Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Blinded By Blood said:
Insects are cool if you don't have to be around them. Nothing worse than a spider crawling on you or a bee flying around your head
Thats exactly what I've said to byrne.

PS: Spiders are not insects.
Krigloch cuts yo' grass said:
you like bugs. and thats just wierd.
I like em as a kind of nature, they are interesting.
Even if to watch some simple ant - it would seem strange but its a fucking "smart" thing. Im not sure about brains in its head, prolly its just a nature, but still...

PS: Yea, first it was "gulls", then love to insects :lol:
I had to deal with these bastards for 5 months

I think insects are amazing, I'm currently reading the David Attenborough book 'Life in the Undergrowth', it's simply incredible what these things have evolved into, and for so many millions of years.

Locust swarms can number 50 BILLION insects.

Termites can dig wells 40 metres deep to find water.

It's incredible stuff. I wouldn't say I 'like' them, but they certainly deserve respect.
Insects are fascinating, and you're right Neurotica, ants are incredibly smart.. well, as far as insects go. Do you know of the Siafu ants of Africa? If not, look them up---- They're amazing!
Susperia said:
You people are ridiculous. Christ, compared to half the metalheads on this site, that girl was not terrible looking at all. She was making a weird pose in the first picture, in the second picture she looks fine. Almost like a pieta or something. Grow up plz.

I agree. G1 Susperia.

The Hubster said:
If SV is a guy, then why all the posts of being a girl then? And who is the girl in the photographs if its not her/him/confused/Culture Club/:D ?

So no answers to this then? Is SV a guy or a girl... why am I wondering: beause it seems everywhere SV posts he/she gets a lot of flack... why? It seems totally wierd to me that someone would go right out of their way to post pictures of some chick they know and post to be that person, unless SV *is* a girl.

This definitely does not look like a male to me.

And why doesnt SV say something about this?
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