off-topic..... football....

Bryant said:
I agree with you about that. TO took it to an extreme. I think Chad is actually a good guy though and is probably not a distraction to his team too much. TO is a freaking cancer. As much as The Raiders like the "misfits", I bet Al Davis wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole.
Changing the today's NFL Al Davis might have a hard time ever really getting back on top. With the somewhat equal distribution of talent in the NFL, playing as a unit and having trust in your teammates has become extremely important. Not to say highly skilled players and great coaching are unimportant, but finding players that fit well together under a scheme and on occasion finding a scheme that works well for the players on the team, so they can play well as a unit typically is more important than "superstars." Our NE fan, T-man will probably admit that Tom Brady isn't always the most exciting QB in the world to watch, though even I (who is frankly ready to see NE go down as they are the nemisis of The Steelers in the 200's so far) admit he is a top three QB in the league. What he does is rely on poise, efficiency, reading defenses and precision as opposed to flash. Tom trusts his linemen to protect him, his RB (and line) to provide him with enough of a running game to give him managable third downs and his receivers to be where they are supposed to be when he throws the ball. Tom also trusts the defense to give the offense a chance to win the game.

Yeah, that's basically what I've been saying...Tom Brady is FAR from the most exciting player in the NFL...But seeing all the guy does is win Super Bowls we here in N.E. will take it!! He doesn't feel the need to act like an ass everytime he does something well....And as far as Whispers comment of....
"Chad can still play for my team anytime. Hell, I'd love to see him lined up at WR opposite Joey Galloway" You musn't pay too much attention to how Jon Gruden does things...He doesn't tolerate retarded behaviour and big mouths (Waving goodbye to Sapp & Keyshawn should have made that point to you) And Keyshawn is a MUCH better receiver than cousin Chad!!! If he wasn't stuck with Drew Barrymore throwing ints and taking sacks in every game they play he'd excel...I'm pulling for The Steelers today and seriously hoping they make the final wildcard...because after the Pats win their 3rd Super Bowl in a row this year..I don't want to hear any lame ass excuses how they didn't have to play Pitt..etc... And as far as Whispers hero Chad Johnson and The Bengals go..They will lose their 1st round wildcard game they host..And I'll bet that with anyone...Any takers???

Good luck to everyones teams this week!!! (Especially The Pats, Steelers & K.C.)
TheWhisper said:
Yeah, but no one would pay $100 a seat to see you write code...
What are you Chad Johnsons P.R. guy or something???
The season ticket holders aren't paying to see him dance or act like an ass...
They're paying to see the Bengals win...And if that clown does a dance or something retarded during a win...Sure it's great to them...But ask those same people after the Bills game if it was more important to see him promoting himself while the team is losing instead of a win....I'll bet you we already know the anwser to that question....They're a first round elimination!!
watch and see.
Bears looked like shit today, glad they were mostly playing the scrubs....
We'll know in 2 weeks if they are for real or not. Bring the Bucs to a nice cold
outdoor home playoff game!!!

J-Dubya 777 said:
Bears looked like shit today, glad they were mostly playing the scrubs....
We'll know in 2 weeks if they are for real or not. Bring the Bucs to a nice cold
outdoor home playoff game!!!

The Bears are definetly for real!!!! Probable NFC Champs!!!
T_man357 said:
Awesome pics man!!! Jake Plummer, John Mobley...You we're hanging with THE MAN!!! That looks like a great time!!! If you don't mind post the dates for the Fan Fest next year when you know them...I might be due a trip to Denver..

Thanks! The Fan Fair is usually the first weekend in June. I'll definitely let you know.
Hey T-man, first lighten up on the attitude a little. I don't need you coming at me like I ran over your dog or something. I like Chad don't. Big F'N deal! I have an opinion, just the same as you, and don't need shit from you about it. As I said before, I just don't take all this stuff that seriously. I'd recommend the same for you.

You musn't pay too much attention to how Jon Gruden does things...He doesn't tolerate retarded behaviour and big mouths (Waving goodbye to Sapp & Keyshawn should have made that point to you) And Keyshawn is a MUCH better receiver than cousin Chad!!!
Keyshawn was a big distraction on the field and off. Never heard one thing about Chad being either. Sapp was up for a big contract - the Bucs were in cap trouble and didn't want to pay him that kinda money at this stage in his career. They had just upped Anthony McFarland to a huge deal and knew they could move him into Sapp's he is younger. I'm kinda thinking that Gruden would love to have another big play, deep threat receiver on his team. But, I'm sure you know more about the Bucs situation than me, who was born, and raised, in the Tampa area.

