O/T Picks And Predictions For The Upcoming NFL Season

Yeah, I don't understand the lack of love for a Bears team hosting a playoff game against a team that was LUCKY to have won last week at home and whos road record this year was 4 -4 and over the last 5 years have 23 road losses(And just to illustrate how bad that is..N.E. only lost 14 road games in the same 5 year span..And won 3 Super Bowls!!!!!)...I don't give a damn how bad Rex Grossman is (And lets face it..He's horrible!!) this is one of those type of games they've been winning all year where they can go 3 and out all day and let their defense score enough to win...This game will probably end in a shut out win for The Bears unless Seattle get a cheap FG or TD late....

The two AFC games this weekend are the most interesting as far as matchups go..I have The Ravens beating The Colts (Both physically and winning the game).....And I have The Patriots simply schooling The Chargers who I just don't think this is their year..

Same thing with the Eagles - Saints game..I love what The Saints have done this year!! But The Eagle defense is on top of it's game and Jeff Garcia has the offense firing on all cylinders and I just think they'll be too much for them. Who knows next years Super Bowl might be Saints - Chargers... But this year I'm thinking more along the lines of Eagles - Patriots

GO PATRIOTS!!!:kickass: :headbang:



Chargers VS. Saints
I can't really say I understand that, because whether you know this or not I don't know, but when The Patriots suck...they SUCK!! There's usually never a tease (The 86 Super Bowl being the only exception).. I'm not trying to rip on you man....(Well not deliberately anyway) I just can't see the logic of being behind a team all year, they get the best record in their conference and homefield throughout the playoffs. Then badmouthing them and almost "hoping" they lose just so you can say..."I told you so" That logic is lost on me...Hell Colts fans are disappointed every post season and have what amounts to what I believe is an un winable game this weekend and still 9 out 10 Colts fans will tell you they expect to win this weekend...

I just don't get it I guess....My only point is why not be positive about what should be a sure win this weekend and save the negative for when they lose.

you might know a bit about football but you def don't know much about chicago sports fans. we're used to our teams kicking ass one half of the season and sucking ass the second. we've watched to many almosts and not nearly enough big dance victories. i havn't jumped off or on any bandwagons, i was just pointing out why chicago fans are sweating bullets over this next game. we know rex grossman has a 50/50 chance to either have a decent game or a real shitty one and, we know that if the defense don't step up the way they did the first half of the season we're toast. i know a defense like chicago's can turn it around in a flash but there is always that chance that they won't and chicago will be left with another dismal ending of a good season. most fans are tierd of that scenario. i was at bar getting crazy and enjoying the bears superbowl victory in what seems like another lifetime at this point.

i also know that in any thread on this board that your name and mine appear you'll go out of your way to try and rip my post apart so have at it. i've been a chicago sparts fan of all teams (except the scrubs) for 40 years and, nothing you're about to type is gonna change the way " i " feel about our teams.
Thanks man...It just seems to me recently "Some" Not all of the Bears fans on this board (I don't think Remington69 has uttered a negative word about them) are already painting this team into a corner against a team that was damn lucky to win a game they hosted and who's road record is horrible.

I mean take you for example "Q"...The Bills are your team and I don't hear you crying about how much you feel they suck...Instead you're looking towards a bright next season...And poor Thraxx!! That damn guy is probably the most diehard fan on this board!! He's taken shit about The Raiders from all directions (Alot from me) And if you ask him who his team is I know who he's gonna say.....And even myself..As a lifelong Patriots fan I can remember years where we were so bad they wouldn't even play our games in the local area..We used to get Giants games every Sunday because the Pats never sold out.. I guess all I'm saying is if you're a fan be loyal!! Don't dump out at every bad game/season or else you're not really a true fan.. IMO anyway.

The phrase brutal truth was coined specifically to be used to describe the above. Brutal but true post. Nice work.
I renew my assertion that the Bears will roll this weekend. Rex will do more to help than harm.
I just don't get it I guess....My only point is why not be positive about what should be a sure win this weekend and save the negative for when they lose.
i told you i want a superbowl XX reunion. you're the one who pointed out the bears wouldn't make to the superbowl. i actually think that would be a great game. :kickass:
we're used to our teams kicking ass one half of the season and sucking ass the second. we've watched to many almosts and not nearly enough big dance victories.
This quote right here tells me you don't think too much of their chances against Seattle let alone making the Super Bowl...

