nyc 2/23 setlist

I have to agree that it sounded fairly disappointing other than The Night. I didn't actually see it myself, because I'm a Devin Townsend fan and would rather see him than an extra few Opeth songs, and hearing what the setlist was I don't really regret my decision.
It kills me to say it, but for those of us who've seen them multiple times over the years, the setlist was a real disappointment. You'd think they'd play stuff they didn't play on the last tour. And where were the two songs per?

And why would people bother spending money for a show and then talk the entire god-damned time? The two morons in front of me acted like they were on their first date - they talked during songs, they talked in-between songs - I don't think they had any idea what stuff was even played.

I'll bet they can't wait to tell their friend how "great the show was, dude!" They were so f'ing awesome!"
rissy said:
What songs there are now that they haven't ever played live?

Night and the Silent Water

Other than that, these have been played in Europe but not America I believe:
under the weeping moon ?
ghost of perdition ?
Dark One said:
Other than The Night and the Slient Water the show was a complete letdown. Instead of playing older classics that were not a part of the current tour they decide to play A Fair Judgement and Windowpane. Everything else other than these three songs have been played on the tour so far.

I mean, come on, A Fair Judgement and Windowpane instead of something like The Twilight Is My Robe, In Mist She Was Standing, Apostle In Triumph, Nectar or even Black Rose Immortal???? Shit, I would've even taken April Ethereal, When, The Moor, Serenity Painted Death, The Face of Melinda, By The Pain I See in Others and on and on and on over those two.

Complete lack of respect for the older material. I know they're supposed to promote Ghost Reveries for Roadrunner and the later releases are what they identify more with lately, but this was supposed to be a SPECIAL show - an exception to the regular "Johnny Come Lately" setlists. A night where ALL parts of their catalogue get celebrated with EQUAL importance and instead we get the same old, same old save for a few tidbits.

Yes The Amen Corner and Under The Weeping Moon are great addtions to this tour's setlist, but they certainly were not exclusive to this show whatsoever.

As always, the songs they did play were played well enough and everything, but it simply wasn't treated like the special night it should've been.

No one's going to be able to sugarcoat it for me either unless you've never seen them live or only one other time or something - then I can understand why you would've been blown away by it. But for someone who has seen them in concert multiple times in the past 5 years or so and hoping for something truly unique given the writeup about the show on the band's website and all the hype surrounding it?

A gigantic, monumental and colossal letdown.

Piss off and be thankful they're actually over there playing for you. You had The Night & The Silent water played for you and you're still moaning about every other masterpiece that they played. Nice one buddy. Yeah I can imagine you hoping to get more from the gig but to call it a monumental let down is an insult to the band who obviously went to alot of trouble to make sure you guy's enjoyed the show.. it must have been pretty fucking hard for Mike to play TNATSW.. and do remember that this tour probably boasts the biggest fan population explosion in Opeth's history so they have to impress these guy's with as wide a variation as possible to prove how good they are. I think that setlist is fine tbh, it's very similar to the list from when I saw them last time but I'd pay good money to see it again, and again, and again...
daz436 said:
Piss off and be thankful they're actually over there playing for you. You had The Night & The Silent water played for you and you're still moaning about every other masterpiece that they played. Nice one buddy. Yeah I can imagine you hoping to get more from the gig but to call it a monumental let down is an insult to the band who obviously went to alot of trouble to make sure you guy's enjoyed the show.. it must have been pretty fucking hard for Mike to play TNATSW.. and do remember that this tour probably boasts the biggest fan population explosion in Opeth's history so they have to impress these guy's with as wide a variation as possible to prove how good they are. I think that setlist is fine tbh, it's very similar to the list from when I saw them last time but I'd pay good money to see it again, and again, and again...
He has a right to be disappointed. The ONLY particularly interesting thing about this show was The Night and the Silent Water, and IMO, it's not worth missing Devin Townsend over.
So you enjoyed 1 track and spent the rest of the time bored out of your skull? Some fan...
daz436 said:
So you enjoyed 1 track and spent the rest of the time bored out of your skull? Some fan...
When did being a fan come to mean that you worship without question?

Opeth chose to bill these shows as “special” performances. To someone like Dark One or myself, who have seen Opeth close to ten times, we took them at their word and expected something “special”. However, last night wasn't special. Had Opeth not finished up early, and had enough time to squeeze in "Demon of the Fall", they would have played only 1 song from each of the first four records. That's not “special”. That's "here's something to make sure the old fans still show up, while we cater to our new fan base". That's certainly their prerogative. But it doesn't mean I have fall down on bended knee, and worship at the feet of Akerfeldt, simply for playing one classic song we haven't heard before.

You don't have to 'worship' without question. But take a look at DarkOne's comment again dude..

A gigantic, monumental and colossal letdown.
complete letdown

Bit extreme isnt it? So you had seen most of the tracks live before... big fucking deal. Its pretty obvious they weren't going to go into these special shows playing all of Orchid & Morningrise - otherwise their new fanbase would have been complaining big time... (hell - so would I...) I think that list is more than fine, and shouldnt really upset anybody.. I don't see why theres such a big problem with them playing it... they played Night and the Silent Water & Under The Weeping Moon for fucks sake..!!!
daz436 said:
You don't have to 'worship' without question. But take a look at DarkOne's comment again dude.
When he first relayed his comments to me, I was a bit taken back by just how disappointed he was. That said, he's been a fan since "Morningrise". I think when Opeth chose to bill these shows as "special", he expected, and in my opinion rightfully so, something a little more than what was delivered.