What are you Chad Johnsons P.R. guy or something???
The season ticket holders aren't paying to see him dance or act like an ass...
They're paying to see the Bengals win...And if that clown does a dance or something retarded during a win...Sure it's great to them...But ask those same people after the Bills game if it was more important to see him promoting himself while the team is losing instead of a win....I'll bet you we already know the anwser to that question....They're a first round elimination!!
watch and see.
The comment to Wheezer was make in jest. I guess the little winking smilie at the end of the sentence escaped you. It was a joke...again - lighten up. If Wheezer took my comment wrong and thought it was a slam on him...I appologize to him - wasn't my intent.

Dude, what is this hard on you have for Chad Johnson. I said I liked him - never said he was my hero. What the hell difference does it make in your life if a guy, playing for a team in another city, does a endzone celebration after a score? A lot of guys do endzone celebrations and this is the only gut you have a beef with? Why is it so personal for you? Oh, and Chad IS a better receiver than Keyshawn.

As for the Bengals being a first round elimination, unless your Bengals fans...who cares! I don't! The ONLY team I care about, in the least, is my hometown team - Tampa Bay! I certainly don't care about any AFC teams and don't really care about any other NFC teams. I'll watch the games and enjoy them.

Once again man...lighten up a little. It's football, not life and death.
TheWhisper said:
Yeah, but no one would pay $100 a seat to see you write code...;)

:lol: :lol: :lol: Do you know that for a fact? :loco:

TheWhisper said:
Terrell Owens running out and spiking the ball on the Dallas star at mid-field is one thing...guys having a little fun after a TD is entirely another, imo. Of course it takes everyone to put it all together, but Chad Johnson is a guy just having fun doing his job...and the fans love it, so no harm - no foul. I like to see people enjoying what they're doing. I just don't take the game all that seriously.

I'm all about having fun at games. I'm fine with them celebrating. They're getting too over-the-top with it now. Just my opinion. Marvin Harrison doesn't feel the need to over indulge in celebrations. He knows he's been there plenty and he knows he'll be back for more.
TheWhisper said:
Hey T-man, first lighten up on the attitude a little. I don't need you coming at me like I ran over your dog or something. I like Chad don't. Big F'N deal! I have an opinion, just the same as you, and don't need shit from you about it. As I said before, I just don't take all this stuff that seriously. I'd recommend the same for you.
1st things 1st...Don't cry Whisper...If you can't take a heated debate (Or Argument if you prefer though I'm not arguing) than don't post about it!!! I'm not trying to make you cry or anything I'm just adding to a topic...And I don't need to lighten up on this subject...believe me when I'm trying to insult you or hurt your feelings they'll be no question about it.... maybe you should toughen up a bit!!

TheWhisper said:
Keyshawn was a big distraction on the field and off. Never heard one thing about Chad being either. Sapp was up for a big contract - the Bucs were in cap trouble and didn't want to pay him that kinda money at this stage in his career. They had just upped Anthony McFarland to a huge deal and knew they could move him into Sapp's he is younger. I'm kinda thinking that Gruden would love to have another big play, deep threat receiver on his team. But, I'm sure you know more about the Bucs situation than me, who was born, and raised, in the Tampa area.
Sapps contract was a secondary issue..If you followed Gruden from the Oakland days (But seeing as you're a lifelong Tampa resident it probably has no meaning to you) Gruden doesn't take any nonsense...Jerry Porter made ONE comment to the press about burning a defense before a game and Gruden sat him until he left for the Bucs...And it wouldn't have mattered if Sapp was playing MVP style football Gruden doesn't stand for retards (How many big mouths play for him now??? You're a lifelong Tampa resident you should know the anwser to that) The fact that Booger came into his own just made it easier....And FYI Had Gruden played Keyshawn right there would've been no distraction (Parcells doesn't seem to be having any problems!!) I have a feeling Tampa resident or not I know more about that team than you (If not sorry!!) But seeing that I'm not just a Pats Fan (Though born and raised in N.E.) I'm actually a football fan..No wait a very passionate, very rabid, read everything possible, watch everything conceivable, celebrate the Super Bowl as my favorite holiday no matter who's playing in it football fan!!

TheWhisper said:
The comment to Wheezer was make in jest. I guess the little winking smilie at the end of the sentence escaped you. It was a joke...again - lighten up. If Wheezer took my comment wrong and thought it was a slam on him...I appologize to him - wasn't my intent.
The comment to Wheezer had nothing to do with me....I just saw an opportunity to add a little harrassment to you....You know it was just a jab!
(Again TOUGHEN UP!!! Don't be such a wuss!!)

