For those of you that remember Blackmetaltyrant, here is an email he sent to Arghoslent, that wound up in the hate mail section of their website:
"I just read the lyrics to flogging the cargo, those aren't intelligent lyrics. That is some fucked up shit. Why would some one need to write things like that. Gore lyrics, cool, Satanic lyrics, cool, Christian lyrics, cool, But when you write lyrics attacking an entire group of people, thats just wrong. I want to find where they play next if they do and bring some friends and beat the shit out of those mother fuckers. "fettered to failure by a flawed genome" that is bullshit racist propaganda. Who is anyone to say someone of another race are mongrels or have a "failed genome", who the fuck is a shitty band like Argayslent to say that and pass it off as right and they are smart for saying that. Fucking white people.”
”Im black, why would I listen to racist music for, why would I even listen to just the music if the lyrics were bashing my race. Im don't appreciate when people talk shit about my race, so I think all bands with racist lyrics suck, fuck them all. Why would you devote your time to making racist statements about a certain group of people. Maybe they are good musicians but they are shitheads and will never get anywhere. Fuck Arghoslent and bands like them, stop spreading racial hatred."