King Richard
Hello there
Like you have any room to talk anyways. You are passing out porn links to people on a metal forum. You my friend, are a loser.
Well, regardless of what he said, Susperia has no room to talk. She talks shit about people all of the time. About how "stupid" everyone is when they disagree with her, and how everyone lacks character as well. Best rule of thumb is don't talk shit if you can't take it in return.
edit: Dave.. I don't even know what to say, other than that was really, really cruel of you, and I really feel like shit about myself now. I don't understand how people are able to say these things about others. I don't think I've ever put someone's looks/body down like that, in my life. Just because I'm not your type, you don't have to, or shouldn't, rip me apart for it. I really don't know what to say, other than I hope someday you will be ashamed of saying such mean things to someone who never really did anything to you. And if you knew me, you'd be ashamed for making a good person feel so horrible right now. Like most of you on here, I don't have the best self esteem out there. In fact, I used to not have much at all, I know I'm too skinny, I had an eating disorder and I've been gaining weight for the past year and i'm getting to a good weight, I will get there... i'm sorry I cant' say any more. That was really hurtful.
well put, cuntface :Smug:
edit: I take it back, it wasn't well put at all.
Like you have any room to talk anyways. You are passing out porn links to people on a metal forum. You my friend, are a loser.
Well, the main reason people are able to say things like that is because they put about .001 seconds of thought into it. I realize how offensive it sounded, but you're giving the offending person a hell of a lot of credit by taking them as seriously as this. If anything, you should be amazed at the level of immaturity in the comment. It was brainless, and completely lacking in any form of significance.
I don't know if that's any help - just trying to put things in perspective.
Well, the main reason people are able to say things like that is because they put about .001 seconds of thought into it. I realize how offensive it sounded, but you're giving the offending person a hell of a lot of credit by taking them as seriously as this. If anything, you should be amazed at the level of immaturity in the comment. It was brainless, and completely lacking in any form of significance.
I don't know if that's any help - just trying to put things in perspective.
It's just entertainment, nothing more nothing less (a form of entertainment that involves masturbation but still etertainment)
ya, I deleted it as soon as I possibly could
You know it.Some fucker would try to sue.
You could have bagged about 10 broads, assuming you aren't as big of a loser as Metal Wrath (pwned).
assuming you aren't as big of a loser as Metal Wrath.
Hey coolname, you up for finishing what we started?
I do feel kinda bad about having bloated the thread with long-winded political rants that most people seem uninterested in. Maybe there's somewhere else that would be better for this?
My whole point is that I believe, based on lots of historical precedent and current events, the American people are capable of overthrowing the government. Yeah, it would have to be almost universally popular for it to be strong enough to take on the entire U.S. military, who would have nothing to lose. (Like you said, Vietnam, while I still think it illustrates the point, was a different animal, since the military had the option of pulling out). Again, I don't think the technology matters very much. It's a question of will power.
Anyway, the very short version is this: It is so extremely unlikely that this would ever happen that it's almost not worth considering. However, I feel that it's very important that we possess the capability to do so.
In the end, what I imagine we're going to realize is that one of us simply puts more faith in the power of a militia than the other does. All the trappings of this scenario, and the various examples and crap that we keep citing, are just making it more difficult to get to this inevitable conclusion.