Also N.E. slammed them earlier this year!!! And all The Bears have done is keep Grossman starting and lose key members of their defense...So break down to me how Chicago in the Bowl in a rematch against The Pats will be any more competitive.... Not ripping on you but really...You may have an insight that I overlooked..I see a team that's worse than when the two teams met the first time...And a Bears coach not half as good as the one who beat The Pats last time these two teams met in the Super Bowl.

My opinion is they tear through Seattle and then lose to the winner of the
Saints - Eagles matchup...But who knows..It won't be the first time I've been wrong.:ill:

i told you i want a superbowl XX reunion. you're the one who pointed out the bears wouldn't make to the superbowl. i actually think that would be a great game. :kickass:
The two teams i hate the most are playing each other this weekend, the Patroits and the Chargers..... I wish they would both lose......I hope the Brady Bunch falls apart and for the Chargers.... Well Just beat the Patriots....

Tman, Good Luck..... and its all good the Raiderz will be great again....Someday????
i was at bar getting crazy and enjoying the bears superbowl victory in what seems like another lifetime at this point.

So, not to, like, make you feel old and all, but I was in kindergarten when they won. :oops:

While I may criticize my Bears, I still love them and hope they will win Sunday. However, it wouldn't surprise me if they lost. Not like when the Illini basketball team lost to North Carolina in the National Title game in '05. That hurt.
Thanks man...It just seems to me recently "Some" Not all of the Bears fans on this board (I don't think Remington69 has uttered a negative word about them) are already painting this team into a corner against a team that was damn lucky to win a game they hosted and who's road record is horrible.

I mean take you for example "Q"...The Bills are your team and I don't hear you crying about how much you feel they suck...Instead you're looking towards a bright next season...And poor Thraxx!! That damn guy is probably the most diehard fan on this board!! He's taken shit about The Raiders from all directions (Alot from me) And if you ask him who his team is I know who he's gonna say.....And even myself..As a lifelong Patriots fan I can remember years where we were so bad they wouldn't even play our games in the local area..We used to get Giants games every Sunday because the Pats never sold out.. I guess all I'm saying is if you're a fan be loyal!! Don't dump out at every bad game/season or else you're not really a true fan.. IMO anyway.

Damn right I am looking forward to next season. I would absolutely kill for the Bills to be in the playoffs this year. Even if they lost in the 1st round. Anyone who doesn't want to go 'cause they know they'll lose is a loser.
I see what you mean about the Bears fans. I don't think they are the only ones guilty of being fair-weather fans though. I saw the same thing happen after Buffalo lost their 2nd Super Bowl. Going into the playoffs, they were 11-5, lost their last game of the season. Yes, Buffalo went on to lose two more Super Bowls but, I would rather go and lose than not go at all. Anyone who says different is a loser. Many people just aren't confident enough to try and lose. They only want to be a part of the "sure thing". That is why so many Bears fans are complaining about Rex. Some actually think that a QB that was let go in Denver, Miami and Tampa Bay, will perform better than Rex. If he doesn't, they have that to point to as to why they lost. Either way, they have a taylor made excuse for losing. A loss that you would think already happened by the way some are talking.

I'll say it again. Rex is the best option at QB. The Bears will beat Seattle. Lastly, should N.O. get past Philly. . . Chicago has enough speed on defense to shut down the N.O. offense.

My picks:
S.D. (Yes S.D.) I think (hope) Marty actually opens up the offense. This will probably bite me in the ass though.
Extremely well put bro!! Straight and to the point!!!
My picks are almost exactly the same as yours with one game different...
Guess which one:)

Damn right I am looking forward to next season. I would absolutely kill or the Bills to be in the playoffs this year. Even if they lost in the 1st round. Anyone who doesn't want to go 'cause they know they'll lose is a loser.
I see what you mean about the Bears fans. I don't think they are the only ones guilty of being fair-weather fans though. I saw the same thing happen after Buffalo lost their 2nd Super Bowl. Going into the playoffs, they were 11-5, lost their last game of the season. Yes, Buffalo went on to lose two more Super Bowls but, I would rather go and lose than not go at all. Anyone who says different is a loser. Many people just aren't confident enough to try and lose. They only want to be a part of the "sure thing". That is why so many Bears fans are complaining about Rex. Some actually think that a QB that was let go in Denver, Miami and Tampa Bay, will perform better than Rex. If he doesn't, they have that to point to as to why they lost. Either way, they have a taylor made excuse for losing. A loss that you would think already happened by the way some are talking.

