nu metal sucks!

The guitarist is good, but compared to bass/drums, he's nothing special.

No. The guitarist is not good, not at all.

I am being serious now, he is one of the most primitive guitarists i have ever heard... even more primitive than other nu-rock bands like sevendust etc.

They would actually be a half decent band if they got a real guitarist... but then they wouldn't be nu-rock, now would they?
And for the second part. Yes they did create what they set out to create, they created shit so shitheads would buy it and they would make money. So they could make more shit so shitheads would buy it and they make more money.
Originally posted by Frost of the sanctum
:lol: :lol: Wow sullen did you get that wonderful (immature) language from your "wonderful" :err: music that seems to make use of it as the basis for 90% of their lyrics?

"omg wtf did you say about slipnot? tey are teha greatsdt beand evah!"


Look at STB's wording. "Bullshit", "gay".

I'm just continuing.

Yes, I am being an arsehole.
And for the second part. Yes they did create what they set out to create, they created shit so shitheads would buy it and they would make money. So they could make more shit so shitheads would buy it and they make more money.

Can you say.. 'Limp Bizkit'?

Heh heh.. I don't think it's shit. I don't think they made it to attract shitheads.

I think the shitheads were molded around it.

No. The guitarist is not good, not at all.

I am being serious now, he is one of the most primitive guitarists i have ever heard... even more primitive than other nu-rock bands like sevendust etc.

They would actually be a half decent band if they got a real guitarist... but then they wouldn't be nu-rock, now would they?

Okay, he's a talentless piece of shit. At least it's possible to hear the bass around it. He does use repetitive/unimaginative riffs, but, he can play them. He does manage to do a ridiculous back'n'forth motion live, and able to play. That is a form of talent.
I gotta say, I do DEMAND extreme amounts of talent in my music. I don't know about you SUllen, but with so much shit out there, not doing so just means that you will accept whatever trend is the most commonplace in hard music ATM. For example, one of my friends loves EVERY SINGLE SWEDISH MELODIC DM band EVER, WITHOUT FAIL. He loves'em. BUt I, on the other hand, will go fucking ninja style flip out (saw yer pic on realultimatepower BTW) if I ever hear one more recycled Maiden riff done at 220 BPM in B. Same for new metal. You yourself said you don't "need" talent in the music you listen to, but that just shows you haven't become a discerning listener yet. Wanna hear bass? Go get Cynic, Sadus, Atheist, or SPiral Architect.
Originally posted by Sadistik
I gotta say, I do DEMAND extreme amounts of talent in my music. I don't know about you SUllen, but with so much shit out there, not doing so just means that you will accept whatever trend is the most commonplace in hard music ATM. For example, one of my friends loves EVERY SINGLE SWEDISH MELODIC DM band EVER, WITHOUT FAIL. He loves'em. BUt I, on the other hand, will go fucking ninja style flip out (saw yer pic on realultimatepower BTW) if I ever hear one more recycled Maiden riff done at 220 BPM in B. Same for new metal. You yourself said you don't "need" talent in the music you listen to, but that just shows you haven't become a discerning listener yet. Wanna hear bass? Go get Cynic, Sadus, Atheist, or SPiral Architect.

I know there is a lot of shit available to purchase, download and copy. I know there is a lot of shit that is praised for it's 'excellence'.

I don't know why you hold such a high level for the bands to have to pass.

What I like most about Opeth is the complex riffs and patterns in the songs - and that's what I don't like in other bands. I like some bands that are relatively 'simple'.

What I do hate is, bands that are exactly the same.

It's not the talent that I look for, it's the music. As someone said before (I think), you can have a group of really talented people, but their still producing shit. It can be the opposite. A group of people who aren't very technical, aren't very profficient with their instruments, but create great music.

I'll check out those bands soon.
One question, though: is Cynic like Death? I've heard people associate them with Death, and I don't really find myself pulled to their music.


Edit: I just realised I missed finishing something off.

I don't know why you hold such a high level for the bands to have to pass. I don't see why bands should have to be 'this technical' until you start listening to them. Remember - all bands have to start somewhere.
With that, some bands will definately stay as 'bad', and some will 'improve'.

