North American tour fall 2009

Yeah...that would be distracting, thankfully I've never been that close. I knew the tat said heartburn, what the fuck made me write hostile.
Yeah...that would be distracting, thankfully I've never been that close. I knew the tat said heartburn, what the fuck made me write hostile.

too distracted by his ungodly belly.


And hey, what's wrong with Skeletonwitch, guys?!??!?
damn, i hit up every venue/promoter i could on the west coast trying to get an opening slot but all of them claimed they were full or didn't even respond back. fucking lame.
^you tried the Glass House in Pomona? were they full? cuz it says TBA for the rest of the bands.

yup, i asked the booker/promoter and said we'd play either date but he claimed that both of them were full which I think is a lie, I think even though we'd presell the tickets/pay the guarantee he just doesn't want us, there's no wayyyy every slot could be full when it still says tba.
yeah that sounds pretty fishy. how does that process work anyway? like on what basis does the promoter decide if you get to play at that venue?
yeah thats the thing that pisses me off, I would've been fine with paying to play or preselling tickets because it would be a huge opportunity and would be completely awesome to play with bodom and add something maybe the regular bodom crowd hasn't seen. oh well, someday if i can get label backing then i won't have to deal with all that, thank god for booking agents haha. we were lucky enough to open for pro-pain and sworn enemy in la a while back but i think thats only because the opening band dropped off.
FUUUUUU! COMMODORE BALLROOM I RAGE AT THEE! I swear to God, every second awesome metal tour that comes to Vancouver has to play at that place.. 19+ venue ftl =(. I'm sure anybody and everybody over 19 disagrees, but I'm not in that category for another 2 years.. Agh.
why couldn't they come to nyc -_-. had they came again it would've been my 3rd time seeing them in less than a year. i barely remember the first time i saw bodom cause i was in somewhat shock and i was far from the stage.