Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Susperia said:

My last Sicily painting of this series of 6.
My website should be up really really soon, Decadent and I have been working on it for about a month. Poor boy. I paid him 2 whole dollars to make it for me. But don't go asking him to do shit for that amount of pay. THat was a one time special. He's actually worth much, much more than that. Probably like $5.

That is seriously awesome. I actually thought it was a photo when I was in mid-scroll. The vegetation and the sort of "mossy" looking stairs are really well done.
That painting is nice however I feel that it really lacks a strong focal point. Also the stone stair rail kinda divides the picture vertically and thus not as pleasing as it should be.

I am not art critic so take my critiques with a grain of salt.
Susperia said:

Okay. No this isnt' because i'm an attention whore. I'm lending Dodens $50 tonight and I want everyone here to be a witness to it. He says he will pay me back $55 dollars when he gets his next check. Is everyone clear on this? Does everyone understand? Okay, good. Let this be a testament to what a kind, loving, charityful woman you all are lucky to have me here.


You know, back in the olden days Jews were stoned in Europe for charging 10% interest on loans.

Shred on in heaven brothers! *sniff*
Spectacular Views said:

I said charityful on purpose, jackass.

edit: Thanks for everyone's opinions on my painting. The composition is an unOrthodox one, but I took the chance anyway. I'm really happy you guys like it! I'm having a show in September of my work done in/of Sicily along with my peers that went with me. So all my babies are currently at the art store being framed. Wish me luck!
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