I'll say it again. Rex is the best option at QB. The Bears will beat Seattle. Lastly, should N.O. get past Philly. . . Chicago has enough speed on defense to shut down the N.O. offense.

My picks:
S.D. (Yes S.D.) I think (hope) Marty actually opens up the offense. This will probably bite me in the ass though.
I would love to see Philly beat N.O. Frankly, I am tired of hearing about New Orleans, wet people, and Reggie Bush.
Also N.E. slammed them earlier this year!!!

17 to 13 is a slam ? you won by 4 points because grossman threw an interception at the very end of the game. i'll say that was a nice pic and saved you guys the win. no pick and that game def could have ended the other way. the bears would of had great field position and a first down with a little time left on the clock but slammed ? you must have watched a different game.
I know I watched the game(seeing I was there) however I'm not too sure you did... That's cute though so you're one of those people who doesn't actually watch a game but rather just checks the final score at the end...Cool have at it.:kickass:

The reality of it is The Pats owned that game from the first snap!! It wasn't until the 4th quater that The Bears even looked kind of in synch and had an outside chance to win with a QB who had no TD's and 3 INT's

And the funny thing is The Bears caught The Pats on an off day!!! All N.E. has done is get progressively better on both sides of the ball leading into the playoffs..Go ahead and say The Bears have done the same thing.....Really..I could use the laugh this morning...They'll be no Super Bowl rematch this year no matter how you cut it!! The Pats face two very tough games to make it back and Chicago will be out in the next round. And believe me the only winners of no rematch are the Chicago fans!!! It will save you from writing these types of posts....
we're used to our teams kicking ass one half of the season and sucking ass the second. we've watched to many almosts and not nearly enough big dance victories.

17 to 13 is a slam ? you won by 4 points because grossman threw an interception at the very end of the game. i'll say that was a nice pic and saved you guys the win. no pick and that game def could have ended the other way. the bears would of had great field position and a first down with a little time left on the clock but slammed ? you must have watched a different game.
My picks this week:

Ravens over Colts - To even insuniate that their game with The Chiefs will be remotely close to this weeks game with The Ravens is insane!! Billick is a much better coach than Edwards and won't abandon his plan to run the ball if they go down 6-0. The Colts played horrible and beat the Chiefs...Play even half as bad this weekend and see what happens!! The leagues best defense on their homefield is going to pound Indy both Physically and emotionally until Manning has that sad dog look on his face and is trying to think of a teammate to throw under the bus while The Colts are on their way home!

Eagles over Saints - Philly just seems to be peaking at the right moment!! That's really my only reason for picking them. offensively & defensively they are playing solid football and should beat a Saints team who I just don't think it's their time..

Bears over Seahawks - Sorry but a team that needed a homefield call to stop a first down and a botched FG to beat a hapless Cowboy team AT HOME!!! Isn't going to get such nice favors from the refs in Chicago...Bears Big!!!

Patriots over Chargers - Patriots, mostly based on The Chargers lack of big game experience and starting a first year QB...Belichick will have many,MANY schemes in place to get Samuel probably two Int's and to rattle Rivers for most of the day..NE will give SD a taste of their own 3-4 medicine and make things tough for Tomlinson.

**I think both The Chargers and Saints are eventual Super Bowl contenders(It could even happen this year!!) as their young teams are only going to get better.:kickass:
My picks this week:

Ravens over Colts - To even insuniate that their game with The Chiefs will be remotely close to this weeks game with The Ravens is insane!! Billick is a much better coach than Edwards and won't abandon his plan to run the ball if they go down 6-0. The Colts played horrible and beat the Chiefs...Play even half as bad this weekend and see what happens!! The leagues best defense on their homefield is going to pound Indy both Physically and emotionally until Manning has that sad dog look on his face and is trying to think of a teammate to throw under the bus while The Colts are on their way home!
I agree, Edwards isn't half the coach that Billick is. If the Colts drive right down the field and score a couple of times. Billick may toss that out. The Colts didn't play horrible. Manning played horrible. You're right about Manning. That sucks too because, Manning has the best commercials. I had always hoped that Manning/Brady would become a rivalry like Magic/Bird in the 80's.