TheWhisper said:
Dude, what is this hard on you have for Chad Johnson. I said I liked him - never said he was my hero. What the hell difference does it make in your life if a guy, playing for a team in another city, does a endzone celebration after a score? A lot of guys do endzone celebrations and this is the only gut you have a beef with? Why is it so personal for you? Oh, and Chad IS a better receiver than Keyshawn.
Wouldn't "Having a hard on" for him insuinate that I like him?? I'm sorry if I haven't been clear enough on the subject...But I don't like the overrated. showboating "Look at me, look at me!! I did my job and got into the endzone now watch me dance clown!! And that whole "Chads better than Keyshawn"
opinion of yours is a load of shit!! Sorry there Whisper but if you transplant the two Chad to Dallas and Keyshawn to Cincy...Cincy won't miss a beat whereas Parcells will be to busy babysitting to actually get any production out of Chad...And the whole "Chads not a distraction" theory...Everything doesn't make the news and the papers...But seeing that it's a situtation in Cincy and you're a lifelong Tampa resident you probably wouldn't know too much about it anyway...But the reason them losing to Pittsburgh has been said by me more than once has something to do with his "distraction" you'll probably have to watch or read well after the season (Maybe into summer) to see what I mean and I would recommend the NFL Network or NFL.Com...Not the Tampa Bay Tribune. And FYI all celebrations are in point Thr redskins struggle with the Eagles yesterday and When Portis finally gets in he does his retarded little act...Then when he goes off the field he got ripped by Gibbs for being an ass..So I'm not the only one who believes in winning above all else!!

TheWhisper said:
As for the Bengals being a first round elimination, unless your Bengals fans...who cares! I don't! The ONLY team I care about, in the least, is my hometown team - Tampa Bay! I certainly don't care about any AFC teams and don't really care about any other NFC teams. I'll watch the games and enjoy them.
The Bengals just suck!! They played a crazy easy schedule (I wouldn't expect you to know that...Being a lifelong Tampa resident and all) but they did...And I have no respect for false success and that's what's going to come to a head on Sat...I suppose I'll really bum you out now and tell you that Washingtons probably going to beat The Bucs on Sunday as well....Not trying to be mean with that's just an honest opinion The Skins match up with them very well...I think Simms is going to be on his back alot.

TheWhisper said:
Once again man...lighten up a little. It's football, not life and death.
So again kid...Don't cry or get emotionally disturbed or anything...I'm not trying to piss on your parade...But saying "It's Football" might mean nothing to you...But to some of us...It's the 2nd or 3rd most important thing out there!!
Dodens Grav said:
Calm the fuck down, T Man. You take football far too seriously. Especially for someone who's team was just taken down by the Dolphins and has the worst record in the AFC playoff picture. This is not a place to insert gratuitous jabs at fellow posters, this is supposed to be a mutual environment where everyone has the equal ability to share their opinions regardless of their legitimacy and not be belittled for it. This is not a playground to flex your muscles and show how much you think you know about football and about how "tough" your internet persona is. Clearly you're not very familiar with the accepted etiquette of this board. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it before you find your access restricted. Your obligation to your fellow posters is to be courteous and respectful, as we've tried to show to you before you got carried away.
HEY!!! What the hell are you talking about??
My teams 3rd string team got beat by The Dolphins 1st string team...and that's not even an important factor here (Just thought I'd throw it in..)

And dude your post is too ridiculous and random to critique piece by piece so
I'm going to just jump around a bit hopefully you won't mind..First off Who the hell are you?? That last post didn't have the name "Dodens Grav" anywhere in it...So minding your own business obviously isn't a concern of yours...So any offense you take is of no concern to me..

Second "Flex my muscles?? How tough my internet persona is???" again what the hell are you talking about?? I haven't threatened anyone or called anyone names or even really swore in any of my posts..So I'm pretty comfortable with my "Etiquette" (Where are we a tea party?!) As far as courteous and respectful I'm comfortable with my level of courtesy...And as far as finding my access restricted...Are you a MOD?? I'm seriously doubting it...But if so make it know..I'm posting ON TOPIC about football and attacking no one
(Except Chad Johnson..And I think that's O.K.) So look kid I tried being cool to you the last time you made a hint that i hurt your feelings...And this time I'm not going to bother...IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T READ IT!!!

