Official GMD Photo/Social Thread

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Oh well fuck that shit. Did he have any kind of message or anything or was it just the characters killing each other and fucking kids with no real reason and no message behind the work?

I read that his writings featured a lot of gore and profanity; he wrote something about a stepson and stepfather fighting with hammers, chainsaws, etc. As far as the "pedophelia" thing goes, he wrote one about some students who stalk and kill a teacher who sexually molested them.
You're completely wrong. If you would actually read them, you'd see that they weren't at all about pedophilia. In one, the kids talk about a teacher "ass-raping" them, but it's in a completely figurative sense. In the other, a kid falsely accuses his stepfather of molesting him in order to get his mom angry at the step-dad.

You can find the links at

The scope of the violence is also pretty exaggerated.

The thing I found appalling was how badly written they were.
You're completely wrong. If you would actually read them, you'd see that they weren't at all about pedophilia. In one, the kids talk about a teacher "ass-raping" them, but it's in a completely figurative sense. In the other, a kid falsely accuses his stepfather of molesting him in order to get his mom angry at the step-dad.

You can find the links at

The scope of the violence is also pretty exaggerated.

The thing I found appalling was how badly written they were.

Yea there was nothing alarming in the writing other than his apparent incompentance for writing anything interesting. He also names a story after a G'n'R song.
By our desensitized metal standards, the content is sort of tame, and the kind of thing we would not be taking seriously whatsoever--sort of like gory death metal lyrics.

It seemed like he was getting at sort of a dark sense of humor, except he failed in the humor aspect.
God damn that was the worst. I've read some really shitty plays in the past but that was pure and utter shit. No point, no plot, nothing other than a vague resemblance of a fucked up idea. The dialog was just SHIT. No one talks like that. Not no one not no how.

EDIT: My response to those shitty plays by the VT shooter.
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