Yes, Nietzsche is a good springboard from which to dive into the nihlistic honeypot that is Winnie The Pooh's epic treatise. Even on his deathbed, his final words were "Oh bother."
I applaud you for using the phrase "nihilistic honeypot".
Yes, Nietzsche is a good springboard from which to dive into the nihlistic honeypot that is Winnie The Pooh's epic treatise. Even on his deathbed, his final words were "Oh bother."
I applaud you for using the phrase "nihilistic honeypot".
I applaud you for using the phrase "nihilistic honeypot".
Eh, I would be inclined to disagree with this. In regards to religion, I'd have to say the most ignorance comes from Muslims. You know, with that whole killing and refusing to share the world with those who do not believe as they do thing.
But yeah those guys who talked smack about your religion were probably douchenozzles.
Everyone should just keep their mouth shut when it comes to things like religion so that there would be no bullshit issues with it.
Fuck conservatives, fuck Christians, fuck Jews, fuck Pagans, fuck everyone ...
Everyone should just keep their mouth shut when it comes to things like religion so that there would be no bullshit issues with it.
hey now, I'm a Pagan. that being said, I DO kinda agree with you.
Ok, they never even met until they were teens. It is not like they grew up together being brother and sister. I honestly see nothing "gross" about this at all. The only reason this is seen as gross is because it is a social taboo. On that note, I do not feel the law has any right to tell two consenting adults that they cannot sleep together. The only law or restriction I can see being justified is a restriction on having children because of the medical issues.
Are you serious? I hope you aren't because that was one of the stupidest things I've ever read.
pretty much the most boring religious text ever