If I bummed out or offended Whisper I'll straighten it out with him..It has nothing to do with you.
Dodens Grav said:
Belittling people by calling them "kid" and calling their "shit" opinions "wrong," along with several other lovely features scattered throughout your posts, would generally be enough, on this board, to have the moderator restrict your access. That's all I'm saying. You're acting like an ass because you take this stuff too seriously and you're pissing people off by behaving in such an arrogant manner. I'm just trying to help you tone down your condescending attitude before you find that you can't post here anymore.
Well Then bro (Hopefully not as offensive as kid...Which is just a figure of speech..But anyway) I appreciate your concern...Thank You. As far as my
"Condescending Attitude" that's a way of looking down on people right?? Dude I'm WAY TOO STUPID!!!! to be condescending or looking down on anyone!! But I know alot about football, I take it extremely seriously and I'm not going to try and hide it!! Why should I??? It's a football thread and I love football...As far as "Arrogant manner" and all the other lovely descriptives you used about me...I said before and this will be my final time saying it...It's all in how you read it..I've had more dialog in this post than just you and Whisper and so far you're the only one pissed off about it (We won't know about Whisper until he says so himself and like i said if he 's upset about my post it's between me and him) So again thanks for looking out for me..But I think i'm going to be alright...If not I'm sure I'll get a PM from the mod explaining the rules I've broken and to avoid doing so...So That should be that...Good luck to your Steelers on Sat...Though they don't really need luck as there a better team than The Bengals and will advance.
Whisper dude...I just re read the post I left for you and I definetly pushed a little too hard.....I would honestly hope that it wouldn't offend you but given the track record we have going here that's probably not the case...

So I apologize for the whole "You're a Tampa resident" post as I feel it crossed a line on you...No Disrespect meant..I just enjoy heated football dialog....And believe it or not I can take it just as well as I give it out...So please feel free to fire at will bro...I don't get offended.
Dodens Grav said:
Calm the fuck down, T Man. You take football far too seriously. Especially for someone who's team was just taken down by the Dolphins and has the worst record in the AFC playoff picture. This is not a place to insert gratuitous jabs at fellow posters, this is supposed to be a mutual environment where everyone has the equal ability to share their opinions regardless of their legitimacy and not be belittled for it. This is not a playground to flex your muscles and show how much you think you know about football and about how "tough" your internet persona is. Clearly you're not very familiar with the accepted etiquette of this board. I suggest you familiarize yourself with it before you find your access restricted. Your obligation to your fellow posters is to be courteous and respectful, as we've tried to show to you before you got carried away.

T Man, go back and read the rules, this is a civil internet forum, not an elementary school playground. Even if football is that important to you, that is no excuse for your belligerent posts.

EDIT: oh damn, nevermind, already under control, my bad :D
T_man357 said:
Whisper dude...I just re read the post I left for you and I definetly pushed a little too hard.....I would honestly hope that it wouldn't offend you but given the track record we have going here that's probably not the case...

So I apologize for the whole "You're a Tampa resident" post as I feel it crossed a line on you...No Disrespect meant..I just enjoy heated football dialog....And believe it or not I can take it just as well as I give it out...So please feel free to fire at will bro...I don't get offended.

Cool enough. Hopefully we can all return to civility. Let's all remember that we're on a music forum, not a football forum. We're way off topic with this thread and it's only through the generosity of Hawk that we're allowed to continue. Let's not abuse that generosity.
#1_Droogie said:

T Man, go back and read the rules, this is a civil internet forum, not an elementary school playground. Even if football is that important to you, that is no excuse for your belligerent posts.

Droog buddy, its cool. He apologized and there has been some communication from the T dude towards me. I know you mean well. But its all good now. I appreciate the effort though.. :p
Hawk said:
Droog buddy, its cool. He apologized and there has been some communication from the T dude towards me. I know you mean well. But its all good now. I appreciate the effort though.. :p
Yeah, I just realized that lol. Suppose I should read the next page of a thread before posting something....:blush:
sixxswine said:
Don't you guys think that Owens would make a perfect Raider?

Moss has stated that the lockerroom isn't big enough for the both of them. It would be interesting, to say the least.
Wheezer said:
Moss has stated that the lockerroom isn't big enough for the both of them. It would be interesting, to say the least.

That probably true, but would that stop "The Godfather?"
What about all the axes that flew in the last couple of days?
I thought Tice deserved to stay after all that happend this year.
I'd love to see him in Greenbay...
Wheezer said:
Moss has stated that the lockerroom isn't big enough for the both of them. It would be interesting, to say the least.
If The Raiders brought Owens into Oakland Moss would revert back to his classic "I only play when I want to" days..

From what I've been hearing there's a strong possibility of him landing in Denver (Probably on a one year deal) That's not to wish bad luck on your Broncos Wheezer...I like that team very much!! But that's one of the teams being mentioned besides Atlanta, And Dallas