Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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i would consider theatre to be a form that can be but isnt necessarily abstract but yeah i knew what you meant im just being a dick
Spectacular Views said:
giger is overrated imo, like dali it's the kind of stuff that appeals to people who know little about art because it's "weird" or "badass" or something but it just strikes me as cheesy

Quoted for fucking truth.
How is art about what many people would consider "ability" (as in, painting something easily recognizable as something the viewer has experienced or at leats has a point of reference to) at all? Do you have any idea about subjectivity if this isn't what you mean?
Susperia said:

Edit: It is about both, to say the least.

to me the method of creation isnt a necessary element to consider when assessing a can be relevant but it doesnt have to be
Susperia said:

Edit: It is about both, to say the least.

The effect is more important than the ability, much like one can be a technically talented musician and produce totally sterile pieces of music, an artist with nothing but skill in the techniques will produce worthless art.
the only thing the subjective viewer should be concerned with is the works direct affect on him/her

im interested in art, not artists
Ex Cally: That is true, that's why I said one needs BOTH!

If your concept is cool but it looks like shit because you have no ability, or don't care about ability, then I don't want to look at it.

edit: A good example of both concept and technical ability in one person is Odd Nerdrum. If any of you don't know him I'd suggest checking out his website at He's the greatest living painter, imo.

Susperia said:
If your concept is cool but it looks like shit because you have no ability, or don't care about ability, then I don't want to look at it.

nobody said anything about valuing concept and disregarding form, a work can have both and still have required little technical talent to create

i doubt much of the joan miró stuff i posted took a great deal of technical prowess to paint but i still think its beautiful

i mean, look at something like bathory's early works for a perfect analogy
Those Joan Miro paintings require more technical ability than you think. Not as much as say painting the human form... but it still requires an ability to see color, paint clean lines and to construct the forms in such a way that it is pleasing.
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