daz436 said:
Its pretty obvious they weren't going to go into these special shows playing all of Orchid & Morningrise...
Agreed. However, for these "special" shows, they could have put a bit more emphasis on their earlier works. The chances that we'll get to hear older material, as their discography expands and as they move further away from their roots, diminishes with time. And I believe that's where is disappointment is rooted.

daz436 said:
Piss off and be thankful they're actually over there playing for you. You had The Night & The Silent water played for you and you're still moaning about every other masterpiece that they played. Nice one buddy. Yeah I can imagine you hoping to get more from the gig but to call it a monumental let down is an insult to the band who obviously went to alot of trouble to make sure you guy's enjoyed the show.. it must have been pretty fucking hard for Mike to play TNATSW.. and do remember that this tour probably boasts the biggest fan population explosion in Opeth's history so they have to impress these guy's with as wide a variation as possible to prove how good they are. I think that setlist is fine tbh, it's very similar to the list from when I saw them last time but I'd pay good money to see it again, and again, and again...

He has a right to be pissed, especially when the ticket price is a lot and the expectations were high as well. :)
This whole discussion is so reminiscent of the backlash from when Dream Theater started their special surprise second night album cover. I was at the second show that they did this - covered Metallica's Master of Puppets in it's entirety instead of playing one of their best songs (a 42 minute epic) ever. Now, this "special" music wasn't mentioned before tickets went on sale, it was stated that there was a surprise in store for those going to the second show, similar to what Opeth did when it announced the Chronology shows. So, I happily went to this special night with high expectations and instead I had to stand through an agonizing hour of Metallica. It wasn't right to pre-empt your own music to play something that a lot of people in the audience simply weren't into. Well, now they advertise the second night in the same city will have a cover CD played in it's entirety and that's fine if you want to go well informed.

Don't advertise a "special" show and have it be just ordinary. Now, I could be eating my words if they completely change the setlist for Chicago and L.A. There's still hope!!!
General Zod said:
Agreed. However, for these "special" shows, they could have put a bit more emphasis on their earlier works. The chances that we'll get to hear older material, as their discography expands and as they move further away from their roots, diminishes with time. And I believe that's where is disappointment is rooted.


After having a little more time to digest what was played and without speaking out the emotion of just getting home I can safely say that this comment sums up what I feel inside in a succinct, less impassioned manner.

I have no desire to flame anybody over this or get into a pissing contest with someone. I am merely expressing my own personal disappointment with what happened last night as a longtime fan and staunch supporter of the band. If the show was satisfactory for "person X" or "person Y", I have no problem with that, nor will I try to disrespect you for having an opinion I disagree with. Please, just let me have mine as well and leave it at that. Thanks.
Embalmer said:
This whole discussion is so reminiscent of the backlash from when Dream Theater started their special surprise second night album cover. I was at the second show that they did this - covered Metallica's Master of Puppets in it's entirety instead of playing one of their best songs (a 42 minute epic) ever. Now, this "special" music wasn't mentioned before tickets went on sale, it was stated that there was a surprise in store for those going to the second show, similar to what Opeth did when it announced the Chronology shows. So, I happily went to this special night with high expectations and instead I had to stand through an agonizing hour of Metallica. It wasn't right to pre-empt your own music to play something that a lot of people in the audience simply weren't into. Well, now they advertise the second night in the same city will have a cover CD played in it's entirety and that's fine if you want to go well informed.

Don't advertise a "special" show and have it be just ordinary. Now, I could be eating my words if they completely change the setlist for Chicago and L.A. There's still hope!!!
are you dense? DT playing Metallica is unusual, or for lack of a better word, special. Opeth playing a song they NEVER, EVER, EVER played, that is special. If you fail to see that, well you just fail.

honestly, people, when something is announced as "special" do you expect a setlist to be posted on the ticket for your approval? If you can't handle surprises, or enjoy something you may have not been expecting, then you're just being a prick if you bitch about it. Obviously not everyone is going to like every single set ever created. You're entitled not to. But to bitch about it to this degree is obscene.
god dethroned said:
hi,im new here,heres the setlist from new york

under the weeping moon
the night and the silent water(this is not a mistake,they did play it)
the amen corner
white cluster
the leper affinity
a fair judgment
ghost of perdition
the baying of the hounds
the grand conjuration
demon of the fall(encore)

Hmm... It's good, but really not quite what hoped it would be. No Twilight? No Bleak? No Advent? No When? No BTPISIO? No Moonlapse?

Good set, but a disappointment.

*EDIT* Hadn't read the whole thread, but people relly need to cool off. They played TNATSW, who would have EVER thought they would do that? And it's an Opeth show, it rocked. Of course it rocked. Or are you forgetting that? God, this is why hype sucks....
blimey said:
He has a right to be pissed, especially when the ticket price is a lot and the expectations were high as well. :)

Yeah, especially when it was billed they'd be playing at least 4 songs never played on American soil and they didn't even do that.
Kenneth R. said:
are you dense? DT playing Metallica is unusual, or for lack of a better word, special.
It's not special for a band to play a complete 2 hour set then comeback for an encore to play a complete Metallica - Master of Puppets album from start to finish?

honestly, people, when something is announced as "special" do you expect a setlist to be posted on the ticket for your approval? If you can't handle surprises, or enjoy something you may have not been expecting, then you're just being a prick if you bitch about it. Obviously not everyone is going to like every single set ever created. You're entitled not to. But to bitch about it to this degree is obscene.

I think the bitching is because it was deemed to be a special show, and they only played one new song really, a good song never played before, but only one. It was also hyped to be playing 4 or more songs never played in America before and that didn't happen. When you advertise something like that to happen, you expect it to take place.