nu metal sucks!

Originally posted by Prophetix
Just try and compare the two styles:
Pain of Salvation - One Hour by the Concrete Lake tells us about world issues (pollution etc.)

Kid Rock - Cowboy tells us about none other than Kid Rock himself and how great he is..blah blah blah

I rest my case :rolleyes:

Clever. To bad Kid Rock is hip hop, not "nu-metal". If not for that little detail, it's be fine.

Why is it even called nu metal? It's rock. Everything anyone calls nu-metal is rock. Maybe hard rock, but not anything with metal in the name.
Heavy Metal_
Opeth's Still Life= The most intelligent Indictment of organized religion ever in music, with musical aesthetics to match the lofty concepts.


I rest MY case.
i read on on the reviews page for "my arms your hearse" a guy who gave the album only one star and his last comment was: "go check out cold or linkin park. THAT'S talent".

damn kids these days. nothing makes me angrier than little brats like him think he is so cool listening to linkin park because its "hard" and rejects opeth probably because they have some acoustic guitars and clean vocals...
Kud's vocals are horrible?? He's got a great gutteral scream... and with the snap of a finger he can sing beautifully in all ranges... obviously that's horrible... and you keep comparing them to Opeth or other bands... I NEVER SAID THEY WERE BETTER THAN OPETH OR OTHER BANDS... I JUST SAID THEY WERE A VERY GOOD BAND AND SHOULDN'T BE IN THE NU-METAL GENRE... jesus... read what I type
yea kud has such a great voice??? thats why his voice always gives him problems constantly. mudvayne are nu metal. just face it. they suck ass. just listen to number 11 on their ld50 cd. i forgot what its called. listen to the guitar carefully. all it is is the same note OVER AND OVER. wow TALENT!!!
Originally posted by Morningrise

I still can't stop laughing at this!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Does this guy actually listen to Opeth, if so he would know of two bassists better than the Mudvayne guy! Sure Mudvayne is an ok band, and I give them credit; for they DO have talent. Compared to what else is on the radio, they have a lot of talent. And I do not categorize them as NU-Metal, because of the respect I have for them. I used to be into this type of music, but it obviously no longer pleases me; sure every now and then, I will grab my brothers Sevendust CD's (one of the better Nu-metal bands) and give it a listen, but other than that I can't stand it. One thing I hate is how Tool is categorized as Nu-metal, that is such bull shit and really pisses me off!! :(

Don't even get me going on the TOOL=NU-METAL thing .. that is a battle I have been fighting for a long time ... they are too complex for a nu-metal band .. not saying that nu-metal bands are easy or something but Tool is far from the whole metal genre . or any genre for that matter
what was the point of that? I dunno trapped... considering you attacked my music ability for no reason... and you have no fucking clue about my music ability... lets also keep in mind you haven't given a shred of evidence that Mudvayne are bad musicians...

I attacked your musical 'ability' because you said "Their song writing is genius, it's different... the playing is amazing". Again, What was your point?

Dude, i don't NEED to give any more evidence on the fact that they are SHIT musicians. Listen to their 'music'. Now tell me, WHY are they so talented? In fact, even better: Tell me one song, or even single passage on there that is 'musically' talented, and i will download it, seriously. I want to hear why they are so 'great'.

I guess you are one of those people who think that Tool's guitarist is 'amazing' too, huh?

And about the 'different song writing genius', how about you give Atheist's - "Unquestionable Presence" a spin and listen to the GENIUS songwriting. Then come back to me when you actually know what you're talking about.
Now let me ask you another question. Have you ever heard a solo in nu metal? HUH? No I didnt think so. THAT is talent not the bullshit that these fucking Nu-Metal bands come up with. And the image thing is kinda gay in ALL genres of music. I am sure Ill think of moe later but Ill hold back for now.

Haji's Kitchen.

Fuckface. When you go to say that, you should actually listen to nu-metal. Solo's are not all difficult, some are just the same thing played over and over on different scales/majors. That is bullshit. Anothing thing to consider when judging bands is, 'did they create what they set out to create'. Dicklick. Do you know what MuDvayne's objective was when they began writing L.D.50? Rectum cowboy. If you knew Slipknot and Mudvayne, the whole 'image' contributes to a fun live show. Anal rot. There are real people behind the masks and the paint. Jannet-lover.

ok there is no point to be a fuckin dumbshit sullen. the point is look in the creativity in mudvayne. there is none. listen to the songs and the riffs. it looks like a 5 year old could of came up with them. they are fuckin dumb. like severed..... that whole song is just a bunch of fuckin zeros played over and over again. wow, unlike you i actually want some fuckin talent in my music. not a bunch of stupid fags who have played guitar for a year and think they are really good.
Listen to Severed... great song

Okay... i'm listening to it right now..... What exactly am i looking for?

It starts off with 'original' dissonace, goes into 'orignal' bass'n'drums bit, then the 'original' guitars come in.... OHH!! Here we go! This is what i'm talking about man, ONE NOTE!! ONE FUCKING NOTE over and over again. :lol:

These guys really ARE talented. :rolleyes:

The bass isn't bad, but he isn't "The best fucking bassist in the world' like was said earlier. The guitaring is beyond idiotic, in fact, i would say childish.

