O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

Any anti Pats sentiment should be temporarily put on hold since we went into Jacksonville and beat the team that dismantled The Colts!! Speaking of which that was a great game in Houston Sunday:lol: I guess Peyton and crew aren't waiting for the postseason to meltdown this year:erk:

It was good to see the Broncos beat the Cincinnati felons!! After the Broncos & Jets win next week and make the playoffs I guess the sports reporters and writers can talk about how character matters in the NFL and that's why the Bengals are watching from home!!

Merry Christmas all!!! And get ready to see The Pats in the AFC Championship Game!!! This is bigger than all of us...It's destiny and has to happen!!:)
No, Sorry Thraxx.....He's going to die a Patriot!!
You guys should be looking to lose to The jets next week to help solidify your position for drafting Brady Quinn with the first pick of the draft!! I've been hearing nothing but good things about him..

Of course the biggest problem for Raider nation is and will continue to be Al Davis...As long as he's in charge you guys will be hard pressed to get a good coach (Just think back to last year and all the turned down interviews!!) I see the same thing in their future once they fire Shell (Who's nothing more than a scapegoat for Davis!!!! The poor bastard!!!)

Playoffs are going to be fun!!!!!:headbang: :kickass:
Dude Al Davis will sign Mark Brunnel, Plummer or Warner, he likes to sign people on their way out, the retirement center.

If cut by the Cowboys...Look for both Drew Bledsoe and Terrel "Wasn't Me" Owens to be in the silver and black. Trying to relive Al Davis' vision of the Veeeehtacle Paaasing game.
No, Sorry Thraxx.....He's going to die a Patriot!!
You guys should be looking to lose to The jets next week to help solidify your position for drafting Brady Quinn with the first pick of the draft!! I've been hearing nothing but good things about him..

Of course the biggest problem for Raider nation is and will continue to be Al Davis...As long as he's in charge you guys will be hard pressed to get a good coach (Just think back to last year and all the turned down interviews!!) I see the same thing in their future once they fire Shell (Who's nothing more than a scapegoat for Davis!!!! The poor bastard!!!)

Playoffs are going to be fun!!!!!:headbang: :kickass:

My bets is on Plummer.......

Come on Tman.... they'll screw that up to......
Absolutely!! Unless Jerry Jones is that damn stupid to try and hold onto T.O. for another year.....Time will tell!! GO PATS!!!!!!:kickass: :headbang:

If cut by the Cowboys...Look for both Drew Bledsoe and Terrel "Wasn't Me" Owens to be in the silver and black. Trying to relive Al Davis' vision of the Veeeehtacle Paaasing game.
Would SOMEONE please go slap Lovie Smith upside the head and have him pull Grossman?!?

Jesus Christ, Grossman looks like he couldn't QB a grade-school flag football team tonight!
The Packers did show up, it will be hard for the Bears in the playoffs.

But then again the NFC is not that good this year, compared to the AFC, we just have to wait & see who survives.
what a big fat turd the bears laid for their loyal fans at home on new year's.

that was a lousy performance for sure regardless of your playoff and hfa ya never wanna lose in front of your fans especially like that.

that had to be hard to pay tickets for.

My Ravens weren't much better but we nearly shut out the Bills if it wasn't for one missed read by Samari Rolle.

I have to give credit to JP Losman. he played with heart.
Hey Molochete,

Sorry about The Broncos!! That's a tough way to go out!!
Despite my respect for the man I feel like Shanahan should be fired!!
I mean the benching of Jake while they were winning games was bad enough!
But after watching Cutler have his head bounced off the field like a damn basketball then putting him back in was just a bad move!!

I hope next year is better for them!!

GOD Rest Darrent Williams soul!! More needless and senseless violence!! My thoughts and prayers are with his family and teammates..:(

On a another note...The Pats are peaking at the perfect time!!! I thought The Ravens would spell our demise...But after watching the last few games I'm starting to think there's not a team in ther AFC that can beat them!!
Let the haters spew what they want!! But you might want to get ready to see The Patriots in another Super Bowl!!

A few other things....

I for one couldn't be happier that The Lions beat Dallas!! I expect The Cowboys to beat up on a horrible Seattle team this coming weekend!!! But it was just GREAT to see them humbled & embarrassed like that!!

Ditto for The Steelers beating The Cincinnati Felons!!! That team is all mouth and no character whatsoever!!! And there was no better way for the defending Super Bowl Champs to make their exit than to silence those big mouths and take their playoff hopes from them like candy from a baby!!
WAY TO GO STEELERS!!!:kickass:

I hate the fact that The Chiefs backed in!! But oh well..It's part of the game! I mean hell Seattle would NEVER have made the playoffs this year if not for the horrible division they play in....So in a way I consider them backing in as well!!

And finally how about the most hilarious post game comment I've heard thus far....

"I don't see how people can point the finger at me". "I think I had a great season. ... I can't do it all by myself. I call myself Superman, but I really don't have the cape on my back. I can't change the game in certain situations. Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't."--Michael Vick, Last Night.

This guy is a piece of shit!! There's just no other way to describe him!! He's all about himself and could care less about his team!! I mean seriously!! there are little girls who could take better hits than him without constantly having to come out of a game claiming injury!! Mora Sr. was right!! He is a coach killer!! and Mora Jr. is going to find that out sometime real soon!!
(I predicted no playoffs for them early this year!!!)

The Colts are a joke!!! So don't be surprised if the Chiefs with a heavy dose of Larry Johnson run them out of the playoffs in the Wildcard game next week!! (I won't be) Cleo Lemon had The Dolphins in that game right up to the end...the Colts have nothing on defense and it's quite funny!!!:lol:

Oh yeah and just between us football fans.....The Bears offense is a joke!! And is going to cost them a trip to the Super Bowl!!! Shhh.. Don't tell anyone..:lol: :lol: