Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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~Neurotica said:
umm... Décadent reminds me some kind of ppl who are depicted on some old painters canvas of the Middle Ages times, or some images of angels on the church walls and ceiling, and canvas too.

PS: Dont take it like I meant something bad please.

Haha, I get this a lot, you'd be amazed. "Cherubistic" is indeed a pretty good description.
Décadent said:
Haha, I get this a lot, you'd be amazed. "Cherubistic" is indeed a pretty good description.

Oh :) Susperia should use your image as an ispiration to her next canva then :D
Sus, we've got a work for you =))
DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Me, being really drunk:

Grim and necro barbecue:

You look like a Metal version of Philip Seymour Hoffman:
Well boys and girls, it's about that time again. Blonde hair, pink hair, brown hair. What do you think I'll do next? Whoever guesses right wins a prize.

edit: Too bad Decadent lives in bloody Australia and probably won't want to fly here to pose for me =(.
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