Eagles over Saints - Philly just seems to be peaking at the right moment!! That's really my only reason for picking them. offensively & defensively they are playing solid football and should beat a Saints team who I just don't think it's their time.. Jim Johnson has been overlooked in all of this. His defensive schemes have been outstanding. I can't believe he isn't a head coach.

Bears over Seahawks - Sorry but a team that needed a homefield call to stop a first down and a botched FG to beat a hapless Cowboy team AT HOME!!! Isn't going to get such nice favors from the refs in Chicago...Bears Big!!!
I agree that the Hawks are going to lose. I do have a question though. You really seem to hate the Seahawks. Like you have a real reason to. What is it?

Patriots over Chargers - Patriots, mostly based on The Chargers lack of big game experience and starting a first year QB...Belichick will have many,MANY schemes in place to get Samuel probably two Int's and to rattle Rivers for most of the day..NE will give SD a taste of their own 3-4 medicine and make things tough for Tomlinson.I heard an interesting stat today. The Chargers were the highest scoring 4th qth team in NFL history this year. The Patriots have the stingiest 4th qtr defense in the NFL this year. This should have been the AFC championship game.

**I think both The Chargers and Saints are eventual Super Bowl contenders(It could even happen this year!!) as their young teams are only going to get better.:kickass:

More than any other sport, I love football. I mean, the Sabres are tearing it up in the NHL right now and I am barely watching. My team isn't even in the playoffs and I can't stop watching. The NFL is the best.
I just don't like overrated hype machines...That's really it! I have nothing against The Seahawks on a personal level.. But when sportswriters and T.V. personalities alike start painting rosie pictures of teams that you know suck yet some monkey's who believe everything they read and hear will start telling you how great a team like Seattle is with no first hand knowledge of football it just turns me loose on them...

I'll tell you someone else I can't stand but because he's been exposed you don't hear too much about him this year is Michael Vick.. Do you remember two years ago when The Falcons were the opening Sunday Night Game on ESPN and Maquire and Theismann talked about him like he was the 2nd coming of Joe Montana? And they just kept gushing on and on about the guy like they were ready to blow him!! What's he done?? Except get hurt in every season he's played in the NFL thus far!! Claiming he's Superman yet never playing a full season...Manning, Brady, Brees all better QB's than Vick...Hell if you want to add rushing QB's I'd take Garcia before Vick!! At least he can rush, take a big hit and continue playing. And I don't give a damn that the joker rushed for 1000 yds this year...Where are they watching the playoffs from?? You're not a winner until you win something and I wish ESPN and all the retarded blind Vick fans would apply that logic and stop looking so stupid!! He's a running back!! And Schaubs a QB. If Atlanta wants to win they might consider making that change.

Damn!! It felt good to vent!!! Thanks for the question Q :kickass: :headbang:

I agree that the Hawks are going to lose. I do have a question though. You really seem to hate the Seahawks. Like you have a real reason to. What is it?
Couldn't have said it better myself. Vick should be converted to a wide receiver. At this point in his career, he is beyond "project" status. He has a million dollar arm and a .10 cent mind.
Theisman is annoying. I respect his playing days but, as a commentator, he has terrible takes. If it were up to him, the QB would be throwing passes from a bubble where nobody could ever touch them.
As long as we are venting. . . I would love to punch Sean Salsbury in the throat. For a benchwarmer, he is pretty full of himself. The way he verbally attacks John Clayton bothers me. Whenever Clayton makes a valid point, Salsbury would call him a geek or ridicule him. Salsbury is just a bully. Although, I would rather listen to him than that idiot Michael Irvin. Every single time he opens his mouth, you can see Steve Young and Tom Jackson waiting, so they can catagorically tear apart everything he just said. Then Irvin just yells and interrupts.
You're right, that does feel good.
Hey T-man, I was talking to my husband about how you were saying that loyal Bears fans are jumping off the bandwagon, and he said it best. "Seeing as the Bears haven't won a playoff game in 12 years, we're not jumping off the bandwagon...we're citing precedence." :)