Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Speaking of school related shit - I got my ACT score back today and I got a 26
I finally saw Slayer and Mastodon live the other night. It was so great that I'm still in somewhat speechless awe of just how metal it was. :kickass:
So I just woke up and heard on the radio that they're now saying the VT shooter was Asian. I'm not sure why that's relevant, but I can't help but be a bit surprised. I think I speak for most people when I say that I just assumed it was some crazy redneck.
^ Yeah I did too. It's all over the news here.

I just don't get the gun laws in your country. I know it's in your constitution and all, but that's not a good enough reason imo to have easy access to weapons. I just don't see the need for guns, we don't sure don't need to use them here. How many school shootings will there be before someone decides to ban semi-automatic weapons in your country guys? Americans should be lobbying hard to get this shit banned!
Americans ARE lobbying hard, but the conservatives are in power, including in the Supreme Court, and they interpret the Constitution, even though the second amendment is meant for militias and not for your Average Joe.
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