Eurgh.. I think that's it.
As someone said before (I think), you can have a group of really talented people, but their still producing shit.

*cough* Dream Theater *cough*

One question, though: is Cynic like Death? I've heard people associate them with Death, and I don't really find myself pulled to their music.

They are very strangely jazzy death metal alternating between vox reminiscent of Chuck in the Leprosy era and these wierd digitized vox. Music is progressive and not overly technical, though it is VERY technical, and engagingly jazzed out.
Originally posted by Sadistik
*cough* Dream Theater *cough*

Well.. we agree on something...

They are very strangely jazzy death metal alternating between vox reminiscent of Chuck in the Leprosy era and these wierd digitized vox. Music is progressive and not overly technical, though it is VERY technical, and engagingly jazzed out.

It sounds interesting, I must say. I'll check 'em out after I redownload the 'Torn Between Mistrust' but Forlorn Souls of Idiocy.

(Just think Opeth, but with a rare sense of humour that shows in their music)

Download Uroboric Forms from their demo...

Then get 'Textures' from their 'focus' album. It is awesome... Technical Groove.

Have you heard Atheist?

Go to audiogalaxy and download 'Elements', 'Mineral', and 'brains'...
Originally posted by Trapped

Download Uroboric Forms from their demo...

Then get 'Textures' from their 'focus' album. It is awesome... Technical Groove.

Have you heard Atheist?

Go to audiogalaxy and download 'Elements', 'Mineral', and 'brains'...

Don't call me Sullenman...
Call me God..
I'll check out those song's later.. I'm downloading C&C Renegade/Dune 2000.. My bandwidth is used up.. and some idiotard is trying to get Stabbing Westward songs off me.. won't go away..

Dune 2000 is great. That's all i've done for the last few days. :lol:

...That, Sim City 2000, and SYNDICATE!!!!!!
Originally posted by Trapped
Dune 2000 is great. That's all i've done for the last few days. :lol:

...That, Sim City 2000, and SYNDICATE!!!!!!

My cousin has/had Dune 2000.. we loved it..
We were going to start playing it again over my magic network.. but..
His CD is so fucked up, that you can only play it IF you already have it installed. You cannot install and you cannot play Ordos missions past the third level.

I love that game.
Well really, Syndicate Plus.. and Syndicate Wars.
That gun can amuse for many a day..
I prefer Syndicate Wars, just because of how annoying it is buying more ammo at the end of each level ;-)

And back to music, I've taken a plot suitable for 'nu-metal', and made it an epic piece.

Behold! The Jar of Rusty Nails:

Luminous and tall,
The inhabitants of the land.
Green and dominant,
Casting shade down on thee.

Instilling a fear,
Don't even want to try.
The forced duties led to a shelter.

The engine lay still,
Unmoving in its silence.
The means to topple the giant,
Disliked for its requirements.

Resting on a bed of nails,
The gateway to another world.
Taken away by a hero called 'Cyanide'.

Elected to lead for brightness,
Piercing the skin of a man called stubborn.
Eating away at the sickness,
Bless the rusted nails.

Okay, I know you crapped your pants reading that, and kicked your mum in the teeth because it was so sweet. Knowing that made me crap my pants, and in turn, kick my neighbor in the armpit. He went on to crap his pants and filed for divorce just by wailing on my guitar, and killed some pirates at the same time.
Originally posted by Trapped

No. The guitarist is not good, not at all.

I am being serious now, he is one of the most primitive guitarists i have ever heard... even more primitive than other nu-rock bands like sevendust etc.

They would actually be a half decent band if they got a real guitarist... but then they wouldn't be nu-rock, now would they?

I haven´t heard Mudvayne but that guitarist can´t be more primative than Max from Soulfly he´s only got 4 strings on his gutiar, what is that. He can´t write a decent riff and Primative is a horrible, horrible album.
It's a sad fact...

What happened to the days of ARISE for max?? He wrote some awesome riffs... and their earlier stuff. Where are THOSE riffs on soulfly? Jesus. Talk about 'change'.