Obama buys dish network channel; People continue to starve

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold
The Obama channel

ChanNenel 73 on the Dish Network is now The Obama Channel.

Obama's media buying strategy has been marked by a willingness to work the angles, and to try to pick up a few votes at the margins. The decision to go to everything from extensive radio buys to odd-hour infomercials reflects the fact that the campaign media buyers spend a lot of time thinking about how much persuasion any given dollar can buy, and given a very cheap format -- late night cable channels that need filler, for instance -- will settle for a thimblefull of persuasion.

The satellite channel is the latest of these marginal gambits: Three readers from different parts of the country email that Channel 073-00 on the Dish Network is now labeled OBAMA. ("What is up with Sen. Obama having his own channel?" asks a St. Louis reader.) The channel plays his two-minute ad laying out his economic plan on a loop, over and over.

The only explanation: The media buyers think they can reach enough people per dollar to make it worth the odd buy.

The channel's appearance has provoked scorn and alarm on conservative blogs, though, and some discussion on a forum for Satellite TV aficionados, where one user writes that a Dish Network executive emailed to reassure the user that it "is paid advertising by the Obama campaign and is not an endorsement of Senator Obama by DISH Network" and will broadcast through November 4.

Dish Network spokesman Parker McConachie confirmed the forum account, and stressed that the channel is paid advertising, and not a corporate endorsement.

Wow, I guess if they think it will earn them votes it likely will, but I don't think it will make a big enough difference in the end. It sounds like a waste of time, especially considering the channel just plays a 2 minute commercial on loop.

I was thinking that Obama has won the election already no contest, but with all this publicity for McCain & ESPECIALLY Palin I've been thinking it's going to be a very close race. As much as I hate Palin for her stupidity, you gotta admit that she has a ton of supporters. Many people vote Republican no matter who the running canidates are, no doubt. There are a ton of dumb middle aged women voting for McCain just because his running mate is female. Fucking stupid, but that's the way our Country works. The fact that Palin is getting all this press is the best thing that ever happened to McCain.
I was watching OReilly last night and apparently she isn't stupid but she has a small frame of reference rofl. Bernard Goldberg totally facepalmed after an exerpt from her Couric interview
I'd hit it and then jizz on her face.


She is totally against abortions, even if it's rape or incest, but she doesn't support the morning after pill... What a stupid backtown hick hoe with pink lipstick. Only thing she's good for is fucking.
Wow, I guess if they think it will earn them votes it likely will, but I don't think it will make a big enough difference in the end. It sounds like a waste of time, especially considering the channel just plays a 2 minute commercial on loop.

I was thinking that Obama has won the election already no contest, but with all this publicity for McCain & ESPECIALLY Palin I've been thinking it's going to be a very close race. As much as I hate Palin for her stupidity, you gotta admit that she has a ton of supporters. Many people vote Republican no matter who the running canidates are, no doubt. There are a ton of dumb middle aged women voting for McCain just because his running mate is female. Fucking stupid, but that's the way our Country works. The fact that Palin is getting all this press is the best thing that ever happened to McCain.

Actually, the tides have been turning of late. Palin's newness is wearing off, and even the stupid people are beginning to say "man, she's fucking stupid." Recent polling data shows improvements in support for Obama pretty much across the board. I think Palin's effectiveness is just about up, but we'll see what happens after tonight's debate.
Palin might as well have balls and a dick between her legs since she pretty much stands for nothing pertaining to women. And even though people are starting to realize what an idiot she is, I'm sure there are still plenty of middle aged, doped up on pain killers soccer moms who will still vote for her because she's a woman. :rolleyes:
Actually, the tides have been turning of late. Palin's newness is wearing off, and even the stupid people are beginning to say "man, she's fucking stupid." Recent polling data shows improvements in support for Obama pretty much across the board. I think Palin's effectiveness is just about up, but we'll see what happens after tonight's debate.

I actually can't wait for tonight debate. I'm going to grab a quart, sit back, & enjoy the comedy on TV.

I couldn't catch all of the Presidential Debate, & I was kinda pissed because I didn't, but no way in hell am I going to miss this one. The debates are all I ever watch on TV pretaining to the election.
Palin might as well have balls and a dick between her legs since she pretty much stands for nothing pertaining to women. And even though people are starting to realize what an idiot she is, I'm sure there are still plenty of middle aged, doped up on pain killers soccer moms who will still vote for her because she's a woman. :rolleyes:

Kind of like the population of black people who are only going to be voting because Obama is black.
The difference being that blacks always heavily favor the Democratic candidate anyway, and that's obviously due to policy issues since we've never had a black candidate before. Whereas with Palin, it's almost entirely about her gender. So yeah, kind of, but not quite.
Mnay blacks are voting for Obama who have never voted before & who are only going to vote because the canidate is black, that's the difference. I don't think that many women are throwing huge parties in support of Palin/McCain, but blacks around here are getting crazy with the Obama support. Most blacks I speak to say they have never voted before, but now they are voting for Obama. I see Obama t-shirts everywhere the ghetto. Blacks are getting into the politics more than I have ever seen.

Dodens dude, Obama's race plays a WAY bigger role in this election that Palin's gender. I would put my house, car, & testicles on that statement.
The black vote has been well-entrenched within the Democratic party for many decades. On the other hand, is it really that surprising for such an oppressed minority to be thrilled over the fact that there is somebody who in some facet represents them and is actually a respectable candidate? Again, the fact of the matter is that there has never been a candidate more suited to the black vote in the history of the country, not simply because he's black, but also because of his policy issues. On the other hand, (contrary to what you believe, ShredHead) Palin receives rabid and often blind support from women regardless of whether or not they agree with her policy positions. I think it's clear that far more people support Palin solely because for her gender than who support Obama solely for his race. Concluding that because nearly all blacks are voting for Obama means that they are voting for him because of his race is false because, as I said, the black vote has always (in excess of 90%) gone for the Democrats for decades now. Palin had a disproportionate and uncharacteristic favor among white women, but that is beginning to subside now that she's being shown as the moron that she is.
She is totally against abortions, even if it's rape or incest, but she doesn't support the morning after pill... What a stupid backtown hick hoe with pink lipstick...

She is against abortion because she feels it is wrong. It would be somewhat hypocritical to be against it in some circumstances and for it in others. It's the whole "two wrongs don't make a right" argument. You can disagree with her, but why do you feel she needs to by a hypocrite?