dude is gonna be good. And honestly, I can't think of the last time or any time that Rodgers lost a game for his team by having a horrible game. I'm sure it's happened but I just don't recall. Luck on the other hand...yeah let's not go there.
2. Dat arm. I've never see anyone throw the ball as deep, fast, and as accurately as Rodgers. His throwing motion is a bit odd sometimes but good god that dude's arm is amazing. It should be studied by science.
3. Legs. His ability to make plays with his legs is huge. If he was as physical stout as Cam Newton he'd probably be unstoppable in the open field.

I do think Brady is better but he does have some years on Rodgers. And there's no question Brady has had way more success because of Belichick and that organization. Rodgers needs to stay healthier or else he won't be able to catch guys like Brady or Manning.
Lol yeah if you look at stats and only stats. Rodgers is far superior to Brady in almost every aspect. He just doesn't have anywhere close to the same team Brady has had, or the coaching staff. Brady cannot physically make the same plays that Rodgers can.

Yeah, he hasn't as many game winning drives. But have you actually watched him play? Or do you just shut the TV off whenever Dallas loses?

If you "look at stats", it's pretty easy to argue that Rodgers is better. Besides postseason victories, I pulled a stat that - despite the flaws - does something to show a difference in leadership with things on the line. Especially when the disparity is as great as it is in this case.

No I haven't watched a lot of Packers games or games in general anymore because I don't have the time nor interest to watch football be poorly played and poorly reffed for 3-4 hours.

Furthermore, I'm surprised to hear you be so quick to dismiss Rodgers over Brady. Just last week you were claiming McCarthy is holding the Packers back, while Brady has one of the best (probably THE best) coach of all time.

The fact that Rodgers is more physically gifted than Brady is indisputable. How different might things be if Brady and Rodgers switched teams, or even just coaches?

Kaep, Vick, and Cam are more physically gifted than Rodgers and Brady. Lets have fun with that one. Only on the interwebs is saying that a surefire first ballot HOFer is better than another QB "dismissing" the other QB.
Kaep, Vick, and Cam are more physically gifted than Rodgers and Brady. Lets have fun with that one. Only on the interwebs is saying that a surefire first ballot HOFer is better than another QB "dismissing" the other QB.

Physically gifted =\= fast. Rodgers has much better accuracy, touch, and versatility than those guys. Kaep and Vick have no natural touch on thier throw at all. (Vick's also rather short for a QB, which automatically removes him from the discussion, those his terrinle accuracy would do that anyway). Newton isn't the most naturally accurate QB either. Rodgers is insanely talented at throwing while moving and while on the run, has great touch, but can also throw with insane power when needed. He's pretty much the total quaterback.
Physically gifted =\= fast. Rodgers has much better accuracy, touch, and versatility than those guys. Kaep and Vick have no natural touch on thier throw at all. (Vick's also rather short for a QB, which automatically removes him from the discussion, those his terrinle accuracy would do that anyway). Newton isn't the most naturally accurate QB either. Rodgers is insanely talented at throwing while moving and while on the run, has great touch, but can also throw with insane power when needed. He's pretty much the total quaterback.

Are Rodger's traits the result of excellent practice/preparation or was he born with it? It's much easier to argue Cam was "born that way" than Rodgers. I think Rodgers is this eras Steve Young in more ways than one.
Are Rodger's traits the result of excellent practice/preparation or was he born with it? It's much easier to argue Cam was "born that way" than Rodgers. I think Rodgers is this eras Steve Young in more ways than one.

You rarely ever see QBs go from being highly inaccurate to accurate. It's based in physical traits, albeit more subtle ones.

This game has all the looks of an annihilation. I hope the Panthers win it all and the Newton haters get to suck it.
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Rooting order:

1. Panthers
2. Pats
3. Cards
4. Broncos

On a different note, am I the only one that found having Jay Feeley on the sideline as a special teams analyst to be excessive and cumbersome?
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I really want the Panthers to win because that team is just awesome. But man, there's no way I could ever root against Arians and Palmer and the Cardinals, that team is awesome too. It's too bad they both can't win. So, I'll be happy for whoever wins and expect it to be one helluva game.

On the other side, anyone but the Pats amirite? Lucky for me that default is Peyton fucking Manning, GOAT. I think either team that comes out the AFC is going to have a tough time against the Panthers or Cardinals though. Their offenses are too dynamic and defenses are extremely aggressive. And their coaches. Thank the fucking football gods for these two coaches. Extremely aggressive and DGAF. Pretty much living Al Davis' mentality of Just Win Baby. This is bad news for Tommy boy and Old Man Peyton and their teams.

As a Peyton homer, I want nothing more than to see him go out on top. Everyone knows he's done physically, which is just a shame because his melon is still fully intact (and what a large melon it is). But man, making it to 4 SB's and winning 2 would just be flipping sweet. At the very least, just beat the Pats one more time.