Following your latest posts about how you love to make out... err, I mean - work out with your tight-ass buddies - you suck more than people and animals on this board all together.ur cat sucks at life almost as much as you do
Following your latest posts about how you love to make out... err, I mean - work out with your tight-ass buddies - you suck more than people and animals on this board all together.
ur cat sucks at life almost as much as you do
wait I don't make out with my tight ass buddies... well not that often
(no homo)
wait I don't make out with my tight ass buddies... well not that often
(no homo)
Oh for God's sake stop making these lame ass tired fucking jokes. You're gay, dude, just admit it. I made jokes all the time before I came out, everyone does, so just take a step out of the closet and see what a fucking DUMBASS you're being.
how would I be gay when I have had sex with girls on several occasions? and loved every second of it?
Hey Necuratul, what the fuck is up with M-A? You talk to Morrigan so you must know.