NFL 2015

Well snap-a-doo.

"Based on the evidence," the report reads, "it also is our view that it is more probable than not that Tom Brady (the quarterback for the Patriots) was at least generally aware of the inappropriate activities of McNally and Jastremski involving the release of air from Patriots game balls."

"After not communicating by telephone or text message for more than six months ... Brady and Jastremski spoke by telephone at least twice on January 19 (calls lasting a total of 25 minutes and 2 seconds), twice on January 20 (calls lasting a total of 9 minutes and 55 seconds) and twice on January 21 (calls lasting a total of 20 minutes and 52 seconds)," the report states, "before Jastremski surrendered his cell phone to the Patriots later that day for forensic imaging. ... Brady also took the unprecedented step of inviting Jastremski to the QB room (essentially Brady's office) in Gillette Stadium on January 19 for the first and only time that Jastremski can recall during his twenty-year career with the Patriots, and Brady sent Jastremski text messages seemingly designed to calm Jastremski ('You good Jonny boy?'; 'You doing good?')."
Cowboys with another steal

That fuckin Oline is going to be devastating. And if Gregory pans out, Hardy keeps his shit together and they find a DT, their Dline could be good too. Best way to build a team on both sides - upfront and inside out.
That fuckin Oline is going to be devastating. And if Gregory pans out, Hardy keeps his shit together and they find a DT, their Dline could be good too. Best way to build a team on both sides - upfront and inside out.

And yet they are always only one play away from being Brandon Weeden's team....
And yet they are always only one play away from being Brandon Weeden's team....

Yeah, Romo can play well through some serious pain, but another goddamn boley hit is all it takes to make this team one dimensional. On the other hand, nearly every team is in that situation.

Rumors are still abounding on Dallas mortgaging the future to get AP in to win naow, and Jerry is fueling it. Given the "closing window" on both Romo and jerrah (as Romo so drunkenly mentioned), I wouldn't be surprised if Jerrah overrides everyone to pull that trigger. I wouldn't do it myself, but I'm also not as old as he is. It'd honestly be the smartest draft pick he has ever traded away, vs the dumb trades for Galloway/Williams/etc.

I see Collins eventually taking over Free tbh, unless Leary's knee finally starts it's degeneration. This Chaz dude is probably going to be the swing-everything.

If Gregory and Jones both pan out, and especially if Claiborne has anything close to a rejuvenation this year, (barring critical injuries)this team is going to be phenomenal.
Awful break for Dante Fowler - first day of Jags minicamp and he's done his ACL: out for the year

Yeah saw that, Jags are fuckin cursed since Brunell left.

Sorry but I always have to revert back to talking about the Boys: This is at least part of the reason Dallas didn't pay Murray the big bucks:

Man, the report came out on what Jerry did to get Collins. Good god:

Buffalo coach Rex Ryan had flown to Baton Rouge to eat with Collins. A couple of his former teammates at LSU returned to Louisiana to lobby to get him to join them with the Miami Dolphins. Collins’ agent said his client didn’t intend to take any visits.

But Jones’ conversation changed all that. He arrived in Dallas on Wednesday with his mother, who raised her son and worked long shifts as a security guard at the Belle of Baton Rouge Casino and Hotel while the boy’s father, Theotis, spent more than a decade in prison for his involvement in the death of a man in a bar fight.

Collins and his mother joined Jones, his son Stephen, and Garrett at dinner. Quarterback Tony Romo and the team’s three Pro Bowl linemen — Tyron Smith, Zack Martin and Travis Frederick — were also in attendance along with tight end Jason Witten and offensive line coach Frank Pollack.

Collins followed and looked up to Smith when he was in high school. He has watched Romo play and admired no matter how much the Cowboys quarterback was criticized, he never folded or blinked.

The dinner had a profound effect on his decision.

“Those are guys who have been faced with challenges throughout life,” Collins said. “I fit right in with those guys. So, when I take the field with those guys and this team, I fit right in.

Jerrah brought in everybody. Dude may have made some bad GMing decisions here and there, but the sell is where no one can match him.
Yeah saw that, Jags are fuckin cursed since Brunell left.

Sorry but I always have to revert back to talking about the Boys: This is at least part of the reason Dallas didn't pay Murray the big bucks:


Between that and the injury history, and the fact that they just paid Dez it was a no-brainer to let Murray walk imo. There's no question that Dez was the priority to resign.

The main questionable thing is that Dallas didn't seem to have a contingency plan for Murray's departure. McFadden is even more injury prone, Randle can't seem to stay out of trouble and Ryan Williams hasn't played a meaningful snap for two years.

Its no wonder they are being linked to a desperation trade for Peterson. But, historically, teams that think they are close and make big moves to get them there don't actually tend to win. Look at the Eagles and Niners (or the Falcons with the big trade up for Jones) as recent examples of teams that were 'stacked' and set to dominate after their big offseason moves. I think mortgaging their future for Peterson would be a mistake, personally.
Man, the report came out on what Jerry did to get Collins. Good god:

Jerrah brought in everybody. Dude may have made some bad GMing decisions here and there, but the sell is where no one can match him.

Honestly I don't even think he needed that. Dallas is the best option out of those 3 teams, but he would probably have the most impact for us.
I wish they'd move to LA, I rather keep the Raiders and Chargers where they currently are (since it's pretty much fact that LA's getting 2 teams, one in each league, whenever they do get teams). But sadly, I don't think they'll move.
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Yeah, been reading dumbass Cowboys' fans comments about Murray not having room to run in Philly. Obviously they don't check PFF. Even if you want to disagree with some of the grading techniques, it's obvious that the Eagles are in the top 5 as well in terms of O-Line. Their main problems from last year remain question marks going into this year: QB and secondary.

Leary is solid but he is the most likely to get replaced by Collins. Leary's weakness is defending against speed iirc, and Collins' greater lateral agility should provide an upgrade in pass protection without sacrificing run blocking.