Second Wave of Thrash Metal (SWOTM)

Is the SWOTM dying out?

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Core and retro metal don't generally suck? As to lumping them in together, reread Krow's post and try to think creatively how my response might apply. Also, become more interesting.
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Core and retro metal don't generally suck? As to lumping them in together, reread Krow's post and try to think how my response might apply. Also, become more interesting.

If you're implying that core is the only 'new styled albums in the genre' then you've made another error. Also knowing Krow's tastes I highly doubt he was talking about core. I'm not here to entertain you. If you make a worthwhile point then we can have a more interesting discussion however.

No retro metal doesn't 'generally' suck.
I'm not here to entertain you.

Yeah, no shit buddy.

f you're implying that core is the only 'new styled albums in the genre'

I wish I actually was implying this, or implying that there's no difference between core music and retro music. That might actually make for an interesting argument. As I'm obviously not, though, you're being tiresome.
Yeah, no shit buddy.

I wish I actually was implying this, or implying that there's no difference between core music and retro music. That might actually make for an interesting argument. As I'm obviously not, though, you're being tiresome.

Then articulate your thought more clearly because there's more than 1 way of interpreting it.
I try not to reject entire swathes of bands because they belong to a meme/tag, I've heard plenty of "retro death" and "retro thrash" that I like.

But I always prefer the bands that put their own spin on an old school sound.
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No retro metal doesn't 'generally' suck.
Yes it does. Just some less than others.

Retro-trad the least (I'd say it's about a 50/50 split).
Retro-death is real hit or miss but there is still good to be found.
And retro-thrash is the light beer equivalent of regular thrash. As the old saying goes, Light Beer = Intense Queer.
You should name some of the main offenders Butt, interested to know who you think the stinkers of retro are.
Fueled by Fire
Bonded by Blood

The ones that spring to my mind off the top of my head.

I could just be biased because I don't even really like a lot of thrash except for the classics, I fully admit that; but I just find 99% of retro-thrash to be rehashes of stuff from thirty years ago, but done worse in every conceivable way.