Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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well, it's been another two months. Time for my bi-monthly av-change. Keeping the Hellhammer tradition alive. I'll be updating my sig graphic once I have time when this busy week is finished.
I am so fucking krieg...

...and tr00:lol:
Necuratul said:
What the fuck did you do, just switch them all around?

yes, but I enlarged a few more important ones and added a few new ones. Plus I made the whole graphic a little smaller because some people were complaining it was to big to fit their monitors.
Are digital cameras worth buying or just for people that are like 'LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME I'M ONLINE' or whores or people who sit around taking pictures of themselves yadda yadda. I have money now so was thinking about buying one for cheap(mainly to take pictures of cds for ebay).
I might have to go into a Bestbuy and look at some digital cameras. Forgive me for going trendy and selling out god.
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