Non-Weebo Chill Bros Anime Thread

Zavvi were having a sale so I ordered all of the DBZ season DVDs :rofl: my understanding is that the picture is cropped as they forced it into widescreen, and the colour is also saturated to stupid levels, but I'm not paying thousands of pounds for the rare DVDs. These will do, and they have the Japanese audio at least. None of the DBZ stuff I downloaded had the Japanese audio. I've got the full series dubbed by Funimation, the episodes dubbed by Ocean, all the movies in both languages, but never found a full DBZ Japanese download. It probably exists but w/e, having it on DVD will be simpler.

I got the DBGT full series from Zavvi as well, which has the Japanese & English versions. GT kinda sucks for the first 30% of the series though. I also downloaded the Ocean dub of DBGT back in 2015 - apparently it's not so easy to find nowadays.
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Oh, I have the original Dragonball Z Kai run as well in English & Japanese (up to the end of the Cell games) - but was kinda disappointed that they felt the need to change all the music. The Gohan SSJ2 scene in Kai is shit compared to the original.
One plus point for DBZ Kai, the dub actually managed to match the Japanese intro, and is arguably a better version of it.

In Spain, the DVDs come with all four languages from Spain plus the original audio.

The problem. The series were censored when they were first released and I don't know if that has changed.

The good thing is that there are fabsubs that are editing the censored scenes.

And now they're releasing blu ray. But I don't want to buy something that has only be remastered. The series need to be redrawn.

Also, this is the only time where I prefer the series dubbed to my language, Galician, than the original Japanese.

First, because they did a great job. Second, adult Goku with child voice is a no.
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The history of DBZ in the UK is pretty weird. We originally got the Ocean/Saban dub like all other English speaking parts of the world. Then like everywhere else we switched to the Funimation dub a little way into the Freeza arc. The voices kinda sounded the same as Ocean... but a lot worse. There was less censorship though. In the Saban/Ocean days they wouldn't reference death at all. Whenever anyone died they "went to another dimension" :rofl: and hell was censored to HFIL (Home for Infinite Losers, aka Hungary), also no red blood (but green and purple blood was OK). Basically they just took a shit all over the show. Funimation had less censorship but the voices sounded like cheap imitations of the Ocean cast and the scripts were possibly even worse - especially during the Goku/Freeza fight, which they turned into something distinctly homoerotic.

At some point just before the beginning of the Android Saga we went back to Ocean, then briefly Funimation again, then Ocean, so... they just couldn't make up their minds. We basically lost the Funimation cast just as they were getting decent at their roles, and regained the Ocean cast who no longer had any real direction or budget and so sounded a lot worse than the earlier seasons, even with the censorship reduced.

What's funny about Goku, and something all the dubs seem to miss, is that even though he's childish he's also kind of a dick and a terrible dad. I think this does get brought up periodically in the Japanese version but is never really touched upon in any of the English dubs, except during the Cell Games when he sends Gohan in after giving Cell a senzu and even in the English dub they couldn't ignore that shit.
The things that they censored here were as stupid as that time when Goku discovers that Bills has no penis and a scene of her in the bathtub. That kind of things.

Apart from that, the translation was pretty good.
The translation for Dragonball Z here was atrocious. Not only was the dialogue terrible but they mistranslated it to the point where they literally changed some parts of the story into something different. They also hated silence and always filled it in with either the character's 'thoughts' or breathing/grunting. In the earlier series they'd also add in random lines to lie about people being OK after clearly being killed. As an example, "look, I can see their parachutes, they're OK" :rofl:

Also weird that we got DBZ, then DBGT, then the original Dragonball last. I think Dragonball was released here for the first time in 2004 or 2005, whereas DBZ first started airing in the mid-90s. I'd stopped watching it by the time Dragonball finally came out, but I heard the dub was done really well compared to DBZ.

That's so funny... I'm still laughing.

Here, apart from some mild censorship, the dialogues were pretty much the same as the originals.

