Nostalgia: second wave black metal (list-making included)

First and foremost, I love the name. Second and aftermost, I included the bands that I did not necessarily because the albums that I cited are the "best," but because they evoke most efficiently and most purely, moreso than any others that I could think of at the moment, the "true" (as much as I hate using the term) spirit of second wave black metal, the era which I furthermore consider to be the most representative and expressive of the genre. For example, I obsess over Marduk even though I know full well that there's a lot of better stuff out there. They, and some of the other groups like Dissection, evoke in me: 1.) memories of the period during my life when I was first discovering black and extreme metal; and, 2.) The Genuine, Bonafide Black Metal "Feeling." ThatFeeling. The You-Don't-Hear-This-Much-These-Days Feeling. For another example, I like Emperor's Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk better than 90% of the stuff on the list I made, but I didn't include it (although I certainly could have) because the mood, the aura that conjures when it spins just isn't the same. While I do like considerably the bands that you cited (Beherit and Carpathian Forest are some of my all-time favs), it wasn't a list of the best albums per se, but rather the most atmospheric (which is, granted, also an indicator of bestness). I'd also like to see your list, given your comments: what albums would you add/subtract that I didn't/did include, apart from the bands you already mentioned?

MalignParadigm stated bands that I would mention, such as Sacramentum's Far Away From The Sun, Kvist, Rotting Christ, Master's Hammer etc..
I guess it's purely subjective but I never thought much of Dissection. Dawn's Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher was always more satisfying than any Dissection release for me, but in the end it's all subjective anyways. Enslaved would also probably make my list somewhere.
Though I'm not detracting from your list or opinions, as, for the most part, they are pretty much absolute validity.

EDIT: Now that I scroll and read everyones post, Nær Solen Gar Nider For Evogher has already been mentioned, guess we share a common interest here.
Yeah, it rules! It's of course more understated in the melodic department than Dissection, as are Sacramentum, Octinomos, etc. (other Swedish BM).
Yeah, for sure, it's a shame really. I know you'll hate me for this V5, but I recall listening to Octinomos awhile back, and it not really clicking with me. Maybe I should give it more listens whenever I can in the future.
Depends what you heard, all three albums are pretty different...they're all terribly overlooked though. The first is melodic in the Dawn/Sacramentum way, with feral, almost feminine vocals and some keyboard work for intros and miscellaneous things like that. Welcome To My Planet is more sophisticated black metal with a Sacramentum feel for a great portion of it, right down to the tempo changes and biting-sharp melodic riffing. Fuckhole Armageddon is a bitter and extreme assault like a better version of the popular Swedish norsecore (with some cool surprises, like the alt. rock-y chorus in "Wipeout").
I completely forget which album I heard, but when you say it is like Dawn / Sacramentum, is that Far Away From The Sun Sacramentum?
I think the vast majority of what I would have mentioned has been included, but I'll name some that I don't recall being mentioned (too lazy to verify):

Tormentor - Anno Domini
Root - Hell Symphony
Torr - Witchhammer
666 - Nekrofilie
Mefisto - The Truth
Cruachan - Tuatha Na Gael
Abysmal - The Pillorian Age
Strid/Malfeitor material
Tudor demos
Amon Goeth - The Worship
Thou Art Lord - Diabolou Archaes Legeones 7"
Tiamat - Sumerian Cry

That's a rather random, haphazard list, of course.
This guy who made this thread, kicks ass.

But yea...

Dont over look at ton of bands still making interesting black metal music...

Ash Pool
Unholy Trinity(DeKalb, IL)
Peste Noire
Black Funeral
Deathspell Omega
Blut Aus Nord
Clandestine Blaze
Wolves In The Throneroom

Among MANY more...

Some of these may be hard to find but they are, for sure, interesting bands that hold the the idea of black metal together and do not fall into black metal trends, speaking in terms of music not in "sell-out" sense, and push the genre farther.
Fuckhole Armageddon

Ass good as this might be I just can't see myself ever taking it seriously due to the name. It - I don't know just kind of inspires images that don't coincide with what I can take to heart.

I'll generally agree with a good bit of the albums mentioned here, but there is one that I feel should be mentioned.

Despite its more modern release date I find that it holds true to the spirit that can be found in the founding fathers works without coming across as a cheap knock off.

Epheles - L'ombre de la Croix
Sacramentum are great, though I actually don't have Far Away from the Sun. AND, I've been meaning to check out Dawn for years now, so they've been moved to the top of my to-get list. I'd heard they sound like Dissection, but more mantric in strucutre. Does that sound accurate?

And thanks V.V.V.V.V. for the validation.

AND, question: are Nachtmystium worth the hype? I've heard the incredibly innovative? What do you guys think?

One more thing: I hate to say it, but I won't be around for a few days; however, I wanna save all these lists when I get back, so keep this thread alive! Only old school is real!
I'd say that Nachtmystium are worth the hype to some extent but not for the 'black metal' fan in you. You'd have to be going into them expecting something completely different in both sound and feeling. I personally find their blend of psychedelic elements in with black metal to be interesting but it has been done before and better by Reverend Kriss Hades.