
Do any of you get tired of living online? I don't mean to insult anyone, but in my own experience it's kind of tiresome coming home every day knowing I have the "obligation" of visiting facebook, ultimatemetal and some other pages. It's like it's a chore and I feel as if I'm left behind if I skip that part of a day...

I don't have facebook. I will never have one. :lol:

I come here once per day when I need a break at work (the reason why I don't come here at weekends :)). I can get some fresh information about Theocracy here. And sometimes I find something interesting which isn't directly about Theocracy.

This is the only forum which I visit this time. And I don't have the "obligation" to come here.

I used to visit some forums regularly. But I realized it's a waste of time. I was like a :zombie:. :lol:
Apropos of nothing, am I the only one here who takes an inordinate amount of pleasure in the poem "Jabberwocky" by Lewis Carrol? I feel that this thread is the appropriate place to mention it.
Just for the sake of replying; yes I understood the question, no I didn't read it, sorry to be of no use whatsoever :D
i get this feeling some times too, lol. To me (talking about facebook and forums) its just something that provides an easy way to take my mind off things when i just need a break from whatever i'm doing. like right now, i'm recording some music (which is a lot of work i might add) and i decided to take a quick break and see what people are talking about on here! I don't think you should feel obligated to get on facebook or anything, just log on when you feel like you have time to/need a break!

I like facebook because my friends moved all over the country after we left school, and I love keeping in touch with everyone and possibly go see them, etc. So I am usually on here trying to keep up with them. I'm also a night owl and need things to do while my bf is sleeping. hahaha
Wouldn't dare post my FB on here after what I've seen in other threads. lol

Hahaha! Well if it wasn't a debate thread I'd probably leave you alone. I've got plenty of Islamic friends, athiest friends, etc on my Facebook. One of them is like "FOR ALLAH!!!!" all the time. LOL ;)
Do they know you think they're morons? lol

No, I don't think they're morons. Hahaha! A lot of them I look up to for scientific data etc. I study Entomology. That's how I established these connections.

I just disagree with them on some stuff for good reasons.
Bwahahahaha!!!!! That rapture crap is lame... It says in The Bible we can't know the hour... when will people get this through their skulls? 0.o...