The dude's voice is fucking terrible. He's got an okay clean voice, but that 'growl' thing he tries to do is.... is.... amusing.... to say the least.

Great lyrics too: "I divorce iniquity in this mother fuckin' bullshit life, Just want it all to go away, Just want to run away to die, take it, myself, my life Text book fucking mental, off me and pitch me in a hole"

And we can't forget the ever popular 'im so twisted, dont step into my head' attitude of the lines "Run now get away from me if I can get my grip I'll pull you down into the hell I call my head you'll never get away"

I fail to see the appeal? The bassist is a step above other nu-metal and rock bands, but that says nothing for the quality of the music or the rest of the band...

If the bass is 'the reason' why they are supposedly 'so good', then have you heard of Roger Patterson or Tony Choy?
Originally posted by SentencedToBurn
ok there is no point to be a fuckin dumbshit sullen. the point is look in the creativity in mudvayne. there is none. listen to the songs and the riffs. it looks like a 5 year old could of came up with them. they are fuckin dumb. like severed..... that whole song is just a bunch of fuckin zeros played over and over again. wow, unlike you i actually want some fuckin talent in my music. not a bunch of stupid fags who have played guitar for a year and think they are really good.

The guitarist gets on my nerves, yes.

I don't think you're saying what you're saying properly./

Shouldn't "I actually want some fuckin talent in my music" in fact be "I demand a lot of fuckin talent in my music"?

Because that is what it seems.
Shouldn't "I actually want some fuckin talent in my music" in fact be "I demand a lot of fuckin talent in my music"?

What, so you accept non-talent in bands huh?

That was a fucking dumb thing to say, sullenman.
Originally posted by Trapped
Okay... i'm listening to it right now..... What exactly am i looking for?

It starts off with 'original' dissonace, goes into 'orignal' bass'n'drums bit, then the 'original' guitars come in.... OHH!! Here we go! This is what i'm talking about man, ONE NOTE!! ONE FUCKING NOTE over and over again. :lol:

These guys really ARE talented. :rolleyes:

The bass isn't bad, but he isn't "The best fucking bassist in the world' like was said earlier. The guitaring is beyond idiotic, in fact, i would say childish.

The dude's voice is fucking terrible. He's got an okay clean voice, but that 'growl' thing he tries to do is.... is.... amusing.... to say the least.

Great lyrics too: "I divorce iniquity in this mother fuckin' bullshit life, Just want it all to go away, Just want to run away to die, take it, myself, my life Text book fucking mental, off me and pitch me in a hole"

And we can't forget the ever popular 'im so twisted, dont step into my head' attitude of the lines "Run now get away from me if I can get my grip I'll pull you down into the hell I call my head you'll never get away"

I fail to see the appeal? The bassist is a step above other nu-metal and rock bands, but that says nothing for the quality of the music or the rest of the band...

If the bass is 'the reason' why they are supposedly 'so good', then have you heard of Roger Patterson or Tony Choy?

The problem that I see with 'nu-metal' bands is excessive 'cussing'.

I am not one to bitch about 'vulgarity' in language, but the way it is used.

"Fuck you fuckers".

That takes a lot to think of.

I don't think their 'bad' words, but mis-used words.

Okay, the word 'fucking' can be used adjectively. Prevalent in mainstream bands, it's used in substitution.

Apart from what I believe to be mis-use, is the theme. "Let's have sex" "Let's get high" et cetera, is just stupid. "The world revolves around me" and "I'm too good for you" just results in a lot of arrogant/egotistical listeners that adopt it in their attitudes (If you don't believe me, come to my school.).

Music is expression, and an art form, but that is just stupid.

Now, back to Mudvayne.

The lyrics are good, minus the bad use of 'vulgar words'.

The guitarist is good, but compared to bass/drums, he's nothing special.

The bass is above par (as I said before), and I don't believe he belongs in a 'nu-metal' band.

The drummer is a bit more 'extreme' than other 'nu-metal' drummers. That being said, a lot of my friends have been 'blown away' when I first play Mudvayne, then show them Darkane (Peter Wildoer) or Opeth (Martin whicheveroneisthedrummer).

Some/most of their songs still use a fairly common structure (verse/chorus/bridge et cetera), but their arrangements are different. Their timing is quite a step from a lot of other mainstream bands.

I was listening to them before they became 'big', and it's a lot like System of a Down to me.

I've talked to 'big SOAD fans' and brought up something like, "Spiders is such a great song" or "Suggestions really show's Serj's vocal capabilities", and some responses I've gotten have been "Yeah? What band?"

After the release of L.D.50, Mudvayne we're suddenly 'well known'. If you talk about 'Kill, I Oughta' nobody has a clue what you are on about.

That is what I believe to be the worst thing about Mudvayne. The instant popularity brought on by the media.
What, so you accept non-talent in bands huh?

That was a fucking dumb thing to say, sullenman


What I am saying is, bands don't have to be "this good" for me to be able to listen to them.

If there is something I like about them, I will listen to them.