Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Went and took some pictures of the old graveyard down the road from me.

That's my little pookie bear :oops:

My town is so \m/

There are a lot of other graveyards just like this... some even cooler in and around my town. I want to take pictures of more of them, if I ever find the time.
When I was about 7, my mom kept threatening to leave me somewhere if I didn't stop messing with my brother when we were driving. She pulled into a graveyard and made me get out and then drove away. She came back to get me after about one minute, but damnit did I hate her for that. I was scared shitless, hahaha.
I dont know if I posted these here already... I took these about 1-2 yrs back, at the local cemetary...


Guthrum said:
When I was about 7, my mom kept threatening to leave me somewhere if I didn't stop messing with my brother when we were driving. She pulled into a graveyard and made me get out and then drove away. She came back to get me after about one minute, but damnit did I hate her for that. I was scared shitless, hahaha.

I hate when parents do that. My mom threatened to many times, but as soon as she'd slow down everytime I'd start bawling and she wouldn't have the heart to make me get out. Hhahaha.

edit: By the way that was really mean of your mother. =\
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