nu metal sucks!

Butterfly: you're going to base your opinion of a whole genre based on a BOOT? The boot doesn't even have anything to do with the music being played. Nu-metal isn't even a real genre.

Not just Butterfly: Why is Mudvayne bad just because they wear makeup? Why is Slipknot bad for wearing masks? I understand that Slipknot's music isn't great, but who cares if they wear masks? Isn't is supposed to be about the MUSIC???? If you can't think of any other way to insult them than the fact that they wear makeup or masks, then you've got nothing.
I don't like nu-metal. I don't even consider it metal, even Jonathon Davis said Korn is not really a metal band. But if you like it fine, listen to whatever you like, who am I to tell you not to.

Btw, who the hell came up with the term nu-metal? It sounds so stupid.
I'm not really into "Nu-Metal" either. I don't care if others listen to it though. And Mudvayne is not "Nu-Metal", but I still don't really like them that much, perhaps they are underrated, and deserve another chance, so I think I'll do that. I like all sorts of metal, and I think I would know. And don't call Limp Bizkit or Staind "Nu-Metal" either, they are pop! Devilish monster from the hill is right, all black metal bands dress up. They just want to create a more evil atmosphere. And when people don't know who they are, it is easier to do.
Originally posted by Pieguy

You're out of your mind if you think the playing is amazing. It's no different than every other two power chord/no lead nu metal band.

have u heard the bassist? he is simply metal bassist i've ever seen...i like mudvayne and they make good music, i can't really defend their image coz it porbably is nothing more than a gimmick...just like any black metal band

the singer is also quite good...has a very good range and is quite unique
yah... if you say their bassist is shit and if you say his vocals aren't just fantastic... then you don't know what you're talking about... sorry... not to mention that their song writing is completely unique, original, and amazing
Originally posted by Towelie
Mudvayne sucks ass??? How do you figure? Their song writing is genius, it's different... the playing is amazing... the only reason why you don't like them is because some people label them as NU-metal, they paint their faces, and some people call them Slipknot clones. Well... a talented actual four person band that actually plays their music well is a lot different than 10 or 11 guys who know nothing of real music and who dress up like clowns for the simple reason of attention. Mudvayne dresses up for the mystic atmosphere about them.. they don't want anyone knowing who they are and that's why they do it... listen to the music people.... give their CD L.D. 50 a chance... if you open up to it... i guarantee it's one of the best metal albums to come out in the past 20 years. It's simply amazing. and no.... I don't really like NU metal!!

Why do you write like you have a dick in your ass, and cum dripping from your ears?
i dont really classify slipknot and mudvayne as nu-metal. bands like lincoln park and limp biscuit (i spelt it RIGHT on purpose) who think that you have to have rap in a metal song to make it good just piss me off. take wes borland for example. he did "duke lion fights the terror" with big dumb face, and i reckon that was a damn killer album. funny and original, and no rap.
By the way, slipknot's new album i dont mind. yes, i am saying that. i like it. so there.
There's no point in this like it or not, I just like few socalled nu-metalbands, most is total shit with stupid songs, no technical quality and gay bandmembers.
Bands like opeth and a lot of other bands have far more playing skills than nu-metalbands, but sometimes I don't care about playing skills, sometimes I just want a simple song to bang the head at and mosh the hell out of me on concerts.
I'm just getting into Mudvayne, but I'd say it's the only nu-ish band that I even remotely like. Though the music is relatively simple (but the bass does sound cool, who gives a shit if he's not as talented as that 80s Manowar fucker or whoever else is on a pedestal right now), but some of their songs are interesting enough to keep me listening.

I'm a really hard sell, and it takes a long time for me to get into a band, but Mudvayne has almost done it. The only aspect I dislike is their overuse of the words "motherfucker" and "cocksucker." He seems articulate enough to avoid using those words ad nauseum.. but a little profanity-laden hatred never hurt anyone, right? :grin:

Hating a band simply because they have an onstage persona is being just as superficial as the nu-fans who only like them for that reason. They are *nothing* like Slipknot musically or personally (from what I've read), so a comparison is futile. :p

Mudvayne will never rise to the level at which I hold Opeth, Tool, NIN, or any of the other bands that have been with me and will stay with me for years, but it's certainly something I enjoy listening to.

P.S. Everytime I hear that boy-band Stinkin Park masquerading as metal I get violent.. whatever talent those people have should be directed toward something else. Break them up and send them to other bands, but together they're horrid.. (never listened carefully, but people say the guitar is supposed to be pretty catchy or something :p)
:lol: :guh: :confused: :err:

Alright, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that doesnt mean that opinion cant be wrong! This is not meant to insult anyone (although I know it will) but here we go. First off Nu metal is not about the music, its about making money. The bands are all carbon copies of eachother with only minor image differances. They know that thier "music" is "in", so they continue to pump out horrible mass produced teeny boping, crybaby bullshit because they know every 13 year old wuss who feels like they have been victimized by society will buy it (which leads to alot of record sales! :bah: ). N-metal is the most un talented form of music, compareable to rap ( the only exception being slipknots drummer). They are everything that is wrong with todays society, take Aaron lewis for example. He talks about "All this pain that I feel" and you see kids in the audiance at concerts crying and singing along. :err: :Puke: :lol:. What pain? He is rich and married, and from what I hear was In choir when he was a kid :waah: cry about it fucking baby. And considering they have NO I mean 0 non existant talent, they sure make a good living off of it! Meanwhile bands WITH talent like Dark tranquility cant even afford to tour in the U.S.!? And to the person who said that Ryknow was the "best metal bassist they ever heard" :lol: Obviously you havent heard Morningrise! Johan De Farfalla is a fucking super god compared to that insignificant piece of conformist shit. I have a friend who is like a nu metal freak, and he is the saddest person I ever knew. He is one of those "I am going to do something to get judged so I can say dont judge me" people. A sad poser "freak" :lol: in every sense of the word!

All I am saying is that Nu metal is not metal, and not good music, It is pathetic and unfortunately MOST people who listen to it are as well. all this "dont judge me" teeny boping crap gets me sick. And Nu metal is the candle holder of such pathetic ideals.
Originally posted by butterfly
yes, we all know that already! I just wanted to remind some of you again!
i was dragged to see vex red play 2 days ago-it was a free gig and I didn't mind as some of my old friends that Ii haven't seen were going to be there, so I went along!

then I got booted in the lip but a bitch crowd surfing in huge metal shoes, I was thrown up on and all the other shit!

after the gig I ahnged out in the store where they played with my mates just messing about-then the band actually came up to us to talk to us-I have never heard anyone so pathetic! "oh yeah-we were crap today, sorry guys-we will try better next time"


did you percahnce see them for free at Virgin megastores in London? :err: i saw the add for that on the window, didnt go,but anywho.
The reason why Nu-Metal lyrics are so swear laden is because it has no feeling but false anger "teen angst music". They have no talent whatsoever, and swearing is cool to the immature people who listen to it, because they are angry.....:waah: :lol: They have nothing to be angry about, all their song topics are bullshit and are simply used so that teeny boppers can relate to it and buy it.