And now, my wife tells me that they're removing Dragon Ball from the TV at Catalonia (I wonder how stupid that people is) because it diminishes the role of the women.
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So is it Dragonball Z that is rebooted? How about the original Dragonball ? I had a graphic novel or two of Dragonball and it was cool. I liked the adventure aspect of that more than the DBZ fighting stand offs. Literally 2 guys staring at each other for 15 minutes before shooting a few fireballs from what little I saw of DBZ. Of course I didn’t have satellite TV or cable TV at the time so no opportunity to watch it really, only saw a few episodes over the years.

But the original Dragonball had a cool vibe, would definitely get that at some point.

That's so funny... I'm still laughing.

Here, apart from some mild censorship, the dialogues were pretty much the same as the originals.

And now, my wife tells me that they're removing Dragon Ball from the TV at Catalonia (I wonder how stupid that people is) because it diminishes the role of the women.

At this point we might as well just cancel all forms of entertainment from pre-2020 as it's all offensive to somebody.

So is it Dragonball Z that is rebooted? How about the original Dragonball ? I had a graphic novel or two of Dragonball and it was cool. I liked the adventure aspect of that more than the DBZ fighting stand offs. Literally 2 guys staring at each other for 15 minutes before shooting a few fireballs from what little I saw of DBZ. Of course I didn’t have satellite TV or cable TV at the time so no opportunity to watch it really, only saw a few episodes over the years.

But the original Dragonball had a cool vibe, would definitely get that at some point.

DBZ Kai was a form of reboot - an abridged version of the original series, with scenes redrawn and generally made more 'modern'. They also changed the music - although the original composer was outed as a pretty prolific plageriser and they had to redo all of the music in subsequent releases.

Dragonball Super is a continuation of the original DBZ and seems to retcon GT, or at the very least it happens in a timeline where GT isn't going to happen. I haven't watched it as I don't really like the look of the animation, so I'm not sure if it's any good.

If you preferred the original Dragonball to DBZ you might like GT, as it's more in the spirit of the original show.
I liked it till Namek (included) but my favourite part reaches til his fight against Piccolo Jr in the tournament.

I honestly prefer to read the manga (I own all the volumes). Right now, there are only a few TV shows that are as good as their original mangas. Dragon ball could be outstanding if they were to remake it with good quality, something like Boku no Hero Academia. But, they are just milking it with the lame continuation.

Dragon Ball Kai was good. But I feel that, this franchise, is being mistreated in terms of quality. Though I shall recognize that the first seasons were good at the time they were animated.
I've never read the manga or seen the original Dragonball. I liked DBZ up until the end of the Cell Games, but thought the Buu saga was overkill and really unnecessary. I've never watched it all the way through. The series was already beginning to get repetitive by the Android Saga. I think ending it after the Cell Games would have been fine.

DBGT is strange. I kind of like it just because it's strange, and it still has the 'feel' of old school DB, even if Toriyama had very little to do with the show itself. Also the OG Japanese GT intro is the best in the franchise imo.
Muh DBZ DVDs arrived.


As much as everyone complains about them, I watched an episode from the Cell Games and it looks fine to me. Cool to have Japanese as an option, even if it's in mono. I kind of like that it sounds old - more authentic.


Now they go on the shelf next to DBGT :cool:
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Well, if it makes you feel any better there is no Spanish dub option :D

I'm not sure why Season One doesn't list the episodes on the DVD spine, whilst all the others do,though. Also no idea why some are rated PG and others a 12... I'd have assumed the whole series would have one rating, rather than some batches of episodes being PG and others being 12.
I should know what are the "lines" (I cannot think of a better word right now) to be able to understand that.

I guess that violence is not the problem. Maybe the kind of violence or things that children might find disturbing.

Like, Gohan is kidnapped by Piccolo and forced to train on his own. Maybe that could be a reason behind of it.
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I just started watching the first disc and you've already got Japanese subtitle of "bastards" and people being killed... very PG :D
I'm not sure what ca be considered like that. We don't have anything similar to that here.

Galician here.