I've hardly had time to read anything other than what's required for school. I just read about the publishing of a new Tolkien novel, however, so I'm excited to read that after this semester is over. Lately I've read:
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes, a highly eccentric tale in the early 20th century modernist vein (clearly, since this is for a 20th Century Fiction class...) about a Jew that wishes he wasn't a Jew and how everybody is in some form an outcast.
Maurice by E. M. Forster, a rather evocative novel about the complexities of living with and discovering homosexuality in a repressed time. This work was published long after it was written due to the fact that it would have been rejected at the time.
To The Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf, I honestly wasn't able to absorb with one because I put it off too long before I had to read it, so I read it in a day's time and must have missed the underlying current of the novel. I'm not a fan of Woolf anyway.
Selections from The Complete Works of Plato, namely The Republic, Laches, Meno, and a few others. I don't think I have to introduce this one...
Selections from A New Aristotle Reader, namely the Nicomachean Ethics and the Physics. Again, this should be sufficiently obvious...
Governance and Politics of China by Tony Saich, a very interesting look into the recent history of a country that is becoming increasingly important, from the ancient past the Mao Zedong's CCP rule through Hu Jintao.
Korea's Place in the Sun by Bruce Cumings, reads in a bit of a biased manner, nearly vitriolic against the US, but another extremely informative novel about a very important part of the world in recent times.
I think that's all that's worth mentioning from the last month's worth of reading...