NFL 2015

Worth pointing out too that Mathis put up that 25.8 in only 9 games, and was still the 2nd highest scoring guard in football. Peters was the #1 left tackle and Kelce had a bit of a down year but is usually among the top centres too. Lane Johnson was one of the better RTs also. The Eagles line is pretty beastly, largely because they are just so damn athletic. Different kind of line to Dallas, and very fun to watch.
Dallas won't have to face Brady

Damn that punishment is huge, or is it just me? Bills will face the Pats w/o Brady too though...could be our year (how sad is that?)
I don't think so. It isn't about the actual value of the cheating. It's about integrity and repeat offense. I honestly feel bad for the Bills purely due to "Wide Right" and then the years of misery after the Kelly era. No pity for the beatdowns by the Cowboys though obviously lol.

Also, my favorite Romo memory is still the game where he threw 5 picks to the Bills and still won. That's just hair-tearingly bad for Bills fans.
Yeah I remember that game, such a joke.

I honestly thought Brady would get 2 games and that's it. But the 1st rounder and 2 more games?
I'm not sure I buy the argument in taking the 1st unless the organization knew what Brady was doing and covering up for him. I didn't read the long ass report, but I don't think it made that claim?
Like I said, I think this has to do with the whole repeat offense thing. Even if "the organization didn't know", at this point you could levy the charge that they have fostered a culture of cheating, so that the players are now at the point where they are engaging in non-org sanctioned micro-cheats.
The Patriots and Brady are deplorable. I don't think he got enough. They should have gave his children a blood disease. Just to ensure his shit name doesn't resurface
Couldn't that same argument have been made when several Seahawks players tested positive for PED's?

I don't even remember that, but I imagine it could. Hell, from what I've read Seattle intentionally PIs/grabs on a regular basis, knowing that they can't flag every play. But everyone knows the Pats have been granted tremendous leniency and questionable calls for a decade and a half now, and it's about time they paid for it in some way.

BTW, Football Outsiders currently has the NFC ranked as follows (top 5):

1. Seattle
2. Dallas
3. Atlanta
4. Green Bay
5. New Orleans

and just for Jimmy:

6. NY Giants

I had a big "?" about Atlanta and NO but they appear heavily influenced by SOS. The review did suggest that those projections require the equivalent of an asterisk. I think the Cardinals and Eagles need to replace those two teams, but under GB.
The Falcons are a joke at 3. The Packers are 3. The Lions should be 4. Everyone else is on the fence. I don't think the Cards are going to be that good again. The Eagles are all over the place/who the hell knows. The Giants are a big hit or miss/it's all on that Oline. The Saints are a mess. 49ers lol.

The Vikings could surprise us this year.
I'm not sold on the Lions at all, especially with the losses on D and Stafford still at QB. I think Atlanta and NO could surprise but I wouldn't put them ahead of GB, Eagles, Giants.

The Vikings are a sexy pick to surprise this year but it really hinges on serious progression by Bridgewater/if AP suits up.